August 2024

Global Geological And Climatic Events

Shiveluch Volcano


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Shiveluch Volcano

Why in the News?

The Shiveluch Volcano in Russia erupted following a 7.0 magnitude earthquake off the country’s eastern coast.

About Shiveluch Volcano

  • Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
  • Approximately 56°39′N 161°21′E
  • Stratovolcano (Composite Volcano)
  • Approximately 3,283 meters (10,771 feet)
Geological Features Large actively growing lava dome, andesitic to dacitic lava
Eruption History Frequent eruptions; significant activity in 2005, 2010, and ongoing in 2023-2024
Hazards Ash plumes, pyroclastic flows, lahars
Kamchatka Peninsula
  • Lies in far eastern Russia, between the Sea of Okhotsk on the west and the Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea on the east.
  • One of the world’s most concentrated areas of geothermal activity, with about 30 active volcanoes.
  • Approximately 1,200 km long and 480 km across at its widest.
  • Climate: Severe, with prolonged, cold, and snowy winters and wet, cool summers.
  • Regional Capital: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
  • Kuril Island chain runs from the southern tip of the peninsula to near Japan’s northern Hokkaido Island.

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Health Sector – UHC, National Health Policy, Family Planning, Health Insurance, etc.

WHO investigating new Polio strain in Meghalaya


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Polio and its eradication

Why in the News?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is investigating a suspected new strain of polio in a two-year-old child from Tikrikilla, Meghalaya.

What is Vaccine-Derived Polio?

  • The Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) contains a weakened form of the poliovirus that activates an immune response in the body.
  • The vaccine-virus is excreted after vaccination and can circulate in the environment.
  • In rare cases, if the population is under-immunized, the excreted virus can mutate over time and revert to a form capable of causing paralysis.
  • This mutated virus is known as circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV).

About Polio:

Nature of Disease Crippling and potentially deadly viral infectious disease affecting the nervous system.
Types of Poliovirus WPV1 (Wild Poliovirus type 1)
WPV2 (Wild Poliovirus type 2, eradicated globally)
WPV3 (Wild Poliovirus type 3, eradicated globally)
Current Status WPV1 remains in circulation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Transmission Primarily through the faecal-oral route or contaminated water/food.
Affected Population Largely affects children under 5 years of age.
Impact Virus multiplies in the intestine, may invade the nervous system, causing paralysis.
Prevention No Cure: Preventable through immunization.
OPV: Oral Polio Vaccine given at birth, with doses at 6, 10, 14 weeks, and a booster at 16-24 months.
IPV: Injectable Polio Vaccine given with the 3rd dose of DPT under UIP.
India’s Status
  • Pulse Polio Immunization Initiative (1995)
  • Declared polio-free by WHO in 2014, with the last wild poliovirus case reported in 2011.



[2016] ‘Mission Indradhanush’ launched by the Government of India pertains to:

(a) immunization of children and pregnant women

(b) construction of smart cities across the country

(c) India’s own search for the Earth-like planets in outer space

(d) New Educational Policy

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-SAARC Nations

India-Malaysia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Mains level: Importance of Malaysia for India;

Why in the News?

India and Malaysia have elevated their relationship to a ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ following talks between Prime Ministers Modi and Ibrahim, aiming to overcome past tensions.

What is a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP)?

  • The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) represents a deepened level of engagement between two nations, encompassing a broad spectrum of areas such as political, economic, cultural, and security cooperation.
  • This partnership reflects a commitment to working closely across these domains to achieve mutual goals.

Upgradation of ties between India and Malaysia:

  • The recent upgrade includes agreements and MoUs in workers’ mobility, digital technology, culture, tourism, sports, and education.
  • India has also agreed to support Malaysia’s bid to join the BRICS grouping, which the Malaysian Prime Minister has been advocating for.
  • The leaders discussed new areas of cooperation, including semiconductors, fintech, defence industry, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum technologies.
  • A special allocation of 200,000 metric tonnes of white rice was granted by India to Malaysia in response to Malaysia’s request, reflecting India’s role in Malaysia’s food security.

Bilateral Friction between India and Malaysia:

  • Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): During the Kuala Lumpur Summit in December 2019, Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad criticized India’s CAA, which provides a pathway to citizenship for non-Muslim refugees from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
  • Reorganisation of Jammu and Kashmir: Mahathir Mohamad also voiced strong criticism regarding India’s reorganization of Jammu and Kashmir, particularly after the revocation of its special status in August 2019.
  • Extradition of Zakir Naik: India’s repeated requests for the extradition of Zakir Naik, wanted on charges of hate speech and money laundering, have been denied by Malaysia, citing insufficient evidence.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic: During the pandemic, hundreds of Malaysians were detained in India due to the lockdown, further adding to tensions.

Way forward: 

  • Enhance Diplomatic Engagement: Continue regular high-level dialogues to resolve sensitive issues and foster mutual trust, focusing on joint working groups for contentious matters like extradition and human rights.
  • Expand Strategic and Economic Collaboration: Prioritize joint ventures and research in emerging sectors such as fintech, AI, and quantum technologies to strengthen economic ties and minimize political friction.

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Labour, Jobs and Employment – Harmonization of labour laws, gender gap, unemployment, etc.

A ground plan for sustainable mass employment 


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Mains level: Challenges due to Low wages and short-term skill programs;

Why in the News?

The ambitious ₹2 lakh crore employment package aims to create 4.1 crore jobs, but evidence shows low wages and short-term skill programs hinder long-term sustainability.

