Tourism Sector

A tourism policy ill-suited for Jammu and Kashmir  


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Mains level: Impact of Tourism policy on Himalayan areas;

Why in the News?

Kashmir’s fragile environment faces severe damage from urbanization, commercialization, and climate change, underscoring the urgent need for a resilient and sustainable tourism model.

Aims and Objectives of J&K Tourism Policy

  • Promoting all forms of Tourism: The policy aims to promote traditional recreational tourism as well as adventure, pilgrimage, spiritual, and health tourism. This diversification can attract a wider range of tourists.
  • Sustainable Practices: The policy emphasizes the need for sustainable tourism practices that minimize environmental degradation, conserve water, and protect biodiversity.
  • Infrastructure Development: It seeks to improve infrastructure, including hotels, roads, and recreational facilities, to accommodate the growing number of tourists.
  • Community Engagement: The policy aims to include local communities in tourism planning and decision-making processes, promoting their involvement in conservation efforts and sustainable practices.
  • Diversification of Tourism: By promoting various forms of tourism, such as eco-tourism, adventure tourism, and cultural tourism, the policy aims to reduce over-reliance on traditional tourist spots and distribute tourist footfall more evenly across the region.

What are the effects of the new Policy? 

Positive Impacts  Negative Impacts:
  • Increased Tourist Influx: Since the announcement of the New Tourism policy in 2020, over 40 million tourists have visited Kashmir.
  • Increase in Employment: The policy helps to generate employment of approximately 50,000 people per year, which can significantly boost the local economy.
  • Promotes Culture and Festivals: The policy promotes city-wise events and festivals with a pre-defined calendar to attract tourists.
  • Boosting Exports and Collaborations: The policy helps the handicraft industry, which was earlier limited to select destinations, to directly export and collaborate both nationally and internationally.
  • Environmental Stress: The rapid increase in tourist activities has led to significant ecological disturbances, including deforestation, waste accumulation, and pollution of water bodies.
  • Increase in Infra-strain: It also resulted in encroachment on natural habitats and increased pressure on local resources, such as water and electricity.
  • Climate Change Impact: The region is experiencing accelerated effects of climate change, including glacial depletion and erratic weather patterns, which threaten agricultural sustainability and water availability.

Major Challenge: Fragility of the Region

  • Natural Disasters: Jammu and Kashmir is prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides, which can be exacerbated by unchecked commercialization and environmental degradation.
  • Ecological Sensitivity: The region’s delicate ecosystems are highly vulnerable to the impacts of tourism and urbanization, necessitating careful management to prevent irreversible damage.
  • Resource Depletion: The increased demand for water and energy resources is leading to the depletion of aquifers and heightened reliance on hydroelectric projects, which disrupt local aquatic ecosystems.

Need for a Resilient Tourism Model (Way Forward)

  • Sustainable Tourism Practices: There is an urgent need to adopt a resilient and sustainable tourism model that prioritizes eco-friendly practices, waste reduction, and conservation of natural resources.
  • Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in tourism planning and decision-making is crucial for fostering sustainable practices and ensuring that the benefits of tourism are shared equitably.
  • Infrastructure Resilience: Developing infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events and diversifying tourism offerings beyond peak seasons will help mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • Policy Integration: A cohesive approach that integrates sustainable tourism policies with broader economic and environmental strategies is essential for preserving the region’s natural beauty while supporting local economies.

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