Climate Change Impact on India and World – International Reports, Key Observations, etc.

EnviStats India 2024


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Prelims level: EnviStats India 2024 Report and its highlights

Why in the News?

  • The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has released the “EnviStats India 2024: Environment Accounts” Report.

What is the EnviStats India 2024 Report?

  • The EnviStats India 2024 Report, released by the MoSPI, is the 7th consecutive publication.
  • It compiles environmental-economic accounts based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) Framework.
  • This framework provides a global standard for integrating environmental data with economic statistics, offering insights into the country’s natural resources, ecosystems, and environmental sustainability efforts.

Key Highlights:

Protected Areas (SDG 13 & SDG 15) – 72% increase in the number of Protected Areas (2000-2023)
– 16% increase in the area of Protected Areas, reflecting biodiversity conservation efforts.
Mangrove Cover (SDG 13 & SDG 15) – 8% increase in mangrove cover (2013-2021), highlighting positive growth in coastal ecosystem protection.
Ocean Accounts (SDG 14: Life below Water) – Introduced for the first time, covering the extent and condition of ocean ecosystems.
Energy Use & Physical Asset Accounts (SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy & SDG 13: Climate Action) – Includes Physical Asset Accounts and Physical Supply and Use Tables for Energy, aligned with SEEA-Energy Framework, and data from ministries like Coal and Petroleum.
Soil Nutrient Index (SDG 2: Zero Hunger) – Updated data on Soil Nutrient Index based on the Soil Health Card 2023-24, reflecting soil health and agricultural sustainability.
Biodiversity & Species Richness (SDG 15: Life on Land) – Data on faunal and floral diversity, including endangered species like Leopards and Snow leopards, connecting to biodiversity conservation.

Policy Recommendations  

The EnviStats India 2024 Report suggests several policy directions based on its findings:

  • Biodiversity Protection: Strengthen community-led conservation and expand protection of critical ecosystems.
  • Ocean Ecosystem Management: Use Ocean Accounts for sustainable marine resource management and pollution control.
  • Soil Health: Encourage sustainable farming practices and better soil management, leveraging Soil Health Cards for improved productivity.
  • Integrated Planning: Focus on species conservation, habitat restoration, and genetic conservation through data-driven planning.

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