Low wages and short-term skill programs hinder long-term sustainability:

  • Low Wages Lead to Economic Insecurity: Low wages create economic insecurity for workers, making it difficult for them to meet basic needs. For instance, in the garment industry, there is a 48.5% gap between minimum wages and living wages in major garment-producing countries.
  • Short-Term Skill Programs Fail to Enhance Employability: Many short-term skill programs do not provide the depth of training needed for long-term employability. In India, for example, 75% of technical graduates and 90% of other graduates are considered unemployable, primarily due to a lack of practical skills and experience that employers seek.
  • Stagnation of Workforce Productivity: When workers are paid low wages, there is little incentive for them to enhance their skills or productivity. This stagnation is detrimental to both individual career growth and overall economic development.
  • Lack of Investment in Long-Term Skill Development: Low wages often correlate with limited investment in employee training and development.This is evident in the fact that only 15% of those trained under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) found jobs, indicating that short-term training initiatives are not effectively translating into sustainable employment outcomes.
  • Perpetuation of Poverty and Inequality: The combination of low wages and inadequate skill development contributes to the perpetuation of poverty and inequality. With 42% of the global workforce in vulnerable employment.

12-point policy initiatives for sustainable mass employment:

  • Identify the skill need: Begin from below through decentralized community action to identify skilling needs. Create a register of those wanting employment/self-employment and a plan for every youth in partnership with professionals at the cluster level.
  • Initiative at the local level: Converge initiatives for education, health, skills, nutrition, livelihoods, and employment at the local government level with women’s collectives to ensure community accountability and effective outcomes.
  • Vocational programmes: Introduce need-based vocational courses/certificate programmes alongside undergraduate programmes in every college to improve employability.
  • Healthcare at international benchmark: Standardize nursing and allied health-care professional courses according to international benchmarks to meet the demand for skilled professionals.
  • Women security: Create community cadres of caregivers to run crèches universally so that women can work without fear.
  • Invest in skill development: Invest in ITIs, and polytechnics as hubs in skill development for feeder schools with a focus on States/districts with the least institutional structure for vocational education.
  • Startup skills in high school: Introduce enterprise and start-up skills through professionals in high schools to impart finishing skills to students.
  • Apprenticeship program in Industry: Have a co-sharing model of apprenticeships (combine practical training in a job with study) with the industry on scale to ensure the industry has a stake in the apprenticeship program.
  • Absorption of youth at the workplace: Apprenticeships on the scale can facilitate the absorption of youth in the workplace, with the government’s condition for employer subsidies being wages of dignity on successful completion of the apprenticeship.
  • Capital oan for women: Streamline working capital loans for women-led enterprises/first-generation enterprises to enable them to go to scale.
  • Skill accreditation programme: Start a universal skill accreditation programme for skill-providing institutions, with candidates co-sponsored by the state and employers.
  • Majority of fund in water scares block: Use 70% funds under MGNREGA in 2,500 water-scarce blocks and blocks with high deprivation, with a thrust on the poorest 20 families and a focus on skills for higher productivity.

Way forward: 

  • Strengthen Industry-Academia Linkages: Enhance collaboration between educational institutions, industry, and vocational training centers to align curricula with industry needs, ensuring employability through internships, apprenticeships, and job placements.
  • Focus on Inclusive Skill Development: Prioritize investment in underdeveloped regions and marginalized groups by expanding access to quality education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship opportunities, especially for women and youth, to bridge the skill gap and promote economic inclusion.

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Innovations in Biotechnology and Medical Sciences

Can blood tests for cancer save more lives? 


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Status of Cancer in India;

Mains level: Limitation of Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) Test;

Why in the News?

A multi-cancer early detection test can identify circulating tumour DNA or circulating tumour cells at an early stage, allowing for more effective treatment.

Status of Cancer:

  • Cancer’s Impact in India: Cancer accounts for 18% of deaths from noncommunicable diseases in India, making it the second leading cause of mortality. In 2022, there were approximately 1.46 million new cancer cases, with projections indicating a 12% increase by 2025.
  • Common Cancers as per GLOBOCAN: Among women, the most prevalent cancers are breast, cervical, ovarian, and colorectal.
    • For men, lung, esophageal, colorectal, and stomach cancers are the most common.
  • Survival Rates and Detection: Late detection of cancer significantly reduces survival rates and increases treatment costs. In contrast, early detection through screening improves treatment outcomes and quality of life. 
    • Countries are aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 3 to enhance early cancer detection.
  • Limited screening: As per NHFS, screening is limited in India which is primarily to cervical, breast, and oral cancers, with only 0.2-2% of the population having undergone any form of screening.

What is a Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) Test?

  • A multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test is a new type of blood test that can screen for multiple types of cancer simultaneously. These tests look for cancer signals, such as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs), released by cancerous cells into the bloodstream at early stages.

Role of Blood-based tests in the detection of cancer:

  • Early Detection of Multiple Cancer Types: Blood tests, particularly multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tests, can identify cancer signals from over 50 different types of cancer, including those that currently lack effective screening methods.
    • For example, a recent study demonstrated that a new blood test could detect 93% of stage 1 cancers in men and 84% in women by analyzing protein biomarkers.
  • Non-Invasive and Accessible Screening: Blood tests are non-invasive and can be performed with a simple blood draw, making them more accessible compared to traditional screening methods like colonoscopies or imaging tests. This ease of use encourages more individuals to participate in screening.

Limitation of blood test in the detection of Cancer:

  • Lack of Proven Mortality Benefit: It is still unclear whether detecting cancers earlier with MCED tests will actually reduce cancer deaths. More research is needed to determine if earlier treatment based on MCED results improves outcomes compared to waiting for symptoms to develop.
  • Regulatory Challenges: MCED tests are not yet approved by regulatory bodies like the U.S. FDA or India’s CDSCO because of not undergone rigorous premarket review to prove they benefit patients.
  • False Positives: One significant risk is false positive results, where the test indicates cancer when none is present. When multiple tests are used for screening, the false positive rate can be as high as 50%.

Way forward:

  • Strengthening Screening Infrastructure and Research: India should invest in expanding its cancer screening infrastructure, ensuring that more types of cancer are included beyond cervical, breast, and oral cancers.
  • Public Awareness and Regulatory Preparedness: Increasing public awareness about the importance of early cancer detection is crucial. At the same time, regulatory bodies like CDSCO should establish clear guidelines and frameworks for the evaluation, approval, and monitoring of MCED tests.

