March 2025

Freebie model of Governance


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Positive externalities

Mains level: Paper 3- What commodities should be distributed for free or subsidised level


The newly elected Punjab government’s announcement of providing up to 300 units of free power to every household has raised questions: What constitutes “freebies”?

Two categories for providing support

  • In India government provides two types of support.
  • 1] support to low-income households for augmenting their consumption of selected goods and services.
  • 2] Government also provides incentives to support selected categories of investors and producers.
  • Different objectives: The economic objectives in these two categories are quite different.
  • The first category would include the free or subsidised provision of foodgrains and services such as health and education.
  • Examples of the second group include the central government’s recent initiative for production-linked incentives to various sectors and tax concessions.
  • In the past, incentives in the form of reduction of corporate taxes have been offered to promote investment in general, or in certain regions such as backward areas.

What commodities should be distributed free?

  • The key question is to decide what commodities should be distributed free or at a subsidised level and what the level of subsidy should be.
  • Essential goods: The provision of foodgrains at a heavily subsidised price to target groups has found general acceptance, particularly among political parties, even though there are some critics of the measure.
  • The distribution of commodities which are considered “essential”, primarily foodgrains, faces no criticism.
  • Merit goods: There is also a category of goods which are called “merit” goods where significant positive externalities are associated with their consumption — for instance, health and education-related provisions, including mid-day meals and breakfast.
  • In such cases, subsidisation is justified: If only market prices prevail, the community will consume less than what is socially desirable.

What should be the suitable mode of providing support?

  • The question of a suitable model for providing budgetary support arises in the context of both consumption and production-supporting initiatives.
  • 1] In the first case, budgetary support to a targeted segment of the population for augmenting their consumption of essential items may be provided either through direct income support or by a free or highly subsidised provision. 
  • Procurement set up and distribution system: When the provision of subsidised goods is involved, there may, in general, be a requirement of a procurement set-up and a public distribution system.
  • Managing procurement and distribution by government agencies involves additional costs which tend to be higher than the corresponding supply through the market because of leakages and avoidable administrative costs.
  • 2] Production-related incentives: In the case of production-related incentives, alternative methods include direct budgetary support and indirect support through tax concessions.
  •  Both have a differential impact.
  • These schemes also require to be carefully designed to avoid their misuse and minimise their costs. The provision of free power to farmers was often misused.
  • In the case of tax concessions, there have not been any convincing studies as to whether the stated initial objectives were achieved in line with the large budgetary costs.
  • The magnitudes involved amounted to 1.9 per cent and 2.5 per cent of the GDP in 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively.

What should be a prudent fiscal limit for funding such programmes?

  • Let us consider the case of distribution of commodities that are meant to support consumption.
  • Limited budgetary resources: This question should be considered in light of our limited budgetary resources.
  • Stagnating revenue to GDP ratio: In India, the revenue to GDP ratio has been stagnating over a long period of time.
  • During 2010-11 to 2019-20, combined revenue receipts of central and state governments, relative to GDP, have languished in the narrow range of 18.4 per cent to 20.3 per cent.
  • In contrast, in many developed and emerging market economies, this ratio tends to be much higher.
  • In 2019, these ratios were 36 per cent and 30.1 per cent for the UK and USA.


  • It is advisable to limit the distribution of commodities and services at highly subsidised levels to essential and merit goods.
  • Infrastructure expansion: Production may be incentivised more effectively by other methods such as infrastructure expansion.
  • Determining the total quantum of support: In respect of production-related incentives also, greater care is required for determining the total quantum of support as well as the specific forms of such support.
  • Limit of 10 %: It would be prudent to limit overall fiscal support for the distribution of commodities to less than 10 per cent of the total expenditure of the central government and state governments until their revenue GDP or GSDP ratios are successfully increased in a sustained way.


Governments that do not pay adequate attention to the strength of their fisc eventually become exposed to the cost of the choices that they make.

