Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Central Zoo Authority (CZA)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Central Zoo Authority (CZA)

Mains level: NA

The Environment Ministry has reconstituted the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) to include an expert from the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, and a molecular biologist.

Note following things about CZA:

1)Its constitution under any Act


3)Roles and functions

About CZA

  • The CZA is the body of the government responsible for oversight of zoos constituted under the section 38A of Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972.
  • The main objective of the authority is to complement the national effort in the conservation of wildlife.
  • Standards and norms for housing, upkeep, health care and overall management of animals in zoos have been laid down under the Recognition of Zoo Rules, 1992.

Roles & Functions

  • The Authority’s role is more of a facilitator than a regulator.
  • It, therefore, provides technical and financial assistance to such zoos which have the potential to attain the desired standard in animal management.
  • Primary function– grant of recognition and release of financial assistance.
  • It also regulates the exchange of animals of endangered category Listed under Schedule-I and II of the Wildlife (Protection) Act among zoos.
  • Exchange of animals between Indian and foreign zoos is also approved by the Authority before the requisite clearances under EXIM Policy and the CITES permits are issued by the competent authority.
  • The Authority also coordinates and implements programmes on capacity building of zoo personnel, planned breeding programmes and ex-situ research including biotechnological intervention for the conservation of species for complementing in-situ conservation efforts in the country.


  • Apart from the chairman, it consists of 10 members and a member-secretary.
  • Almost all of them are officials in the Environment Ministry and NGO experts are those who are wildlife conservationists or retired forest officers.

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