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International Space Agencies – Missions and Discoveries

Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) Mission


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: JUICE Mission

Why in the News?

European scientists are preparing to execute a first-of-its-kind ‘Double Slingshot’ orbital maneuver to guide the JUICE probe towards Jupiter using a double slingshot technique.

About JUICE Mission:

  • By European Space Agency (ESA) on April 14, 2023, Ariane 5 rocket
  • To study Jupiter’s Moons
Aim Investigating the potential for life on Jupiter’s moons and understanding the Jovian system
Mission Duration
  • Approximately 12 years
  • Expected arrival at Jupiter in July 2031
Primary Objectives
  • Ganymede Exploration: Study its surface, subsurface, magnetic field, and potential subsurface ocean to assess habitability.
  • Europa Exploration: Investigate the surface, subsurface, and potential ocean beneath the ice; analyze interactions with Jupiter’s magnetosphere to assess its potential to support life.
  • Callisto Exploration: Study its surface, geological diversity, and possible subsurface ocean; understand its history of impacts and tectonic activity.
  • Jupiter System Exploration: Analyze Jupiter’s atmosphere, magnetosphere, and their interactions with the moons; study the dynamics of the magnetosphere and its influence on the surrounding environment.
Key Instruments
  • JANUS: Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator (Optical Camera)
  • RIME: Radar for Icy Moons Exploration
  • J-MAG: JUICE Magnetometer
  • MAJIS: Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer
  • First interplanetary spacecraft to the outer Solar System planets not launched by the United States
  • First mission set to orbit a moon other than Earth’s Moon

What is the Double Slingshot Maneuver?

  • The JUICE probe will first use the moon’s gravity to set itself on the correct trajectory towards Earth.
  • Immediately after, it will use Earth’s gravity to slow down and redirect towards Venus and, eventually, Jupiter.

Significance of the Gravity Assist

  • This technique, used for decades in space exploration, involves using a planet or moon’s gravity to alter the speed or direction of a spacecraft.
  • It is unique as it involves back-to-back gravity assists using both the moon and Earth’s gravity, which has never been attempted before.


[2020] The experiment will employ a trio of spacecraft flying in formation in the shape of an equilateral triangle that has sides one million kilometres long, with lasers shining between the craft.” The experiment in question refers to

(a) Voyager-2

(b) New Horizons

(c) LISA Pathfinder

(d) Evolved LISA

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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

[pib] Schedule IV of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Schedule IV of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972

Why in the News?

  • Many individuals, organizations, and zoos in India currently possess living specimens of exotic animal species listed under Schedule IV of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
    • These exotic species must be reported and registered as mandated by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in the PARIVESH 2.0 Portal.

Legal Framework for Reporting of Animals in Possession

  • The Living Animal Species (Reporting and Registration) Rules, 2024, were notified under Section 49 M of the Wild Life (Protection) Act via a Gazette Notification on February 28, 2024.
  • Who Must Register: Any person or entity in possession of a living specimen of species listed in Schedule IV of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
    • Failure to report and register these species within the stipulated time frame may result in penal actions.

About Schedule IV of the WPA

Protection Level Provides legal protection to species, prohibiting their hunting, capture, or trade. Protection is less stringent compared to Schedules I & II.
Offenses and Penalties Violations can lead to fines and imprisonment, but penalties are generally less severe than those for species in higher schedules.
New Amendment (2022) The Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022, inserted a new Schedule IV for specimens listed in the CITES Appendices.
Examples of Species Flamingos, Hares, Falcons, Kingfishers, Magpie, and Horseshoe Crabs.
Purpose Ensures legal protection to prevent exploitation and population decline of species that are not critically endangered but still need protection.
General Protection Role Plays an important role in broader conservation efforts, offering safeguards to a wider range of species in India.



[2020] If a particular plant species is placed under Schedule VI of The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, what is the implication?

(a) A licence in required to cultivate that plant.

(b) Such a plant cannot be cultivated under any circumstances.

(c) It is a Genetically Modified crop plant.

(d) Such a plant is invasive and harmful to the ecosystem.

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Innovation Ecosystem in India

What is Quantum Non-Locality?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Quantum Non-Locality

Why in the News?

A recent study published in Physical Review Letters by Indian researchers has revealed that a universal standard for measuring quantum non-locality is impossible.

What is Quantum Nonlocality?

  • Quantum Nonlocality is a mysterious connection between distant objects that challenges the classical idea of local realism, where no faster-than-light communication is allowed.
  • It’s crucial for technologies like secure communication, random number generation, and cryptographic key creation.
  • Easy Explanation:
    • Imagine two particles that are created together and then move far apart, even to opposite ends of the universe.
    • In classical physics, any effect on one particle would need a signal to travel to the other, taking time.
    • But in quantum physics, Quantum Nonlocality means these particles are instantly connected, affecting each other no matter the distance, as if linked by an invisible thread that works faster than light.

Historical Background: Bell’s Theorem (1964)

  • Physicist John Stewart Bell introduced a theorem that challenged the classical idea of ‘local realism’ in quantum systems.
    • Local Realism: In classical physics, objects are believed to have definite properties independent of observation and are only influenced by their immediate surroundings.
    • Quantum Challenge: Bell demonstrated that in quantum systems with multiple, distant parts, correlations appear that cannot be explained by local realism.
  • Bell’s theorem was confirmed through experiments, leading to the recognition of quantum nonlocality, which was honored with the 2022 Physics Nobel Prize.

Recent Research and Findings

  • The research demonstrates that a universal standard for measuring and comparing quantum nonlocality is impossible.
    • It shows that the nature of nonlocality varies based on the type of correlation, with infinite unique points on the correlation boundary.
    • There is no single, universal resource in the realm of quantum nonlocality; instead, each nonlocal resource is unique, capable of performing specific tasks that others cannot.
  • This observation plays a key role in secure communication, random number certification, and cryptographic key generation.