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Back2Basics: Merit goods

  • Merit goods are the goods that are provided generally by the government to certain sections of the society.
  • Unlike in the case of pure public goods, the merit goods are not provided to the entire society; rather they are given to certain targeted people.
  • The government here believe that the deserving people may under-consume such goods and hence provides these to them at low cost or no cost.

Positive externalities

  • A positive externality exists if the production and consumption of a good or service benefits a third party not directly involved in the market transaction.
  • For example, education directly benefits the individual and also provides benefits to society as a whole through the provision of more informed and productive citizens.

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Freedom of Speech – Defamation, Sedition, etc.

IPC Sec 295A: Dealing with Hate Speech and Blasphemy


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Section 295A

Mains level: Hate speech and blasphemy

The debate surrounding the comments by some political spokespersons has put the spotlight on the IPC Sec 295A which deals with criticism of or insult to religion.

What is the news?

  • India does not have a formal legal framework for dealing with hate speech.
  • However, a cluster of provisions, loosely termed hate speech laws, are invoked.
  • There are primarily some laws to deal with offences against religions.

What is Section 295A?

  • Section 295A, define the contours of free speech and its limitations with respect to offences relating to religion.
  • It prescribes punishment for deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.
  • It calls for imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to [three years], or with fine, or with both.
  • It has been invoked on a wide range of issues from penalising political satire and seeking bans on or withdrawal of books to even political critique on social media.

Chapters to penalise religious offences

Section 295A is one of the key provisions in the IPC chapter to penalise religious offences. The same chapter includes offences to penalise:

  1. Damage or defilement of a place of worship with intent to insult the religion (Section 295)
  2. Trespassing in a place of sepulture (burial) (Section 297)
  3. Uttering, words, etc, with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person (Section 298) and
  4. Disturbing a religious assembly (Section 296)

Origins of the law

  • Colonial origins of the hate speech provisions are often criticised for the assumption that Indians were susceptible to religious excitement.
  • Section 295A was brought in 1927.
  • The antecedents of Section 295A lie in the communally charged atmosphere of North India in the 1920s.
  • The amendment was a fallout of an acquittal under Section 153A of the IPC by the Lahore High Court in 1927 in Rajpaul v Emperor, popularly known as the Rangila Rasool case.

Frequency of use

  • The state often invokes Section 295A along with 153A of the IPC, which penalises promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc.
  • It acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony and Section 505 of the IPC that punishes statements conducing to public mischief.

What about online hate speech?

  • In cases where such speech is online, Section 66A of the Information Technology Act was invoked.
  • However, in a landmark verdict in 2015, the Supreme Court struck down Section 66A as unconstitutional on the ground that the provision was “vague” and a “violation of free speech”.
  • However, the provision continues to be invoked.

Issues with such laws

  • The broad, vague terms in the laws are often invoked in its misuse.
  • Lower conviction rates for these provisions indicate that the process — where a police officer can arrest without a warrant — is often the punishment.
  • Critics have pointed out that these laws are intended for the state to step in and restore “public order” rather than protect free speech.


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Foreign Policy Watch: India-ASEAN

Back in news: India- ASEAN Relations


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: ASEAN

Mains level: India-ASEAN Relations

The Foreign Minister of Myanmar is unlikely to be part of the 24th ASEAN-India Ministerial summit.

What is the news?

  • Myanmar’s absence is the souring ASEAN-Myanmar.
  • This is after the coup that overthrew the Aung San Suu Kyi government in Myanmar.
  • This shows India’s concern over the junta in Myanmar which has refused to enter into a negotiation

What is ASEAN?

  • ASEAN is a political and economic union of 10 member states in Southeast Asia.
  • It brings together ten Southeast Asian states – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – into one organisation.
  • It was established on 8th August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration by the founding fathers of the countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines.
  • The preceding organisation was the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) comprising of Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia.
  • Five other nations joined the ASEAN in subsequent years making the current membership to ten countries.

