Foreign Policy Watch: India-Pacific Island Nations

 Pacific Islands Forum back joint police plan, maintain ties with Taiwan 


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Pacific Islands Forum (PIF);

Mains level: Importance of Taiwan for India;

Why in the News?

Pacific leaders endorsed a significant joint policing initiative and rejected attempts by China’s allies to marginalize Taiwan in the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), held in Tonga.

              (Note: India and Taiwan are not a member countries.)

Why are the countries sticking to Taiwan despite the pressure?

  • Reaffirmation of Taiwan’s Status: The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders reaffirmed Taiwan’s participation as a “development partner,” despite efforts from China and the Solomon Islands to sideline Taiwan. 
    • Countries emphasize the importance of maintaining existing agreements from 1992 that recognize Taiwan’s role in the forum.
  • Support from Allies: Countries like New Zealand and the United States expressed support for Taiwan’s inclusion in the PIF, highlighting that any decision regarding the exclusion of parties should be made through consensus.
  • Resistance to Chinese Influence: Many nations recognize the strategic importance of Taiwan and its contributions against China’s increasing influence, leading them to uphold its involvement.

Significance of Taiwan for India: 

  • Strategic Balance in the Indo-Pacific: Taiwan is a crucial player in the Indo-Pacific region, and  India’s engagement with Taiwan serves as a counterbalance to China.
  • Economic and Technological Cooperation: Taiwan is a global leader in semiconductor manufacturing and advanced technology, areas where India seeks to enhance its capabilities.
  • People-to-People Ties and Education: Taiwan offers significant opportunities for Indian students and professionals in education and skill development.
    • For example, in 2018, the number of Indian students enrolled in Taiwanese universities reached 2,398, marking a 56% increase from the previous year.
  • Diversifying Supply Chains: In the wake of global disruptions due to COVID-19, India aims to diversify its supply chains. Taiwan’s expertise in manufacturing and electronics presents opportunities for India to reduce its dependence on other countries, particularly China, for critical components and technology.

What did the forum say on the Climate cash and French press?

  • Climate Finance Initiatives: The forum committed to organizing a “global pledging event” to raise funds for climate initiatives, with a goal of $500 million.
    • This decision was supported by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who emphasized the urgent need for climate finance in the Pacific, which is disproportionately affected by rising sea levels.
    • Although not officially on the agenda, deep-sea mining generated significant discussion among forum members. A company backed by Nauru plans to scale up ocean mining operations, while other members, like Palau, called for a moratorium due to environmental concerns. 
  • Concerns Over French Governance: The French government faced criticism during the forum for its handling of unrest in New Caledonia. A Pacific delegation is expected to conduct a fact-finding mission there, indicating ongoing tensions regarding French governance in the region and the need for improved oversight.

Conclusion: India should enhance diplomatic and economic ties with Taiwan by establishing formal mechanisms for regular dialogue and collaboration in areas such as technology, trade, education, and healthcare. This will reinforce strategic partnerships while respecting the “One China” policy framework. 

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