From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Prelims level: Active and Passive Equity Funds
Mains level: NA
Central Idea
- Mutual fund investors are currently favouring active equity funds over passive funds, according to a recent study.
Active vs. Passive Equity Funds
Active Equity Funds
Passive Equity Funds
(Index Funds/ETFs) |
Investment Strategy |
Actively managed by fund managers |
Passively track a specific benchmark index |
Research and Analysis |
In-depth research and analysis to select individual stocks |
No active stock selection or market timing; follow benchmark index composition |
Portfolio Turnover |
Higher turnover; frequent buying and selling of stocks |
Lower turnover; minimal changes to match index composition |
Fees and Expenses |
Higher management fees and expense ratios |
Lower management fees and expense ratios |
Performance |
Performance varies widely; aims to outperform the benchmark |
Seeks to match benchmark index performance |
Diversification |
Diversification depends on the fund’s holdings and strategy |
Offers broad diversification based on benchmark index |
Tax Implications |
Potential capital gains tax from frequent trading |
Generally lower capital gains tax due to lower turnover |
Suitability |
Suited for investors seeking potential alpha (outperformance) |
Suited for cost-conscious investors seeking index-like returns |
Active Management Risk |
Subject to fund manager’s stock-picking skills and market timing |
Minimal active management risk; returns closely track the index |
Investor Involvement |
Less hands-on; rely on fund manager’s decisions |
Passive investing; no need for frequent monitoring |
Examples |
Mutual funds with active management |
Index mutual funds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) |
Common Benchmarks in India |
Sensex, Nifty 50, BSE 100, etc. |
Sensex, Nifty 50, Nifty Next 50, etc. |
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From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Prelims level: 2+2 Dialogues Format
Mains level: Read the attached story

Central Idea
- Indian Defence Minister and External Affairs Minister recently hosted their US counterparts for the fifth annual 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in New Delhi.
Understanding 2+2 Dialogues
- Purpose: 2+2 dialogues involve the participation of high-level representatives, typically the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence, from two nations. This format aims to expand the scope of dialogue and collaboration between these countries.
- Rationale: Such dialogues enable comprehensive discussions on strategic concerns, mutual sensitivities, and political factors. They facilitate a deeper understanding of each other’s geopolitical perspectives and contribute to the development of stronger, more integrated strategic relationships in an ever-changing global environment.
India’s 2+2 Partners
- United States: The United States is India’s foremost and oldest partner in the 2+2 format. The inaugural 2+2 dialogue took place in September 2018 during the Trump Administration.
- Australia: India engages in 2+2 meetings with Australia, further enhancing bilateral security and defence cooperation.
- Japan: The 2+2 talks with Japan commenced in 2019, with the objective of bolstering strategic depth in security and defence cooperation.
- United Kingdom: In October 2023, India initiated its first 2+2 dialogue with the United Kingdom, signifying the growing importance of this partnership.
- Russia: India and Russia also engage in 2+2 dialogues, fostering a mutually beneficial understanding on various regional and international issues.
Significance of 2+2 Dialogues
- Defence and Strategic Agreements: These dialogues have led to significant bilateral agreements and partnerships. India and the United States, for instance, have signed Troika Pacts like:
- Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA)
- Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA)
- Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) for deep military cooperation.
- Addressing Regional Concerns: In the face of common regional concerns, such as China’s increasing assertiveness, 2+2 dialogues have become vital mechanisms for India and its partners to align their strategic interests. This includes cooperation within the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) forum with Japan, Australia, and the United States.
- Expanding Traditional Alliances: India also values its 2+2 dialogues with Russia, acknowledging shared worldviews and goals in promoting a multipolar world order.
- India’s participation in 2+2 Ministerial Dialogues with key global partners underscores its commitment to fostering robust and multifaceted strategic relationships.
- These dialogues are pivotal in addressing regional and global challenges, strengthening military cooperation, and promoting shared interests in a dynamic world order.
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From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Prelims level: Forest Conservation Amendment Act, 2023
Mains level: NA
Central Idea
- The Forest Conservation Amendment Act of 2023 has emerged with limited public discourse, raising concerns about its ramifications for forests and indigenous communities.
- While aimed at addressing climate change and deforestation, the law’s provisions have sparked debates over forest utilization, economic gain, and the rights of forest dwellers, particularly indigenous communities.
Forest Conservation Amendment Act, 2023: Key Provisions
- Focus Areas: The amendment emphasizes climate change mitigation and effective forest management, while also promoting afforestation.
- Jurisdiction Changes: The law restricts its applicability to areas categorized under the 1927 Forest Act and those designated as such after October 25, 1980.
