Foreign Policy Watch: India – EU

In great power rivalry across Eurasia, an opening for India 


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Eurasia; Government Initiatives;

Mains level: Strategic dependence on Eurasian countries;

Why in the News?

The significant upheaval caused by the increasing interdependence of European and Asian theatres is accompanied by the rise of influential middle powers. India can seize this opportunity to enhance its national power.

Complex and Deepening Interconnections between European and Asian Security:

  • Asia’s Active Role in European Geopolitics: Unlike the colonial era, Asian states now actively influence the balance of power in Europe. Both Russia and Western Europe are engaging Asia to shape the narrative on the Ukraine war.
  • Asian Arms Supply to Europe: Asia has emerged as a major supplier of arms in European conflicts, with North Korea supplying ammunition to Russia and South Korean arms flowing to Ukraine.
  • Asian Agency in Great Power Dynamics: Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam highlights the increased agency of Asian states in leveraging great power rivalries for their own strategic benefits.
  • Impact on Western Alliances: The increasing agency of Asian countries like North Korea and South Korea affects the dynamics of Western alliances, with the US seeking stronger ties with South Korea and Japan in response to Russia’s actions.

Scope for a Strategic Window:

  • Increased Asian Maneuverability: Countries like Vietnam are skillfully balancing their relationships with China, the US, and Russia, enhancing their strategic autonomy and influence in the region.
  • Western Dilemmas: The US is facing challenges in balancing its strategic focus between Europe and Asia, with debates on whether to prioritize the Ukraine conflict or the challenge posed by China.
  • Europe’s Defence Responsibilities: Both Biden and Trump agree on the need for Europe to take greater responsibility for its own defense, urging Eurasian nations to balance Russia and China.
  • Opportunities for Middle Powers: Middle powers like India have a unique opportunity to enhance their national power and military capabilities through strategic partnerships with the US and its allies. This includes modernizing India’s defense industrial base and expanding arms production, crucial for achieving strategic autonomy.

Way forward: 

  • Engage with Key Allies: India should Deepen strategic partnerships with the US, Japan, Australia, and South Korea to enhance security cooperation and joint defense initiatives. 
    • These partnerships can provide India with access to advanced military technology and training, as well as opportunities for joint exercises and intelligence sharing.
  • Leverage International Platforms: India must actively participate in international platforms like the Quad and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) to strengthen India’s role in regional security and disaster resilience efforts.

Mains question for practice: 

Q Discuss the complex and deepening interconnections between European and Asian security in the current geopolitical landscape. How can India leverage these dynamics to enhance its national power?  15M 

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