Antibiotics Resistance

Antibiotic Pollution from the Manufacturing Process


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Prelims level: Antibiotic Pollution

Why in the News?

The World Health Organization (WHO) released its first-ever global guidance on managing antibiotic pollution from manufacturing processes.

What is Antibiotic Pollution?

  • Antibiotic pollution refers to the contamination of natural environments, particularly water and soil, by antibiotics.
  • This pollution occurs when antibiotics are released into ecosystems through various sources, leading to the proliferation of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • AMR happens when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites evolve to resist the effects of antibiotics, making infections harder to treat and posing a significant threat to global health.

How does Antibiotic Pollution occur from the Manufacturing Process?

  • Wastewater Discharge: Antibiotic plants release wastewater with residual antibiotics and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) into local water bodies, contributing to drug-resistant bacteria.
  • Improper Solid Waste Disposal: Unused antibiotics, raw materials, and by-products are often disposed of improperly, contaminating soil and groundwater.
  • Inadequate Treatment: Many facilities lack effective systems to treat pharmaceutical waste, allowing antibiotics to enter the environment.
  • Mass Balance Calculations: Inefficient systems or mismanagement can lead to unintentional antibiotic discharge during recycling and waste estimation.
  • Leaks and Spills: Accidental leaks or spills during manufacturing, transportation, or storage introduce antibiotics into ecosystems.
  • Runoff: Rainwater can carry antibiotics from waste into nearby rivers, lakes, or agricultural land, further contaminating the environment.

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