[2022] Which one of the following is the context in which the term “qubit” is mentioned?

(a) Cloud Services

(b) Quantum Computing

(c) Visible Light Communication Technologies

(d) Wireless Communication Technologies

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Innovations in Biotechnology and Medical Sciences

What is the Hayflick Limit?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Hayflick Limit

Why in the News?

Leonard Hayflick, the renowned biomedical researcher who made a discovery about the limits of cell division in somatic cells (Hayflick Limit) has passed away at 98.

What is the Hayflick Limit?

  • In the early 1960s, Hayflick discovered that somatic (non-reproductive) cells have a finite number of divisions, typically between 40-60 times.
  • This phenomenon, the ‘Hayflick limit’ suggests that aging occurs because cells eventually stop dividing.
    • This leads to the accumulation of senescent cells that contribute to the aging process.
  • The “ultimate Hayflick limit” for humans is estimated to be around 125 years.
  • Beyond this, no amount of lifestyle changes or medical interventions can extend the human lifespan.
  • Hayflick’s discovery has been applied to cells from various animals, revealing different Hayflick limits based on species’ lifespans.
  • Ex. Galapagos turtles, have cells that can divide approximately 110 times, whereas laboratory mice have a much lower limit of around 15 divisions.

Broader Implications and Research

  • Hayflick’s discovery led to the discovery of telomeres in the 1970s.
    • Telomeres are protective DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes, which shorten with each cell division.
  • When telomeres reach a critical length, cell division stops, which correlates with the Hayflick limit.
  • In the 1980s, scientists discovered telomerase, a protein capable of replenishing telomeres, which is naturally active in cancer cells, allowing them to bypass the Hayflick limit.


[2011] Regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended in the diet since they are a good source of antioxidants. How do antioxidants help a person maintain health and promote longevity?

(a) They activate the enzymes necessary for vitamin synthesis in the body and help prevent vitamin deficiency

(b) They prevent excessive oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body and help avoid unnecessary wastage of energy

(c) They neutralize the free radicals produced in the body during metabolism

(d) They activate certain genes in the cells of the body and help delay the ageing process

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Global Geological And Climatic Events

What is a Waterspout?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Waterspout

Why in the News?

A yacht sank off the coast of Sicily, Italy after being hit by a Waterspout.

What are Waterspouts?

  • A waterspout is a rotating column of air and mist over a water body.
  • It is a weaker relative of tornadoes and typically lasts for about five minutes, although it can occasionally last up to 10 minutes.
  • Size and Strength:
    • Average diameter: Around 165 feet.
    • Wind speeds: Can reach up to 100 km/hr.
  • Waterspouts are more common in tropical waters but can form anywhere with high humidity and relatively warm water temperatures compared to the overlying air.

Types of Waterspouts:

  • Tornadic Waterspouts
      • These are actual tornadoes that either form over water or move from land to water.
  • They are associated with severe thunderstorms and can be accompanied by high winds, large hail, and dangerous lightning.
  • Fair-Weather Waterspouts:
    • These are more common and form only over water during fair weather.
    • They are generally smaller and less dangerous than tornadic waterspouts.


[2020] Consider the following statements:

1. Jet streams occur in the Northern Hemisphere only.

2. Only some cyclones develop an eye.

3. The temperature inside the eye of a cyclone is nearly 10ºC lesser than that of the surroundings.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 2 only

(d) 1 and 3 only

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Economic Indicators and Various Reports On It- GDP, FD, EODB, WIR etc

The path to Viksit Bharat runs through fields  


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Viksit Bharat@2047;

Mains level: Economic and Military challenges for India;

Why in the News?

India’s 78th Independence Day is a time to reflect on our significant successes and setbacks. We should learn from both to make quicker progress towards the Prime Minister’s vision of a Viksit Bharat@2047 by 2047.

Key Aspects of Viksit Bharat@2047

  • Economic Growth: The vision aims to elevate India to the status of the world’s third-largest economy and strive for a $30 trillion economy by 2047.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Viksit Bharat aims to preserve biodiversity and mitigate climate change impacts through restoration and conservation efforts.
  • Social Progress: The initiative seeks to build an inclusive society that respects cultural diversity and ensures the dignity and well-being of all citizens.
  • Good Governance: Effective governance is a cornerstone of the Viksit Bharat vision, focusing on accountability, transparency, and sound policies that are responsive to the needs of the people.
  • Youth Engagement: Recognizing the potential of India’s youth, the government has launched initiatives like the “Voice of Youth” portal to encourage young people to contribute ideas for achieving the goals of Viksit Bharat.

Economic Challenges

  • Weak Domestic Demand: Stagnant or declining demand for goods and services due to low-income growth, high inflation, unemployment, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • High Unemployment: Despite rapid growth, unemployment remains a serious issue, worsened by the pandemic. The unemployment rate in India rose to 8.1 per cent in April 2024 from 7.4 per cent in March 2024, according to CMIE’s Consumer Pyramids Household Survey. 
  • Poor Infrastructure: India lacks adequate infrastructure like roads, railways, ports, power, water and sanitation, hampering economic development. The infrastructure gap is estimated at around $1.5 trillion.
  • Balance of Payments Deterioration: India runs a persistent current account deficit, with imports exceeding exports. Exports and imports decreased by 6.59% and 3.63% respectively in 2022.
  • High Private Debt Levels: India has witnessed a significant rise in debt levels in recent years.
    • According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the total non-financial sector debt reached 167% of GDP in March 2020, up from 151% in March 2016. 
    • Household debt in India rose to 40.10% of GDP in the fourth quarter of 2023, up from 39% in the previous quarter. 