- Exemptions: Forests converted for non-forest use after December 12, 1996, and those within 100 kilometers of the China-Pakistan border for potential linear projects are exempt.
- Security Measures: The central government gains authority to construct security infrastructure in areas up to ten hectares, even extending to vulnerable zones of up to five hectares.
- Economic Initiatives: Initiatives like ecotourism, safari, and environmental entertainment may be implemented to enhance forest-dependent livelihoods.
Motivation behind the Amendment
- Godavarman Thirumulkpad Case: A landmark legal case in 1996 influenced the interpretation of forest land and led to the inclusion of private forests under the 1980 law.
- Industrial Progress: Opposition to the law stemmed from concerns about hindering industrial growth and private landowners’ interests.
- Debate and Controversy: The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill prompted extensive discussions but was passed with limited opposition, raising concerns among indigenous communities and human rights activists.
Prior Consent and Indigenous Rights
- Amendments in 2016 and 2017: These stipulated mandatory prior consent from tribal grama sabha for non-forest alterations, a provision now removed.
- State-Level Engagement: State governments may involve grama sabhas in decisions related to land acquisition but might be cautious due to perceived hindrance to economic initiatives.
- Impact on Forest Rights Act (FRA): FRA implementation has faced challenges, with governments preferring to limit forest areas rather than amend the Act to address Adivasi claims.
Compensatory Afforestation Concerns
- Ambiguities: Past issues with the Compensatory Afforestation Act have arisen from ambiguities and land shortages.
- Environmental Implications: The new amendment mandates afforestation elsewhere for every parcel of land lost, but lacks specifications, leaving room for discretion.
Forest Governance and Federal Norms
- Afforestation vs. Forest Governance: Financial incentives for afforestation projects clash with forest governance principles, and concurrent list governance practices contradict federal norms.
- Security and Environmental Concerns: While internal environmental security is crucial, it often takes a backseat to external security threats, impacting States prone to natural disasters.
- The Forest Conservation Amendment Act of 2023 raises complex issues related to forest governance, indigenous rights, and environmental security.
- While aimed at addressing critical challenges, its implementation and impact on forest communities warrant careful consideration and debate to ensure a balanced approach to conservation and development.
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From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Prelims level: Euclid Mission, Perseus cluster, Horseshoe Nebula
Mains level: NA

Central Idea
- European astronomers have unveiled the first images captured by the newly launched Euclid space telescope.
- These groundbreaking images offer a glimpse into Euclid’s extraordinary capabilities, demonstrating its capacity to observe billions of galaxies situated up to 10 billion light years away.
What is Euclid Mission?
- Euclid’s mission, led by the European Space Agency (ESA) in partnership with NASA, aims to unravel the enigmatic forces of dark matter and dark energy, which together constitute 95% of the universe.
- The Euclid Space Telescope is equipped with a 1.2-meter primary mirror, allowing it to capture detailed observations of galaxies.
- It carries two main scientific instruments: the visible-wavelength camera (VIS) and the near-infrared camera and spectrometer (NISP).
- By mapping the distribution and evolution of galaxies, Euclid aims to shed light on the fundamental forces shaping the cosmos.
(1) Mission Scope and Duration
- Euclid is a space-based mission, equipped with a sophisticated telescope and state-of-the-art scientific instruments.
- The mission is expected to have a nominal operational lifetime of 6 years, during which it will conduct an extensive survey of the sky.
(2) Launch and Spacecraft
- Euclid was launched on July 1, 2023, from Cape Canaveral in Florida using a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
- The spacecraft carries the Euclid Space Telescope, which is designed to observe galaxies across a wide range of wavelengths.
(3) Investigating Dark Energy and Dark Matter
- Dark energy, discovered in 1998, explains the unexpected acceleration of the universe’s expansion.
- Euclid’s mission aims to provide a more precise measurement of this acceleration, potentially uncovering variations throughout cosmic history.
- Dark matter, inferred through the gravitational effects it exerts on galaxies and clusters, plays a vital role in preserving their integrity.
Remarkable Images taken by Euclid

- Sharper and Clearer: These images are touted as the sharpest of their kind, showcasing Euclid’s precision and ability to capture intricate cosmic details.
- Perseus cluster: Euclid’s observations span four regions within our relatively nearby universe, including the massive Perseus cluster, which is located just 240 million light-years away and contains over 1,000 galaxies.
- Horseshoe Nebula: Euclid provided a unique perspective on celestial wonders like the Horsehead Nebula, a region where new stars are born.
