Modern Indian History-Events and Personalities

National Flag Day, 2024


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Adoption of National Flag by Constituent Assembly

Why in the News?

On 22nd July in 1947, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the National Flag.

PC: The Better India

About the National Flag Day

  • The Constituent Assembly met in New Delhi at 10 o’clock, chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
  • The Assembly had been meeting since December 9, 1946, discussing various subjects.
  • The Chair announced the first agenda item: “a Motion by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru about the Flag.”

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Resolution on National Flag

  • India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, moved the Resolution:
    • The National Flag of India shall be a horizontal tricolour of deep Saffron (Kesari), white, and dark green in equal proportion.
    • In the centre of the white band, there shall be a navy blue Wheel representing the Charkha.
    • The design of the Wheel is based on the Chakra from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.
    • The diameter of the Wheel approximates the width of the white band.
    • The ratio of the width to the length of the Flag shall be 2:3.
  • The motion was adopted unanimously by the Assembly.
  • Adoption by Popular Acclaim:
  • Nehru mentioned that the Flag was adopted by popular acclaim and sacrifice over the past decades.
  • Nehru clarified that the Flag was not meant to be seen in communal terms.
  • The design was intended to represent the spirit and tradition of India, grown over thousands of years.

Reactions and Support

  • There were no significant objections to Nehru’s Resolution.
  • Several members, including Seth Govind Das, V I Muniswami Pillai, Chaudhri Khaliquzzaman, S Radhakrishnan, Saiyid Mohammad Saadulla, Frank R Anthony, and Sarojini Naidu, paid tributes to the Flag and supported the Resolution.
  • H V Kamath suggested adding a Swastika inside the Chakra to symbolize peace but withdrew the amendment after seeing the Flag’s design.
  • Dr. P S Deshmukh preferred retaining the original tricolour with the Charkha but did not push his amendment, respecting the House’s preference.

Back2Basics: History of Our National Flag

First Public Display in Kolkata (1906):

  • The first national flag of India was hoisted on August 7, 1906, in Kolkata at Parsee Bagan Square (Green Park).
  • The flag had three horizontal stripes of red, yellow, and green, with “Vande Mataram” inscribed in the center.
    • Symbolism: The red stripe included symbols of the sun and a crescent moon, while the green stripe featured eight half-open lotuses.
  • The flag is believed to have been designed by freedom activists Sachindra Prasad Bose and Hemchandra Kanungo.

Indian Flag in Germany:

  • In 1907, Madame Cama and her group of exiled revolutionaries hoisted an Indian flag in Germany.
  • This event marked the first time the Indian flag was hoisted in a foreign country.

Home Rule Movement Flag:

  • Dr. Annie Besant and Lokmanya Tilak introduced a new flag in 1917 as part of the Home Rule Movement.
  • The flag featured alternate red and green horizontal stripes, with seven stars in the Saptarishi configuration.
  • It included a white crescent and star in one top corner, and the Union Jack in the other.

Version by Pingali Venkayya:

  • Pingali Venkayya, an Indian freedom fighter, is credited with the design of the modern Indian tricolour.
  • Venkayya first met Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa during the second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902).
  • He conducted extensive research and published a book in 1916 that included possible designs for the Indian flag.
  • At the All India Congress Committee in Bezwada in 1921, Venkayya proposed a basic flag design to Gandhi, featuring two bands of red and green to represent Hindus and Muslims.



[2014] The national motto of India, ‘Satyameva Jayate’ inscribed below the Emblem of India is taken from

(a) Katha Upanishad
(b) Chandogya Upanishad
(c) Aitareya Upanishad
(d) Mundaka Upanishad

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