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Kavro Doma 360: World’s First Rifle-Rated Ballistic Helmet


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Kavro Doma 360

Mains level: Not Much

Kavro Doma 360

Central Idea

  • Kanpur-based MKU Limited recently unveiled the Kavro Doma 360, world-first rifle-rated ballistic helmet at Milipol Paris exhibition.

About Kavro Doma 360

Indigenous Development Developed by MKU Limited in Kanpur, India, through indigenous research and development.
Uniform Rifle Protection Provides uniform protection across all five head zones: front, back, left, right, and crown.

Offers resilience against threats like AK-47 MSC, M80 NATO BALL, and M193 rifle bullets.

Boltless Innovation The only boltless rifle protection helmet globally, eliminating bolts and metal components, reducing the risk of penetration upon impact for enhanced safety.
Expanded Protection Area Features a boltless shell design, providing 40% more protection area against AK-47 assault rifles compared to conventional helmets.
20mm Back Face Signature Maintains a Back Face Signature/Trauma of less than 20 mm when impacted by AK-47 bullets.

Back Face Signature measures deformation due to high-energy bullet impact.

Advanced Harness System Incorporates Dynamic Impact Technology for protection against direct and rotational/angular impacts, reducing concussions and brain injuries.

Offers top-to-chin and side-to-side harness adjustment.

Maximum Compatibility (with MACS) Ensures seamless integration with advanced head-mounted devices and combat equipment, adapting to the evolving needs of modern warriors.


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