- Dark Matter’s Clues: Scientists believe that organized structures like the Perseus cluster could only have formed if dark matter exists. Dark matter is inferred from its gravitational influence on galaxies, including their rotation and the formation of massive cosmic structures.
Unraveling the Dark Universe
- 5% Visible, 95% Dark: The mission emphasizes that our understanding of the universe is limited to merely 5%—the matter we can see. The rest of the universe remains “dark” because it does not emit electromagnetic radiation, but its effects on visible matter are evident.
- Dark Matter’s Role: Dark matter is suspected to influence galaxies’ rotation, galaxy clusters’ cohesion, and the formation of cosmic structures, further validating its existence.
- Dark Energy’s Mystery: Dark energy, an even more enigmatic force, was proposed in the 1990s when the universe’s accelerated expansion was discovered. This mysterious energy was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2011.
Mission Ahead
- Creating a 3D Map: Following its initial commissioning and overcoming technical challenges, Euclid will construct a 3D map covering approximately one-third of the sky. This map will reveal subtle variations attributable to the dark universe.
- Cosmic Web Exploration: By gaining insights into dark energy and dark matter, scientists aim to understand the formation and distribution of galaxies within the cosmic web, a network of cosmic structures that make up the universe.
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From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Mains level: counter-terrorism strategy

Central idea
The article explores India’s strategic decision-making in response to terrorism, highlighting the delicate nature of counter-terrorism efforts, the economic consequences of potential military actions, and the significance of thoughtful strategies in shaping international relations. It emphasizes the importance of strategic wisdom over impulsive actions, showcasing India’s nuanced approach to navigating complex geopolitical challenges.
Thomas Friedman’s Praise:
- Columnist’s Perspective: Thomas Friedman commends former PM Manmohan Singh for exercising notable restraint in a recent column.
- Outrage on Social Media: The article triggers heated debates on social platforms, with users expressing strong opinions on India’s past actions.
- Criticizing Past Inaction: Some perceive India’s historical restraint, post-Mumbai attacks, as an act of cowardice, sparking passionate discussions.
Understanding the Context:
- Social Media Dynamics: Vibrant discussions on the Israel-Hamas conflict unfold on social media platforms, reflecting global interest.
- Traumatic Memory: India’s emotional connection to the conflict emerges from the haunting memories of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
- Opinion Amplification: Thomas Friedman’s praise triggers intense reactions, amplifying opinions on India’s historical decisions.
- National Pride: The ongoing discourse is influenced by national pride, especially in the context of India’s military actions, like the Balakot airstrikes.
Navigating Counter-Terrorism Challenges:
- Delicate Counter-Terrorism: The article underscores the need for nuanced counter-terrorism strategies, cautioning against impulsive actions.
- Hypothetical Scenario: Imagining India’s response post-26/11 prompts consideration of potential nuclear risks and their implications.
- Global Economic Impact: The hypothetical bombing scenario in Pakistan during a global financial crisis raises concerns about broader economic consequences.
- War Consequences: Evaluating the economic aftermath if Pakistan faced aggressive military action underscores the potential disastrous outcomes.
Strategic Thinking and Framing Issues:
- Strategic Counter-Terrorism: Emphasizing the importance of well-thought-out counter-terrorism strategies for effective outcomes.
- International Response: Crafting responses to terrorism globally requires strategic thinking aligned with prevailing economic conditions.
- Alignment with ‘War on Terror’: The consequences of aligning with the global ‘war on terror’ shape international relations and diplomatic considerations.
- Responses Based on Global Conditions: Shaping actions based on economic circumstances highlights the strategic importance of thoughtful decision-making.
Data, Facts, and Economic Consequences:
- Market Crash: The impact of the global financial crisis on India’s stock market and the potential economic fallout from a war.
- Increased U.S. Aid: Rise in U.S. military aid to Pakistan during the ‘war on terror’ and its effects on geopolitical dynamics.
- Pakistan’s Economic Fallout: Examining Pakistan’s economic decline post-2008-09, indicating repercussions of global narratives.
- Investment Decline: The substantial drop in Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan and its significant implications for the nation’s economy.
Emphasizing Key Phrases:
- Delicate Counter-Terrorism Actions: Stressing the importance of sensitive responses in counter-terrorism efforts, emphasizing caution and precision.
- Strategic International Response: Highlighting the significance of thoughtful and planned approaches on the global stage for impactful outcomes.
- Strength in Deliberation: Recognizing the power and effectiveness in well-thought-out actions and decisions for lasting impacts.
Analysis and International Relations:
- Narrative Shift: Changing perceptions of Pakistan as America’s most dangerous ally and the consequential shifts in global narratives.
- Praise for Responsibility: Recognition of India as a responsible nuclear power with global consequences, influencing diplomatic relations.
