Foreign Policy Watch: The BCIM Corridor

A new push in the Bay of Bengal 


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: About BIMSTEC

Mains level: Importance of Strengthening Eastern Ties

Why in the news?

India hosted the 2nd BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers’ Retreat in New Delhi, creating an informal forum to enhance regional cooperation in security, connectivity, trade, and investment in the Bay of Bengal


  • BIMSTEC, or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, is a regional organization established in June 1997.
  • seven countries: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
  • It aims to foster multifaceted cooperation across various sectors, including security, connectivity, trade, and investment, particularly in the Bay of Bengal region.

Importance of Strengthening Eastern Ties

  • Regional Stability and Security: The growing presence of China in the Bay of Bengal is perceived as a potential threat to regional stability. By strengthening ties with countries like Bangladesh and Myanmar, India aims to reinforce its position as a preferred security partner in the region.
  • Economic Development: Enhanced relations with eastern neighbors facilitate India’s access to essential maritime routes, particularly for its landlocked northeastern states.
  • Indo-Pacific Strategy: Improved relations with Myanmar and Thailand are integral to India’s broader Indo-Pacific strategy. These countries are key members of ASEAN, which India considers central to its vision for the region.
  • Strengthening ties can enhance India’s influence and presence in the Indo-Pacific, aligning with its “Act East Policy” and “Neighbourhood First” approach.

Major Components of the Retreat

The 2nd BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers’ Retreat was structured into two main segments:

  • Assessment of Regional Cooperation: The first part focused on evaluating the current state of cooperation within BIMSTEC, building on outcomes from the previous retreat.
  • Member states discussed various initiatives, including the establishment of Centers of Excellence in areas like Agriculture and Maritime Transport, and emphasized the importance of private sector involvement in trade and entrepreneurship.
  • Expectations for the Upcoming Summit: The second segment involved discussions on each country’s expectations for the upcoming summit.
  • Key proposals included mapping mineral resources, promoting the Blue Economy, enhancing tourism and cultural exchanges.  

Bilateral merits

  • India-Myanmar Concerns: Mr. Jaishankar addressed issues with Myanmar regarding the flow of displaced persons, narcotics, and arms across the border, and urged the return of unlawfully detained Indian nationals.
  • India-Bangladesh Cooperation: In his meeting with the Bangladesh Foreign Minister, Mr. Jaishankar was requested to ensure the smooth supply of daily essentials and send a technical team for the Teesta project, signifying efforts towards resolving long-pending concerns.

Way forward: 

  • Enhance Security Collaboration:  Need to prioritize discussions on security cooperation among BIMSTEC members, particularly in countering transnational crimes such as narcotics and arms trafficking.
  • Develop Connectivity Projects: Indian government should expedite the implementation of connectivity projects, such as the India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway, to facilitate trade and movement. This will not only enhance economic ties but also improve regional stability.

Mains PYQ: 

Do you think that BIMSTEC is a parallel organisation like the SAARC? Waht are the similarities and dissimilarities between the two? How are Indian foreign policy objectives realized by forming this new organisation? (2022)

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