India-ASEAN Relations: A Backgrounder

  • Look-East Policy in 1992 gave an upthrust to India -ASEAN relation and helped India in capitalizing its historical, cultural and civilizational linkages with the region.
  • India entered into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in goods with the region in 2003 which has facilitated the bilateral trade which now stands at approximately USD 76 Billion.
  • Further, the launch of Act East Policy in 2014 has added a new vigour to India-ASEAN relations.

Significance of ASEAN to India

  • ASEAN’s centrality in India’s foreign policy – A cohesive, responsive, and prosperous ASEAN is central to India’s Indo-Pacific Vision and India’s Act East Policy and contributes to Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR).
  • Economic – ASEAN is the one of the largest market in the world comparative to the EU and North American markets.
    • It’s also the 4th most popular investment destination globally.
  • Investment opportunities for Indian businesses – Cost of production is lower in Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, which means that Indian firms can gain significantly by investing in these countries.
  • Countering China – Cooperation between India and ASEAN is crucial to counter China’s power projection in the region. Both have territorial and border issues with China, disputes over the South China Islands and waters for ASEAN and over land boundaries for India.
  • Integration with regional and global supply chains – Increasing engagement with ASEAN is pivotal to facilitate India’s integration with regional and global supply chain movements.
  • North-East development – Connectivity projects with the ASEAN nations keeping Northeast India at the centre can ensure the economic growth of the land-locked north-eastern states.
    • Collaboration with the ASEAN nations is necessary to counter insurgency in the Northeast, combat terrorism, etc.
  • Maritime security – The Indian Ocean carries 90% of India’s trade and its energy sources. Presence of choke points such as the Malacca strait makes the South-East Asian region significant for countering traditional and non-traditional maritime threats like piracy and terrorism.
  • Indian Diaspora – About 9-8% of the population in Malaysia and Singapore is of Indian origin, in Myanmar-4% and Indonesia about 0.5%.

Areas of Cooperation

  • Economic Cooperation – ASEAN is India’s 4th largest trading partner.
    • India signed FTA in goods in 2009 and an FTA in services and investments in 2014 with ASEAN.
    • India has a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) with various countries of the ASEAN region which has resulted in concessional trade and a rise in investments.
  • Political Cooperation – ASEAN-India Centre (AIC) was established to undertake policy research, advocacy and networking activities with organizations and think-tanks in India and ASEAN.
    • Delhi Dialogue – Annual Track 1.5 event for discussing politico-security and economic issues between ASEAN and India.
  • Financial Assistance – India provides financial assistance to the ASEAN nations through various mechanism like ASEAN-India Cooperation Fund, ASEAN-India S&T Development Fund and ASEAN-India Green Fund.
  • Connectivity – India has been undertaking several connectivity projects like India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral (IMT) Highway and the Kaladan Multimodal Project.
    • India is also trying to establish a Maritime Transportation Agreementwith ASEAN and also Plans for a Railway link between New Delhi in India to Hanoi in Vietnam.
  • Socio-Cultural Cooperation – Programmes to boost People-to-People Interaction with ASEAN are organized, such as inviting ASEAN students to India, Special Training Course for ASEAN diplomats, Exchange of Parliamentarians, etc.
  • Defence Cooperation – Joint Naval and Military exercises are conducted between India and most ASEAN countries.
    • Vietnam has traditionally been a close friend on defense issues, Singapore is also an equally important partner.
  • Maritime Cooperation – adopted Delhi Declaration and decided to identify Cooperation in the Maritime Domain as the key area of cooperation under the ASEAN-India strategic partnership.
    • India is developing its maiden deep-sea port in a strategically located Sabang port in Indonesia.


  • RCEP is a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that has been signed between 15 countries including the 10 ASEAN members, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.
    • RCEP was first proposed in 2011 with an aim to create a consolidated market for the ASEAN countries and their trade partners.
    • RCEP now forms the world’s largest trade bloc, covering over 2.2 billion people and accounting for 30% of the world’s economy.
  • Though India was a part of the RCEP’s negotiations, it dropped out in November 2019, citing significant outstanding issues that remain unresolved.

