Cyber Security – CERTs, Policy, etc

In cyber attacks, terror has a found a new face


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: cyber attacks

Mains level: evolving landscape of terrorism emphasizes the shift to cyberspace

Recent Cyber Attacks In India 2020

Central idea

The article underscores the transformation of terrorism into cyberspace, emphasizing the significance of robust cybersecurity measures in the face of escalating state-sponsored cyberattacks.

Key Highlights:

  • Mumbai holds the unfortunate title of the most terror-attacked city globally.
  • The November 26, 2008 (26/11) attacks were the most audacious, lasting three days.
  • Intelligence was available before 26/11 attacks, but preventive measures failed.
  • Post-attack, significant changes were made in the police department and security apparatus.

Key Challenges:

  • Despite reforms, the landscape of terror warfare has shifted to cyberspace.
  • The Russia–Ukraine and Israel–Hamas conflicts demonstrate the growing threat of cyber warfare.
  • State-sponsored cyberattacks against India increased by 278% between March 2021-September 2023.

Key Terms and Phrases:

  • 26/11 terror attacks, cyberspace, cyber warfare, state-sponsored cyberattacks.

Key Examples and References:

  • November 26, 2008, terror attacks in Mumbai.
  • Israel-Hamas conflict and the failure of the Iron Dome against cyber threats.
  • 2023 India Threat Landscape Report by Cyfirma.

Key Facts and Data:

  • State-sponsored cyberattacks on India increased by 278% from March 2021-September 2023.
  • India faced 13.7% of all global cyberattacks.
  • 13.91 lakh cybersecurity incidents in India in 2022.

Critical Analysis:

  • Cybersecurity is of paramount importance in a highly digitized world.
  • Recent incidents, including Apple’s warning, highlight the urgency for robust cybersecurity measures.
  • The need for nationwide education and training on cyber threats is crucial.

Way Forward:

  • Urgent investment in robust cybersecurity measures across government, private sector, and individual citizens.
  • Comprehensive education programs, starting in schools, to raise awareness about cyber threats.
  • Adequate training and financial support for government agencies to strengthen cybersecurity.

In conclusion, the evolving landscape of terrorism emphasizes the shift to cyberspace, demanding urgent and comprehensive cybersecurity measures, education, and training to safeguard against potential online threats like a “cyber 26/11.”

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