G7 to consider mechanism to counter misinformation


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: G7 countries

Mains level: Paper 3- G7 to consider rapid response mechanism to counter misinformation

G7 considering rapid response mechanism

  • The G7 members are Britain, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan and their combined gross domestic product is about $40 trillion – a little less than half of the global economy.
  • G7 will look at a proposal to build a rapid response mechanism to counter Russian propaganda and disinformation.
  • Speaking ahead of a G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in London British Foreign Secretary said the United Kingdom was getting the G7 to come together with a rapid rebuttal mechanism to counter Russian misinformation.
  • Britain has identified Russia as the biggest threat to its security though it views China as its greatest long-term challenge, militarily, economically and technologically.

Britain to engage more in Indo-Pacific

  • Britain has invited India, Australia and South Korea to attend this week’s meeting and the full leaders’ summit in June.
  • There was no concrete proposal as yet about Britain joining Quad.
  • Britain has been looking at ways to engage more in the Indo-Pacific.

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3 years ago

Request from a serious aspirant…..Do not downgrade your daily current affairs content. A good comprehensive cover on Editorial. I follow your editorials…..Some of daily CAs is better covered than Insights or Vajiram.

Last edited 3 years ago by JoopeeTar


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