Foreign Policy Watch: India-United States

Caught in intersections, the Harris multicultural tent


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Why in the News?

The recent news highlights how Donald Trump has been leveraging Kamala Harris’s multifaceted identity—being Black, Indian-American, and a woman—to create divisions within the Democratic Party’s diverse coalition.

How does Kamala Harris’s multifaceted identity impact her political positioning?

  • Diverse Representation: Kamala Harris’s identity as a Black woman of Indian descent allows her to connect with multiple voter demographics, potentially uniting diverse groups under a common political agenda.
  • Target for Opposition: Her identity also makes her a target for opponents, like Donald Trump, who may attempt to exploit racial and cultural tensions to drive wedges within the Democratic base.
  • Advocacy for Intersectionality: Harris’s multifaceted identity supports her advocacy for policies that address various forms of discrimination, appealing to progressive voters who value diversity and inclusion.

Supreme Court Ruling on Minority on June 2023: 

  • Violation of Equal Protection: The Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling declared Harvard and UNC’s (University of North Carolina) race-based admissions unconstitutional, citing violations of the Equal Protection Clause and racial stereotyping.
  • Minority Representation: The decision is likely to decrease African-American enrollment at top universities while benefiting Asian-American admissions, raising concerns about equity.
    • The ruling could extend beyond higher education, affecting K-12 schooling and race-related employment practices under Title VII.
K-12 education refers to the comprehensive educational system that spans from kindergarten (K) through 12th grade. This structure is designed to provide a standardized framework for formal education, primarily in the United States, Canada, and several other countries.

What are the implications of the SC’s ruling on affirmative action for Minority Groups?

  • Shift in Demographics: The Supreme Court’s ruling, which prohibits race-based considerations in college admissions, has resulted in a significant decrease in African-American representation at prestigious universities while benefiting Asian-American admissions.
  • Heightened Tensions: The ruling exacerbates existing tensions between different minority groups, particularly between African Americans and Asian-Americans, as the latter may perceive an advantage in admissions due to the ruling, creating conflict over perceived equity in opportunities.
  • Reevaluation of Policies: Minority groups may need to reassess their strategies for achieving representation and equity in educational and professional fields in light of changing admission policies and their implications on access.

How do intersectional conflicts among minority groups manifest in contemporary politics?

  • Competing Interests: Conflicts arise when minority groups, such as African-Americans and Asian-Americans, have differing views on policies like affirmative action, leading to a fragmented approach to addressing discrimination and inequality.
  • Political Polarization: Issues like immigration and welfare policies create further divisions, as different groups may align with political parties based on how they perceive their interests are being served or threatened.
  • Influence on Electoral Dynamics: The intersections of race, ethnicity, and social issues complicate the electoral landscape, as political candidates and parties navigate these dynamics to appeal to various voting blocs, often leading to strategic alignments or divisions within the broader minority coalition.

Conclusion: Kamala Harris’s identity influences U.S. politics, highlighting racial dynamics and intersectional conflicts. The Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling fuels tensions among minority groups, while the election’s outcome could reshape U.S.-India relations and diaspora engagement policies.

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