Nobel and other Prizes

Abel Prize for Maths


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Abel Prize

Mains level: Not Much


The Abel Prize for mathematics for 2023 was awarded to Argentine-American Luis Caffarelli, an expert in “partial differential equations” which can explain phenomena ranging from how water flows to population growth.

Abel Prize

  • The Abel Prize is a prize awarded annually by the King of Norway to one or more outstanding mathematicians.
  • It is named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802–1829) and directly modeled after the Nobel Prizes.
  • It comes with a monetary award of 7.5 million Norwegian kroner (NOK) (increased from 6 million NOK in 2019).
  • Its establishment was proposed by the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie when he learned that Alfred Nobel’s plans for annual prizes would not include a prize in mathematics.
  • The laureates are selected by the Abel Committee, the members of which are appointed by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Has any Indian ever won this prestigious prize?

  • Srinivasa Varadhan, an Indian-American citizen won the Abel Prize in the year 2007 for his valuable contribution in “probability theory and in particular for creating a unified theory of large deviation”.


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