Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Global Implications

Nord Stream Gas Pipeline


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Prelims level: Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

Why in the News?

The Wall Street Journal has reported that a group of Ukrainian patriots carried out the sabotage of the undersea pipelines(Nord Stream pipelines) in sep,2022 that supplied gas from Russia to Europe. 

About Nord Stream Pipeline:

  • Natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea.
  • Connects Russia and Germany.
Purpose Built to transport natural gas from Russia to Europe, bypassing traditional transit countries like Ukraine.
  1. Nord Stream 1: Completed in 2011, 1,224 km long, running from Vyborg, Russia to Lubmin, Germany. 
  2. Nord Stream 2: Completed in 2012, running from Ust-Luga, Russia to Lubmin, Germany, with a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year.

Significance of the Pipelines

(A) For Europe:

  • Provides a steady and cost-effective supply of natural gas, essential for heating, power, and industry which ensures stable gas prices. If reduced supply from Russia could lead to price hikes and domestic unrest in europe.

(B) For Russia:

  • Revenue: Critical for Russia, with around 40% of its budget coming from gas and oil sales.
  • Geopolitical Influence: Strengthens Russia’s influence over Europe’s energy markets by securing its position as a major gas supplier.

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