- Operationalizing Agreements: Timing of the India-U.S. Civil Nuclear agreement and its significance in shaping geopolitical dynamics.
- Economic Consequences: Analyzing the impact on Pakistan’s economic fortunes and India’s sustained growth in the long term.
The Way Forward:
- Importance of Strategy: Emphasizing the critical role of a thoughtful counter-terrorism strategy for effectively addressing future challenges.
- Diplomacy in Action: Acknowledging the instrumental role of diplomatic responses in shaping international outcomes and fostering stability.
- Air Strikes Significance: Recognizing the strategic significance of well-executed airstrikes as a crucial element in diplomatic and military strategies.
- Avoiding ‘Boots on the Ground’: Underlining the strategic approach of avoiding ground invasions, emphasizing the importance of wit and strategic maneuvering in conflict resolution.
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From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Prelims level: Prediabetes
Mains level: Holistic Diabetes Management

Central idea
The article highlights the importance of using precise terms like “remission” rather than “reversal” in discussing diabetes. It introduces the ABCDE criteria for potential remission, emphasizing factors like A1c, BMI, and duration. The author advocates a disciplined approach (ABCD: A1c, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Discipline) for a healthy life, addressing India’s substantial diabetes challenges.
Key Highlights:
- Redefining ‘Reversal’: Dr. V. Mohan demystifies the trend of claiming ‘diabetes reversal,’ emphasizing the more accurate term ‘remission.’
- Remission: Temporary relief or improvement from diabetes without a permanent cure.
- ABCDE Criteria for Remission: Identification of crucial factors—A1c, BMI, C-Peptide, Duration, and Enthusiasm—that influence the likelihood of remission in type 2 diabetes.
- A1c: Glycated hemoglobin, a measure of average blood sugar levels over the past three months.
- BMI: Body Mass Index, a measure indicating body fat based on weight and height.
- C-Peptide: A marker for insulin secretion, indicating the body’s ability to produce insulin.
- Duration: Period of time since the onset of diabetes.
- Enthusiasm: Eagerness and commitment towards achieving remission.
- Legacy Effect: Recognizing the enduring benefits of achieving even short-term remission in diabetes and its role in preventing complications.
- Legacy Effect: Long-lasting positive impact resulting from past actions or conditions.
- Lifestyle Discipline: Advocating a disciplined lifestyle, with A1c below 7%, controlled blood pressure, and cholesterol as key components for a healthy life with diabetes.
- Deceptive Claims: Cautioning against misleading claims by commercial entities promoting diabetes reversal.
- Individual Variations: Highlighting the diverse likelihoods of achieving remission among individuals with type 2 diabetes.
- Post-Remission Severity: Noting the common occurrence of increased diabetes severity upon its recurrence post-remission.
- Post-Remission Severity: Worsening of diabetes conditions after a period of temporary relief.
- Long-term Remission Challenges: Acknowledging the difficulty for a majority in achieving and sustaining long-term remission.
Key Phrases:
- ABCDE Benchmark: Proposing the ABCDE criteria as a pivotal benchmark for assessing the potential for remission in type 2 diabetes.
- Short-Term Remission Benefits: Underlining the lasting benefits, both physical and preventive, derived from short-term diabetes remission.
- Disciplined Lifestyle Advocacy: Advocating for a disciplined lifestyle encompassing A1c control, blood pressure regulation, and cholesterol management.
- Remission Duration Impact: Recognizing that even temporary remission contributes significantly to safeguarding against diabetes-related complications.
- Holistic Diabetes Management: Dr. Mohan stresses the importance of holistic diabetes management that extends beyond the pursuit of remission.
- Holistic Management: Comprehensive and integrated approach addressing various aspects of diabetes care.
- Remission Realities: Acknowledging the challenge for many individuals to achieve and sustain long-term remission in type 2 diabetes.
- Guidelines Adherence: Reinforcing the significance of adhering to ABCD guidelines for a healthy life despite diabetes.
- Balancing Expectations: Encouraging a balanced perspective on diabetes management, considering the varied responses to remission efforts.
Key Data:
- Diabetes Landscape: A snapshot of diabetes prevalence in India, with 101 million people diagnosed and 136 million in the prediabetes stage.
- Diabetes Prevalence: The proportion of the population affected by diabetes.
- Prediabetes Management: Recognizing the potential for delaying the onset of diabetes through lifestyle modifications in individuals with prediabetes.
- Prediabetes: A condition preceding diabetes, indicating higher-than-normal blood sugar levels.
Key Facts:
- Complications Risk: Highlighting the risks of sub-optimal diabetes control, contributing to severe complications.
