Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Central India’s land-use patterns, roads fragmenting gaur & sambar populations, threatening genetic diversity   


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: About National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)

Mains level: Observations made by the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)

Why in the news? 

A recent study by the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) found that land-use alterations and road construction in central India affect the genetic connectivity of two prominent herbivores: the gaur and the sambar.

What is Genetic diversity?

  • Genetic diversity refers to the variety and variability of genetic material within a species or population, essential for adaptation, resilience to environmental changes, and long-term survival of organisms.

About National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)   

  • NCBS is a premier research institute located in Bangalore, India that is part of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) under the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India.
  • The mandate of NCBS is to conduct fundamental research in the frontier areas of biology, ranging from the study of single molecules to ecology and evolution.

Observations made by the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)   

  • Impact of Habitat Modification: The NCBS study underscores the significant impact of habitat loss and fragmentation on wildlife populations, particularly highlighting how expanding linear infrastructure like highways and railway lines disrupts animal movement and genetic connectivity.
  • Genetic Connectivity of Herbivores: It is the first study in India to investigate the genetic connectivity of large herbivores, specifically the gaur and sambar, at a landscape scale. The research reveals how these species are affected differently by landscape features and human activities, influencing their genetic diversity and ability to adapt to environmental changes.
  • Conservation Urgency: The study emphasizes the urgent need for conservation measures in fragmented habitats, such as Umred Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary in Maharashtra, where small and genetically isolated populations of herbivores require targeted interventions to ensure their survival and genetic health.
  • Methodological Advances: Using advanced genetic techniques like next-generation sequencing (NGS) and landscape genetics, the NCBS researchers demonstrated how these tools can provide crucial insights into population dynamics, genetic diversity, and the impacts of human-induced changes on wildlife populations.

Present Issues from Tiger reserves and Wildlife sanctuaries in MP and MH

  • Habitat Fragmentation and Connectivity: Both states face significant challenges related to habitat fragmentation due to expanding linear infrastructure like highways and railway lines. These developments disrupt wildlife corridors essential for the movement of animals, leading to isolated populations and reduced genetic connectivity, as observed in the NCBS study.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: Increasing instances of human-wildlife conflict pose a threat to both animals and human communities living near tiger reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. Encroachment of habitat for agriculture and settlements often results in conflicts over resources and occasionally leads to casualties among both wildlife and humans.
  • Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade: Despite conservation efforts, tiger reserves and sanctuaries in MP and MH continue to face challenges related to poaching and illegal wildlife trade. Tigers and other endangered species are targeted for their skins, bones, and other body parts, driven by demand in illegal markets.
  • Resource Extraction and Mining: Mining activities and resource extraction near protected areas pose significant environmental threats. These activities not only lead to habitat destruction but also contribute to pollution and disturbance, affecting the overall ecosystem health and biodiversity of these regions.
  • Climate Change Impacts: The effects of climate change, such as erratic weather patterns and changing rainfall regimes, also impact tiger reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in MP and MH. These changes can alter habitat suitability for wildlife species, affecting their distribution, migration patterns, and ability to adapt to new environmental conditions.

Way forward: 

  • Enhanced Habitat Connectivity and Protection: Implement measures to mitigate habitat fragmentation caused by linear infrastructure. This includes creating wildlife corridors over or under highways and railways to facilitate safe animal movement
  • Integrated Conservation and Community Engagement: Foster collaboration between local communities, conservation organizations, and government agencies to address human-wildlife conflict and illegal activities like poaching.

Mains PYQ: 

Q How does biodiversity vary in India? How is the Biological Diversity Act,2002 helpful in the conservation of flora and fauna? (UPSC IAS/2018)

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