Military Challenges

  • Securing Borders: Despite conflicts with Pakistan and China, India has reasonably managed border security. However, the rapid rise of China poses economic and military challenges.
  • China’s Growing Influence: Almost all of India’s neighbours are moving closer to China, necessitating better policy and diplomacy to secure India’s interests and ensure regional stability.
  • Military Modernization and Resource Allocation: India’s dependence on foreign arms imports, despite efforts to promote self-reliance through initiatives like “Make in India,” highlights the need for a robust domestic defense industry.
    • The country has been the largest arms importer from 2018 to 2022, indicating ongoing challenges in achieving military self-sufficiency

Suggestive measures: (Way forward)

  • Agricultural Reforms: Investment in agricultural research and development, irrigation, and land-lease markets is vital. Building value chains for perishables can enhance food security and adapt to climate challenges.
  • Nutritional Security: Transitioning from mere food security to nutritional security is crucial, addressing issues like child malnutrition, which affects 35% of children under five.
  • Support for Farmers: Implementing subsidies for pulses and other sustainable crops can encourage healthier diets and environmental benefits. The government should provide financial incentives to farmers to shift from water-intensive crops to pulses.
  • Infrastructure Development: Continued investment in infrastructure, including transportation and digital connectivity, is essential for economic growth and improving citizens’ quality of life.
  • Education and Skill Development: Reforms in education to prioritize skill development and innovation are necessary to prepare the workforce for emerging industries and ensure inclusive growth.
  • Healthcare Initiatives: Expanding access to affordable healthcare services nationwide is critical for enhancing public health and productivity.

Mains PYQ:

Q Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the defence sector is now set to be liberalized: What influence this is expected to have on Indian defence and economy in the short and long run? (UPSC IAS/2016)

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Poverty Eradication – Definition, Debates, etc.

The tyranny of inequality  


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Mains level: Issues Associated with measuring income inequality;

Why in the News?

A recent study by Thomas Piketty and colleagues highlights a dramatic rise in wealth and income inequality in India over the past few decades, with a sharp increase particularly from 2014 to 2022.

The analysis from ” Gallup World Poll (GWP) Survey (2019-23)” for India  

Note: The GWP measures corruption through individual perceptions, asking respondents whether they believe corruption is widespread.
  • Income Inequality: The survey data indicates a significant rise in income inequality, with the top 1% controlling over 40% of total wealth in India, a stark increase from 12.5% in 1980.
    • The top 1% of income earners now receive 22.6% of the country’s total pre-tax income, up from 7.3% in 1980.
  • Rent-Seeking Behavior: The persistence of rent-seeking behavior among wealthy investors, which diverts resources from productive uses to securing unwarranted gains from government entities.
  • Judicial Trust and Corruption: Trust in the judiciary can play a significant role in curbing corruption. Higher trust correlates with lower perceived corruption levels.
  • Mutual Fund vs Fixed deposits: Speculative investments, such as mutual funds, largely drive income inequality, while savings in fixed deposits and post offices help curb it.
  • Inequality promotes corruption: The study finds that higher income inequality causes widespread corruption, while greater confidence in the judiciary helps reduce it.

What is our present methodology for counting inequality?

  • Piketty’s Measure: Thomas Piketty’s measure compares the income share of the top 1% to that of the bottom 50%. This highlights the growing disparity in income distribution effectively.
  • Consumption vs Income Inequality: Inequality is traditionally measured using consumption expenditure surveys by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). However, consumption inequality tends to be lower than income inequality.
  • Use of Multiple Data Sources: Researchers often combine data from various sources, including national accounts, tax data, and recent surveys like the Periodic Labour Force Surveys (PLFS) and Consumer Pyramid Household Survey (CPHS).
  • Gini Index and Other Metrics: The Gini index is frequently used to quantify inequality, but it has limitations, being less sensitive to changes at the income distribution extremes.

Issues Associated with measuring income inequality:

  • Data quality and availability: There has been a noted decline in the reliability of household surveys since 2011-12, making it difficult to obtain accurate and comparable data. For example, The 55th NSS round showed a dramatic decline in poverty estimates, which many experts deemed misleading due to the survey’s methodological flaws.
  • Underreporting of wealth: Surveys may underreport wealthier households’ consumption, leading to inaccurate inequality assessments. For example, the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) 2022-23 reported a significant drop in rural and urban poverty levels. However, critics argue that these figures may not accurately reflect the reality of wealthier households
  • Comparability with other countries: India’s reliance on consumption data rather than income data can result in mischaracterization as a low-inequality country in international comparisons.
  • Focus on labor income: Some reports focus only on labor income, ignoring other income sources and skewing the understanding of overall inequality. For example, studies have shown that the income share of the top 10% in India has grown significantly, while labour income alone does not reflect this concentration adequately
  • Complexity of income dynamics: Accurately assessing inequality is challenging due to the influence of economic policies, globalization, and market forces. For instance, Researchers have noted that the absence of comprehensive tax data beyond 2017-18 adds uncertainty to the analysis of income inequality trends

Way forward: 

  • Improve Data Collection and Methodologies: There is an urgent need to enhance the quality and reliability of household surveys and other data sources.
  • Broadening Income Metrics Beyond Labor Income: To better capture the full spectrum of income inequality, it’s essential to include non-labor income sources, such as capital gains, property income, and speculative investments.

Mains PYQ:

Q It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objective of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement. (UPSC IAS/2019)

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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Yaks from China stray into eastern Ladakh


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Himalayan Yaks

Why in the News?

Around 40 Chinese yaks ventured into Indian Territory in the “Demchok” area of eastern Ladakh and are currently under the control of the local villagers.

Grazing land issue at LAC:

  • Nomads from both sides traditionally access grazing grounds across the LAC.
  • Indian nomads have been stopped by Chinese soldiers when crossing to the Chinese side.
  • Demchok nomads lost access to Lungkar Valley in 2022 and Nilung Valley in 2017.
  • Loss of these areas has negatively impacted the livelihoods of border residents.
  • China expanded its presence on the Indian side of Charding nala (adjacent to Demchok) since 2020 stand-off.