Reasons behind India pulling out of RCEP

  • Trade imbalance with RCEP members – India’s trade deficit with RCEP countries has almost doubled in the last five-six years.
  • Chinese Angle – From a geopolitical perspective, RCEP is China-led or is intended to expand China’s influence in Asia. India has already signed FTA with all the countries of RCEP except China.
  • Signing of RCEP can lead to cheaper products from China flooding the Indian market.
  • Lack of adequate protection for domestic industries – India’s proposals for strict Rules of Origin (to prevent routing of products from non-RCEP countries) and an Auto-trigger mechanism to impose tariffs when imports crossed a certain threshold which were not accepted.
  • Lack of Service component – Most developed RCEP countries where India can export services, have been unwilling to negotiate wide-ranging disciplines in services that can create new market access for trade in services in this region.
  • Concerns by local industries – A large number of sectors including dairy, agriculture, steel, automobiles, etc had expressed serious apprehensions on RCEP citing dominance of cheap foreign goods would dampen its business.
  • India’s FTA experience – India’s FTAs has generally led to greater imports than exports, giving rise to high trade deficits with FTA partners like South Korea, Japan, and ASEAN.

Possible Implications of India not joining RCEP

Protectionist image – Withdrawal from RCEP along with other recent measures like call for self-reliance under Atmanirbhar Abhiyan, etc can be perceived as India taking a protectionist stance in terms of trade policy.

Lost opportunity for India’s export sector – RCEP was envisaged to strengthen Asian supply chains, bring in investments and boost the member countries’ competitiveness in global markets.

Effect on bilateral ties with RCEP countries – There are concerns that the decision will hamper India’s bilateral trade with RCEP member countries as they would be inclined to bolster trade within the bloc.

Lost opportunity in securing a position in the post COVID world: RCEP is expected to help member countries emerge from the economic devastation caused by the pandemic through access to regional supply chains.

Arguments for reviewing India’s decision

  • Global Economic Stagnation due to Covid-19 pandemic – RCEP can serve as a bulwark in containing the free fall of the global economy and re-energising economic activity.
    • RCEP presents a unique opportunity to support India’s economic recovery, inclusive development, and job creation even as it helps strengthen regional supply chains.
  • Economic Realism – India should deter seeing RCEP only from the Chinese perspective.
    • India can draw inspiration from Japan & Australia, as they chose to bury their geopolitical differences with China to prioritise what they collectively see as a mutually beneficial trading compact.
  • Strategic Need – RCEP’s membership is a prerequisite to having a say in shaping RCEP’s rules, which is necessary to safeguard India’s interests and the interests of several countries that are too small to stand up to the largest member, China.
  • As the summary of the final agreement shows, the pact does cover and attempt to address some issues that India had flagged, including rules of origin, trade in services, movement of persons. Therefore, this makes the case of India to review its decision and look RCEP through the lens of economic realism.

Challenges in India-ASEAN Relations

  • China factor – India’s effort in this regard is meagre when compared to China’s dominance in the region
    • China’s assertive military, political and economic rise, as well as the South China Sea disputes have divided ASEAN without unanimity amongst them.
  • Economic challenges – India has an unfavourable balance of trade with the ASEAN nations.
  • RCEP deal – India walking out of RCEP can become a sticking point between India and ASEAN, since India’s domestic market was considered a key element in the RCEP negotiations.
    • India has not signed RCEP for various reasons like non-transparency in RCEP, RCEP’s non-accounting of India’s service sector relaxations, etc.
    • By not signing the RCEP India also lose access to new market opportunities created in East Asia.
  • Slow development in Bilateral relations – Many bilateral deals with these nations are yet to be finalised, leading to the halting of various aspects of diplomatic ties.
  • Delayed projects – Though India has committed to many connectivity projects, they have not been completed at the rate on par with China
    • China, on the other hand, through its BRI, is able to gain the trust of these countries.

India’s pulling out of the RCEP deal shows the limitations of the ties with the ASEAN nations. Maintaining cordial ties, both bilaterally and multilaterally with these nations is essential for both India’s economic and security interests.