- Expert Insight Impact: Dr. Mohan’s insights, drawn from extensive experience, underscore the potential for a healthy life despite diabetes.
- National Health Objective: Reinforcing the national health objective of achieving a ‘diabetes complications-free India.
Way Forward:
- World Diabetes Day Pledge: Urging a renewed commitment on World Diabetes Day to prevent diabetes complications and promote overall well-being.
- Dream of Complications-Free India: Aspiring toward realizing a ‘diabetes complications-free India’ by navigating existing challenges with determination and awareness.
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From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :
Prelims level: Key data
Mains level: Delimitation concept

Central idea
The article discusses the inadequate representation of citizens by Members of Parliament in India, highlighting challenges of malapportionment and proposing solutions such as delimitation, state reorganization, and local governance empowerment. It emphasizes the need for a more representative and efficient electoral system to strengthen India’s democracy.
What is Malapportionment?
- Malapportionment refers to the unequal distribution of representation or political power among different constituencies or districts within a legislative body.
- It occurs when the number of representatives assigned to a particular area is not proportionate to its population or voting strength.
Key Highlights:
- Representation Disparity: The article highlights the disproportionate representation of citizens by Members of Parliament (MPs) in India, compared to the U.S. and other countries.
- Malapportionment Concerns: Malapportionment, favoring certain states, is discussed as a potential issue in India’s political system.
- Delimitation Challenge: The potential consequences of delimitation, freezing the number of Lok Sabha seats until 2031, are examined, considering the changing demographics of states.
- Federalism Promotion: The need for promoting federalism in India’s electoral system is emphasized to give states better representation and a platform to voice their interests.
- Electoral System Reform: Suggestions for electoral system reforms include reconsidering the Rajya Sabha’s representation method and exploring proportional representation for more equitable outcomes.
- State Reorganization Proposal: Proposes the idea of creating more states in India, addressing concerns about governance efficiency and democratic accountability.
- Representation Deficit: India faces a deficit in adequate representation at various levels of governance, impacting the ability to address critical issues and make effective laws.
- Malapportionment Risks: The political system in India is at risk of malapportionment, especially with the growing political culture differences between the south, northeast, and the rest of India.
- Consequences of Delimitation: Delimitation, while necessary, might lead to biases favoring certain regions and political outfits over others.
Key data from article for mains value addition
- An average Indian Member of Parliament (MP) represents approximately 2.5 million citizens.
- In contrast, a U.S. House of Representatives member represents around 700,000 citizens.
- India has around 4,126 Members of the Legislative Assembly.
- Proposed increase in parliamentary seats to at least 848 to avoid any state losing seats during delimitation.
- Potential rise in seats for certain states, e.g., Karnataka by 11%, and for northern states like Uttar Pradesh by 63%.
- Suggests the potential creation of more states, moving from 29 to 50 or even 75 states.
- Calls for a New State Reorganization Commission to evaluate the viability of new states.
- The 2021 Census, delayed and likely to be conducted in 2024, with results potentially published by 2026, provides a window for delimitation.
Key Phrases for improving your mains score:
- Malapportionment in the U.S. Senate.
- Disproportionate allocation of power.
- Consequences of unleashing delimitation.
- Historical form of delimitation.
- Fiscal impact of delimitation on future transfers to States.
- Promotion of federalism.
- Electoral system reforms.
- Proportional representation consideration.
- Representation Deficit Impact: Limited representation in India’s democratic setup is identified as a default preference, impacting the effectiveness of governance.
- Malapportionment Dynamics: India’s heterogeneous political system raises concerns about the potential bias in favor of certain political outfits due to malapportionment.
- Delimitation Challenges: Delimitation is seen as a potential solution but must be approached cautiously to minimize deleterious consequences.
Way Forward:
- Increase in Parliamentary Seats: Proposes a significant increase in the number of seats in Parliament to enhance democratic representation ratios.
- Consideration Beyond Population: Delimitation should consider factors like geographical determinism, economic productivity, linguistic history, and fairness, not solely based on population.
- State Reorganization Commission: Suggests the creation of a new State Reorganization Commission to evaluate the socio-economic and administrative viability of potential new states.
- Empowerment of Local Governance: Advocates for direct elections of mayors in urban areas with enhanced decision-making powers, promoting efficiency and accountability.
- Focus on Local Democratic Representation: Enhancing local democratic representation is seen as a crucial step to strengthen India’s democracy.
In essence, the article emphasizes the need for a more representative and efficient electoral system in India, advocating for reforms in delimitation, federalism promotion, state reorganization, and empowerment of local governance.
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