About Himalayan Yaks in India:

Species Belongs to the Bovini tribe, including bison, buffaloes, and cattle.
Adaptation Can tolerate extreme cold, down to -40°C; adapted for high altitudes with long, insulating hair.
Cultural Significance Valued by Himalayan peoples;

Linked to Tibetan Buddhism legend of Rinpoche.

Raising Method Traditionally reared under a transhumance system; involves significant hardship.
Habitat Endemic to the Tibetan Plateau and high-altitude regions.
Altitude Preference Thrives above 14,000 feet; typically climbs to 20,000 feet and rarely descends below 12,000 feet.
Yak-Rearing States in India Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir.
Population Decline 2019 census: 58,000 yaks in India, a 25% drop from 2012; decline due to low remuneration and market.
Significance Provides crucial nutritional and livelihood security for pastoral nomads in high-altitude regions.
Threats Climate change causing heat stress; inbreeding due to closed borders limiting genetic diversity.
Protection Status* – IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
– CITES: Appendix I
– Indian Wildlife Act: Schedule I
Food Status* Approved as a ‘food animal’ by the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI).



[2016] What is/are unique about ‘Kharai camel’, a breed found in India?

1. It is capable of swimming up to three kilometres in seawater.

2. It survives by grazing on mangroves.

3. It lives in the wild and cannot be domesticated.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

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Modern Indian History-Events and Personalities

[pib] Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur

Why in the News?

The Prime Minister has paid homage to the great Maharaja of Tripura Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur on his birth anniversary.

Who was Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur?

Reign 1923 – 1947
Birth August 19, 1908
Contributions to Tripura – Modernized Tripura with infrastructure and educational reforms.
– Planned and designed the city of Agartala, earning the title “Architect of Modern Tripura.”-He took initiatives to explore tea cultivation and established several tea estates in Tripura.
Education and Infrastructure – Established schools, colleges, and hospitals.
– He was instrumental in establishing the first airport in Tripura, the Maharaja Bir Bikram Airport, which greatly improved connectivity and facilitated economic growth
Social Reforms Introduced land reforms, granted land rights to indigenous people, and worked to abolish untouchability.

Maharaja Bir Bikram was a patron of the arts and culture, supporting various cultural activities and institutions.

Military Role Supported the British during World War II.
Legacy Died on May 17, 1947

Remembered as a visionary ruler who played a crucial role in shaping modern Tripura.


[2022] The political and administrative reorganization of states and territories has been a continuous ongoing process since the mid-nineteenth century. Discuss with examples. (250 words, 15 marks)

[2007] Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the formation of the following states as full states of the Indian Union?

(a) Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Haryana

(b) Nagaland , Haryana, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh

(c) Sikkim, Haryana, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh

(d) Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Haryana

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Forest Conservation Efforts – NFP, Western Ghats, etc.

Banni Grasslands of Kachchh


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Banni Grasslands of Kachchh

Why in the News?

A study conducted by researchers at Kachchh University assessed the suitability of different areas in Banni for sustainable grassland restoration, with ecological value being the primary criterion.

Restoration of Banni Grasslands: Highlights of the Study

Recent Study:

  • Objective: A study conducted by researchers at KSKV Kachchh University assessed the suitability of different areas in Banni for sustainable grassland restoration, with ecological value being the primary criterion.
  • Need for restoration: Originally covering about 3,800 sq. km, the Banni grasslands have shrunk to about 2,600 sq. km.
  • Categories of Restoration Zones: The researchers divided the grassland into five categories based on restoration suitability:
    • Highly Suitable: 937 sq. km (36%)
    • Suitable: 728 sq. km (28%)
    • Moderately Suitable: 714 sq. km (27%)
    • Marginally Suitable: 182 sq. km (7%)
    • Not Suitable: 61 sq. km (2%)
  • Restoration Potential: The “highly suitable” and “suitable” zones, making up nearly two-thirds of the Banni grasslands, can be restored easily by providing adequate water sources.

About Banni Grasslands:

  • The Banni Grassland is a salt-tolerant ecosystem located in the Kutch district of Gujarat, covering around 3,847 square km.
  • It is said to be Asia’s largest grassland (TOI).
  • The climate is arid and semi-arid, with extremely hot summers (temperatures above 45°C) and mild winters (12°C to 25°C), receiving 300-400 mm of annual rainfall mainly during the monsoon.
  • It is inhabited by pastoral communities like the Maldharis, who rely on livestock grazing (cattle, buffalo, and sheep) for their livelihood.
  • Agriculture is limited due to arid conditions, with some areas used for salt production.
  • Flora: Grasses such as Dichanthium, Sporobolus, and Cenchrus species, with salt-tolerant plants, shrubs, and trees like Acacia and the invasive Prosopis juliflora.
  • Fauna: Indian wolf, hyena, chinkara, Great Indian Bustard, flamingos, and various raptors, reptiles, and invertebrates.


[2021] The vegetation of Savannah consists of grassland with scattered small trees, but extensive areas have no trees. The forest development in such areas is generally kept in check by one or more or a combination of some conditions. Which of the following are such conditions?​

1. Burrowing animals and termites​

2. Fire​

3. Grazing herbivores​

4. Seasonal rainfall​

5. Soil properties​

Select the correct answer using the code given below.​

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 4 and 5​

(c) 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 3 and 5​

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Japan

[pib] 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue

Why in the News?

Japanese foreign and defence ministers have arrived in India to participate in the India-Japan 2+2 ministerial meeting.

About 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue

  • The 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue is a diplomatic summit held annually since 2018, initially between India and the US.
  • It later expanded to include Japan, Australia, Russia, and the United Kingdom.
  • This dialogue involves the Foreign and Defense Ministers of participating countries and focuses on strengthening bilateral relations and addressing common concerns.
  • The dialogue replaced the Strategic and Commercial Dialogue during a 2017 agreement between PM Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump.
  • First Summit was held on September 6, 2018, between India and the US in New Delhi, involving discussions on defense partnerships and strategic cooperation.

Key Milestones:

What are the key priorities of the Indo-Japan 2+2 Dialogue?

