October 2024

Climate Change Impact on India and World – International Reports, Key Observations, etc.

EnviStats India 2024


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: EnviStats India 2024 Report and its highlights

Why in the News?

  • The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has released the “EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts” Report.

What is the EnviStats India 2024 Report?

  • The EnviStats India 2024 Report, released by the MoSPI, is the 7th consecutive publication.
  • It compiles environmental-economic accounts based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) Framework.
  • This framework provides a global standard for integrating environmental data with economic statistics, offering insights into the country’s natural resources, ecosystems, and environmental sustainability efforts.

Key Highlights:

Protected Areas (SDG 13 & SDG 15) – 72% increase in the number of Protected Areas (2000-2023)
– 16% increase in the area of Protected Areas, reflecting biodiversity conservation efforts.
Mangrove Cover (SDG 13 & SDG 15) – 8% increase in mangrove cover (2013-2021), highlighting positive growth in coastal ecosystem protection.
Ocean Accounts (SDG 14: Life below Water) – Introduced for the first time, covering the extent and condition of ocean ecosystems.
Energy Use & Physical Asset Accounts (SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy & SDG 13: Climate Action) – Includes Physical Asset Accounts and Physical Supply and Use Tables for Energy, aligned with SEEA-Energy Framework, and data from ministries like Coal and Petroleum.
Soil Nutrient Index (SDG 2: Zero Hunger) – Updated data on Soil Nutrient Index based on the Soil Health Card 2023-24, reflecting soil health and agricultural sustainability.
Biodiversity & Species Richness (SDG 15: Life on Land) – Data on faunal and floral diversity, including endangered species like Leopards and Snow leopards, connecting to biodiversity conservation.

Policy Recommendations  

The EnviStats India 2024 Report suggests several policy directions based on its findings:

  • Biodiversity Protection: Strengthen community-led conservation and expand protection of critical ecosystems.
  • Ocean Ecosystem Management: Use Ocean Accounts for sustainable marine resource management and pollution control.
  • Soil Health: Encourage sustainable farming practices and better soil management, leveraging Soil Health Cards for improved productivity.
  • Integrated Planning: Focus on species conservation, habitat restoration, and genetic conservation through data-driven planning.

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Festivals, Dances, Theatre, Literature, Art in News

Who was Rani Durgavati?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Rani Durgavati and her contemporaries


Why in the News?

Madhya Pradesh CM chaired a meeting in honour of the 16th century tribal queen Rani Durgavati on her 500th birth anniversary.

Rani Durgavati (1524-1564)

  • Rani Durgavati was born in 1524 in the Chandela dynasty of Mahoba (present-day Uttar Pradesh).
  • She married Dalpat Shah, son of Gond King Sangram Shah of the Garha-Katanga kingdom.
  • After her husband’s death in 1550, she ruled the kingdom as regent for her young son, Bir Narayan.
  • Her role against the Mughals:
    • Rani Durgavati expanded her kingdom and ruled with prosperity, shifting her capital to Chauragarh for strategic advantage.
    • In 1564, the Mughal general Asaf Khan, under Emperor Akbar, attacked her kingdom.
    • She led her forces bravely and initially defeated the Mughals in a strategic battle at Narhi.
    • To avoid capture, she sacrificed her life, becoming a symbol of courage and resistance.

Her contributions

  • Rani Durgavati is remembered for her bravery, administrative skills, and martyrdom.
  • She carried out public works, including the construction of Ranital, a reservoir near Jabalpur.
  • Celebrated as a symbol of self-determination, especially for tribal communities.
  • She is honored in Indian history as a patriotic ruler who resisted Mughal expansion, with various political and cultural tributes dedicated to her legacy.

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Historical and Archaeological Findings in News

Dravidian Style of Architecture


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Features of the Dravidian style of temple architecture

Why in the News?

  • The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), has recently finished copying inscriptions at three temples in Thirukurungudi, located in Tirunelveli district.

About the 3 temples mentioned:

Nambi Rayar Temple (Thirukoshtiyur Temple)

  • It is a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is located in Thirukoshtiyur, near Sivaganga in Tamil Nadu.
  • It is one of the 108 Divya Desams (sacred Vishnu temples).
  • It is known for its association with Ramanuja, one of the most important figures in Vaishnavism, who learned the sacred mantra “Ashtakshara” here.
  • The temple has a five-tiered rajagopuram (temple tower) and is built in Dravidian style.