  • Update Security Cooperation: Revising the 2008 security agreement to reflect current strategic needs.
  • Promote a Free Indo-Pacific: Collaborating to ensure a free, open, and stable Indo-Pacific region.
  • Engage in Strategic Talks: Holding strategic discussions between foreign and defense ministers to boost bilateral ties.
  • Address Regional Security: Discussing key issues like Chinese assertiveness, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the Gaza crisis.
  • Coordinate Quad Efforts: Exploring cooperation within the Quad framework, including a potential summit.


[2020] Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) is transforming itself into a trade bloc from a military alliance, in present times Discuss.

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Innovations in Biotechnology and Medical Sciences

Waggle Dance of Bees


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Waggle Dance of Bees

Why in the News?

Two scientists have raised concerns about “problematic behaviour” in papers on honeybee communication co-authored by Dr. Mandyam Srinivasan, a highly honoured neuroscientist.

About Waggle Dance of Bees

Purpose Communicates location of food sources to other bees.
Dance Pattern Figure-eight (8) movement with a waggle run in the middle.
Direction Indication Angle of waggle run shows direction relative to the sun.
Distance Indication Duration of waggle run indicates distance to the food source.
Efficiency Enhances foraging efficiency by guiding bees directly to food sources.
Environmental Impact Accuracy affected by Sun position, wind, and landscape.
Scientific Importance Decoded by Nobel laureate Karl von Frisch; an example of advanced insect communication.



[2023] Which of the following organisms perform waggle dance for others of their kin to indicate the direction and the distance to a source of their food?

(a) Butterflies

(b) Dragonflies

(c) Honey Bees

(d) Wasps

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Labour, Jobs and Employment – Harmonization of labour laws, gender gap, unemployment, etc.

Labor conditions in southern states  


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Mains level: Issues related to Migrant;

Why in the News?

Migrant workers from various parts of India are gradually becoming a noticeable presence in the agricultural fields of Tamil Nadu’s Cauvery delta, often called the granary of South India.

Migrants in Tamil Nadu’s Cauvery Delta

  • Labour Shortage in Agriculture: The Cauvery Delta, known as the granary of South India, is experiencing a significant shortage of farmhands as the younger generation moves away from agriculture. This has led to a reliance on migrant workers, particularly from states like West Bengal and Bihar, who are skilled in paddy transplanting and harvesting.
  • Economic Dynamics: Migrant labourers are filling the labour gap during agricultural seasons, working in groups and completing tasks more quickly than local labourers. They charge around ₹4,500 to ₹5,000 per acre, compared to local workers who earn ₹600 per day.
  • Sociocultural Integration: While there hasn’t been significant tension between migrant workers and local labourers, the integration of migrants into the agricultural workforce is still evolving.
    • Local labour unions acknowledge the presence of migrant workers but do not see it as a widespread issue yet, partly due to the ongoing mechanization of agriculture and changing job preferences among the local youth.

Dependence on Migrant Workers in Kerala

  • Shift in Labor Sources: Kerala has seen a growing dependence on migrant workers from northern and eastern states, including West Bengal and Bihar, to fill labour shortages in various sectors, including agriculture.
    • A recent study by the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation estimated the number of inter-state migrant workers in Kerala at 2.5 million, equivalent to 7% of the state’s population.
  • Economic Factors: High wage differentials between Kerala and the migrants’ home states, along with a robust urban economy, have made Kerala an attractive destination for migrant labourers.

External Migration from Uttar Pradesh to Maharashtra

  • High Migration Rate: Uttar Pradesh tops the list for inter-state job-related migration to Maharashtra, with over 5.7% of migrants moving for employment purposes between 2020 and 2021.
  • Concentration of Migrants: Within Maharashtra, districts such as Mumbai and Thane have the highest concentrations of migrants from Uttar Pradesh.

How does the proposed ‘quota-for-local’ Bill impact migrant workers?

  • uction in the already precarious employment options available to migrants, who often fill lower-skilled positions.
  • Increased Competition: The migrant workers might face intensified competition for fewer available roles, particularly in sectors where they have traditionally been employed, such as delivery services and hospitality.
  • Economic Migration: The bill could lead to a demographic shift in the labor market. Migrants may choose to relocate to states with more inclusive hiring practices, impacting the state’s economy and workforce diversity.
  • Exploitation Risks: The present Bill could make migrants more vulnerable to exploitation, as companies may feel less inclined to hire them, leading to further marginalization of these workers.
  • Industry Concerns: Business leaders and industry representatives have expressed concerns that the bill could deter investment and talent from flowing into Karnataka, potentially leading to job losses and reduced economic growth. The focus should be on skills rather than reservations.

What measures can be taken to protect migrant workers from exploitation?

  • Right to Change Employers: States need to ensure that migrant workers have the freedom to change employers without facing penalties, which can reduce their vulnerability to abuse and exploitation.
  • Empower Migrant workers: The government/ Private sector needs to provide comprehensive information regarding workers’ rights, including recruitment processes, legal protections, and avenues for reporting abuse.
    • Strengthening labor laws and legal assistance with counseling services that protect migrant workers and ensure strict enforcement through regular inspections of workplaces is a need of the hour.
  • Social Security and Housing Access: States need to ensure that migrant workers have access to social services, housing, and healthcare, which can help mitigate their vulnerabilities.
    • NITI Aayog in its report ”India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy” has said that fiscal incentives such as tax breaks or startup grants may be provided for businesses that provide livelihood opportunities where women constitute a substantial portion of their workers.
  • International Cooperation: Encourage countries to adopt and implement international standards and conventions that protect the rights of migrant workers, promoting safe and ethical recruitment practices.

Lack of Proper Data and Registration

  • Historical Data Gaps: The last comprehensive survey on internal migration was conducted as part of the National Sample Survey in 2007-08, with the Census 2011 data only partially released in 2020.
  • Absence of Real-Time Data: During the COVID-19 lockdown, the Indian government did not collect data on the deaths or job losses of internal migrants. The Ministry of Labour and Employment confirmed that it maintained no records of migrant workers who lost their jobs or lives during this period.