Thirumalai Nambi Temple (Thirumaliruncholai Temple)

  • It is a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is located in Thirumaliruncholai, also known as Azhagar Kovil, near Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
  • This temple is also one of the 108 Divya Desams.
  • Thirumalai Nambi, who was a saint and a scholar, was closely associated with this temple and served as a priest here.
  • The temple is set in a hilly region and has intricate carvings and sculptures in traditional Dravidian architecture.

Aniliswarar Temple

  • It is a Shaivite temple located in Anilivandhan Kottai, near Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.
  • The temple architecture is traditional with a smaller gopuram (temple tower) compared to the larger, more well-known temples.


About Dravidian Style of Architecture

Flourished 8th century to the 13-14th century AD
Enclosure Temples are enclosed within a compound wall, unlike Nagara temples.
Notable Features
  • Gopuram (Entrance Gateway): The front wall has an elaborate gateway tower called Gopuram, which serves as the main entrance to the temple complex.
  • Vimana (Main Tower): Vimana or temple tower has a stepped pyramid-like structure that rises geometrically, unlike the curving shikhara in North Indian temples.
  • Temple Tank: It is common to have a large water reservoir or temple tank enclosed within the temple complex.
Shapes of Temples
  • Square (Kuta or Caturasra)
  • Rectangular (Shala or Ayatasra)
  • Elliptical (Gaja-prishta or Vrittayata)
  • Circular (Vritta)
  • Octagonal (Ashtasra)
Notable Temples The Pallavas, early builders of Dravidian temples, started with rock-cut temples and later shifted to structural temples.

  • Mahabalipuram: Narasimhavarman I (Mamalla) initiated construction, and Narasimhavarman II (Rajasimha) built the Shore Temple.
  • The Shore Temple houses three shrines for Shiva and Vishnu.

The Rajarajeswara or Brahadeeshwarar Temple at Thanjavur, built by Rajaraja Chola in 1009 CE, is the largest and tallest of Indian temples. It features large Gopurams with elaborate sculptures.

Significance Temples were not only religious centers but also key administrative hubs, controlling large areas of land and resources, especially during the 8th-12th centuries.



[2012] The Nagara, the Dravida and the Vesara are the:

(a) Three main racial groups of the Indian subcontinent

(b) Three main linguistic divisions into which the languages of India can be classified

(c) Three main styles of Indian temple architecture

(d) Three main musical Gharanas prevalent in India

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Health Sector – UHC, National Health Policy, Family Planning, Health Insurance, etc.

[pib] World Cerebral Palsy Day


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Cerebral palsy

Why in the News?

  • The World Cerebral Palsy Day was celebrated on October 6 with the theme ‘#UniquelyCP’.
    • It celebrates the uniqueness of individuals living with cerebral palsy by emphasizing that they are not defined by their disability.

About Cerebral Palsy:

Condition A group of neurological disorders affecting movement, muscle tone, and posture.
Cause Abnormal brain development, usually before birth; can also occur due to injury during birth or early childhood.
Types Spastic CP: Stiff muscles, difficulty with movement (most common, 70-80% of cases).
Dyskinetic CP: Uncontrolled movements affecting limbs.
Ataxic CP: Poor balance and coordination.
Mixed CP: Combination of symptoms from different types.
Symptoms Motor skill difficulties (crawling, walking); Muscle stiffness or looseness; Poor coordination and balance; Speech or swallowing difficulties; Seizures in some cases.
Diagnosis Physical examination, MRI scans, developmental monitoring (usually diagnosed within first 2 years).
Risk Factors Premature birth; Low birth weight; Multiple births; Maternal infections; Lack of oxygen during birth.
Treatment – Physical, occupational, and speech therapies.
– Medications to reduce muscle stiffness.
– Surgery in severe cases.
Life Expectancy Normal life expectancy in many cases, depending on severity and associated complications.
Prevention Some causes are preventable with proper maternal care, but many are not.
Policy Support Niramaya Health Insurance Scheme:

  • Coverage: Up to ₹1,00,000/- for treatments, surgeries, and therapies for persons with disabilities.
  • Eligibility: Covers individuals with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, and Multiple Disabilities.
  • Annual Renewal: Requires yearly renewal with different fees for BPL and APL categories.
  • Easy Application: Enrollment and claims processed online via Registered Organizations (ROs).



[2020] In order to enhance the prospects of social development, sound and adequate health care policies are needed particularly in the fields of geriatric and maternal health care. Discuss.

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