The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 was enacted to protect the rights and regulate the conditions of service for migrant workers who move between states in India for employment.

Implementation Challenges

  • Lack of Awareness: Many migrant workers are unaware of their rights under the Act, leading to exploitation and poor working conditions.
  • Inadequate Enforcement: There is often insufficient enforcement of the Act by state governments, resulting in widespread violations and the continued presence of migrant workers in informal and unregulated sectors.
  • Data Gaps: The absence of accurate data on the number of inter-state migrant workers complicates enforcement and the provision of services.

Way forward: 

  • Promote Sustainable Employment and Skill Development in Source Regions: To reduce the over-reliance on migrant labour and address labour shortages in sectors like agriculture, the government should focus on creating sustainable employment opportunities in the migrants’ home states.
  • Promote Sustainable Employment and Skill Development in Source Regions: The government should create a real-time migrant data system linked with Aadhaar, enabling targeted policies, social security, and effective crisis response for internal migrants.

Mains PYQ:

Q Discuss the changes in the trends of labour migration within and outside India in the last four decades. (UPSC IAS/2015)

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Health Sector – UHC, National Health Policy, Family Planning, Health Insurance, etc.

Do doctors need a Central protection Act?     


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Need for Central protection law for healthcare workers;

Why in the News?

Resident doctors across India are on strike, demanding safety laws after a young doctor was tragically raped and murdered at R.G. Kar Medical College in Kolkata on August 9.

Why are Healthcare Workers Protesting?

  • Response to Violence: The protests were triggered by the brutal rape and murder of a young doctor at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata on August 9, 2024.
  • Demand for Safety: Healthcare workers are demanding laws and measures that ensure their safety while on duty.
  • Historical Context: Violence against healthcare workers is not a new issue in India. Previous incidents, such as the case of Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse who was sexually assaulted in 1973, underscore a long-standing pattern of violence in healthcare settings.

Working Conditions of Junior Doctors, Interns, and Nurses

  • Poor Working Environment: Junior doctors, interns, and nurses often work in ill-lit and poorly secured hospital environments.
  • Long Shifts and Exhaustion: Many healthcare workers, including the victim of the recent incident, are subjected to excessively long shifts—in this case, a 36-hour duty shift—without adequate rest or safe spaces to recuperate.
  • Mental Health Concerns: The stressful working conditions, combined with the threat of violence, have raised significant concerns about the mental health and well-being of healthcare workers.

Key Demands of the Protesters

  • Central Protection Act: The Indian Medical Association (IMA) is advocating for a Central protection law specifically for healthcare workers, similar to measures in other countries that classify assaults on medical staff as serious offenses.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Protesters are calling for hospital security protocols that match those of airports, including the installation of CCTV cameras, deployment of security personnel, and improved lighting in hospital corridors and wards.
  • Safe Work Environment: There is a demand for immediate systemic reforms to improve working conditions, including better security arrangements and the establishment of healthcare facilities as safe zones.
  • Accountability and Justice: The IMA has requested a thorough investigation into incidents of violence against healthcare workers, with a focus on timely and professional handling of cases and ensuring that perpetrators face exemplary punishment.
    • Government Response: Following the protests, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued an order mandating that any violence against healthcare workers must be reported and acted upon swiftly, with institutional FIRs to be filed within six hours of an incident.

Sole responsible for the safety of Health workers:

  • State Governments: Health and law enforcement are primarily state subjects in India, meaning that state governments are primarily responsible for ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals. They are tasked with implementing laws, providing adequate security in hospitals, and ensuring a safe working environment for medical staff.
  • Central Government: The central government plays a role in formulating national policies and frameworks that support the safety of healthcare workers. 
    • Recent initiatives include the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s order mandating the filing of FIRs within six hours of any violence against healthcare workers, indicating a push for accountability and swift action.

Way forward: 

  • Implement a Central Protection Law for Healthcare Workers: The government should fast-track the enactment of a Central law specifically designed to protect healthcare workers from violence.
  • Improve Working Conditions and Mental Health Support: Hospitals should prioritize creating safe and well-secured environments for healthcare workers, including reasonable shift hours, adequate rest periods, mental health support, and robust security protocols to prevent future incidents of violence.

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Zoopharmacognosy: the study of how animals self-medicate


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Zoopharmacognosy

Why in the News?

Researchers highlighted the zoopharmacognosy (practice of self-medication) by a Sumatran orangutan using the plant Fibraurea tinctoria to treat a facial wound.

What is Zoopharmacognosy?

  • Zoopharmacognosy is the study of how animals use natural substances like plants, soils, and insects to treat their own illnesses. 
  • The term was coined by ecologist D.H. Janzen from the University of Pennsylvania.
  • It shows that animals have an instinctive ability to find and use natural remedies. 

Key Studies and Observations

  • Neanderthals: In 2012, a Nature publication found that Neanderthals in Northern Spain used plants like yarrow and chamomile to treat infections.

Other Animal Species:

  • Primates: Chimpanzees eat bitter leaves, like Vernonia amygdalina, to get rid of intestinal worms.
    • Pregnant lemurs nibbling on tamarind leaves to aid milk production.
  • Reindeer: Reindeer eat mushrooms like Amanita muscaria, possibly to fight off parasites.
  • Birds: Starlings line their nests with antimicrobial plants to protect their young from diseases.
  • Elephants: Pregnant elephants in Kenya eat specific plants to help induce labor.
  • Dogs: Dogs chew grass and then vomit to clear their stomachs of infections.


[2019] Recently, there was a growing awareness in our country about the importance of Himalayan nettle (Girardinia diversifolia) because it is found to be a sustainable source of:

(a) Anti-malarial drug

(b) Biodiesel

(c) Pulp for paper industry

(d) Textile fibre

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