South-East Asian nations are looking at India to take on a greater role for the economic integration of the region and for ensuring an open and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Many of the members of the ASEAN perceive India as a much-needed counterbalance to China.

Way Forward

  • An alternative economic corridor based multimodal connectivity such as Mekong-India Economic Corridor may be promoted, which will connect Indian coast with unexplored Southeast Asian coast and beyond.
    • Strengthening land, air, and sea linkages will enhance people-to-people flows, as well as boost business, investment, and tourism.
    • With China having three times more commercial flights than India to Southeast Asia, improving air connectivity between India and ASEAN countries should also be high on the agenda.
  • India has proposed setting up of an ASEAN-India Network of Universities (AINU) to enhance our educational ties.
  • India can become the military partner after the Atma Nirbar Bharat, Make in India projects are successfully implemented.
    • No ASEAN country has close military ties with China as they never trusted China for military alliance.
  • Concept of QUAD must be expanded to include the ASEAN countries and become a QUAD+ arrangement.
    • Vietnam and Indonesia have expressed a positive note on QUAD in the region.
  • Digital technologies – Given the reluctance of ASEAN states to take help from Chinese giants in the field (due to concerns regarding China’s ability to own data), Indian IT sector may take some advantage.
  • Strengthening cultural connect – Tourism can be further encouraged between India and the ASEAN with some creative branding by the two sides.

Failure of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has made India look outside South Asia towards countries of Southeast Asia for economic and political cooperation.

The ASEAN region has become strategically important for India due to its growing importance in the world politics. And for India to be a regional power as it claims to be, continuing to enhance its relations with ASEAN in all spheres must be a priority.

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Telecom and Postal Sector – Spectrum Allocation, Call Drops, Predatory Pricing, etc

Cabinet approves mega 5G auction


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: 5G technology

Mains level: Not Much

The Union Cabinet has approved the auction of airwaves capable of offering fifth generation, or 5G, telecom services, including ultra-high-speed Internet, and gave its nod for setting up of captive 5G networks by big tech firms.

What is the news?

  • The auction of over 72 GHz of the spectrum will be held by July-end.
  • Auctions will be held at reserve prices recommended by the sector regulator, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
  • TRAI had earlier recommended about a 39% reduction in the reserve or floor price for the sale of 5G spectrum for mobile services.

What is 5G technology?

  • 5G or fifth generation is the latest upgrade in the long-term evolution (LTE) mobile broadband networks.
  • It mainly works in 3 bands, namely low, mid and high-frequency spectrum — all of which have their own uses as well as limitations.

Three bands of 5G

(1) Low band spectrum

  • It has shown great promise in terms of coverage and speed of internet and data exchange, the maximum speed is limited to 100 Mbps (Megabits per second).
  • This means that while telcos can use and install it for commercial cellphones users who may not have specific demands for very high-speed internet, the low band spectrum may not be optimal for the specialized needs of the industry.

(2) Mid-band spectrum

  • It offers higher speeds compared to the low band but has limitations in terms of coverage area and penetration of signals.
  • Telcos and companies, which have taken the lead on 5G, have indicated that this band may be used by industries and specialized factory units for building captive networks that can be molded into the needs of that particular industry.

(3) High-band spectrum

  • It offers the highest speed of all the three bands, but has extremely limited coverage and signal penetration strength.
  • Internet speeds in the high-band spectrum of 5G have been tested to be as high as 20 Gbps (gigabits per second), while, in most cases, the maximum internet data speed in 4G has been recorded at 1 Gbps.

Where does India stand in the 5G technology race?

  • On par with the global players, India had, in 2018, planned to start 5G services as soon as possible, with an aim to capitalize on the better network speeds and strength that the technology promised.
  • Indian private telecom players have been urging the DoT to lay out a clear road map of spectrum allocation and 5G frequency bands so that they would be able to plan the rollout of their services accordingly.
  • One big hurdle, however, is the lack of flow of cash and adequate capital with some companies due to their AGR dues.

Global progress on 5G

  • More than governments, global telecom companies have started building 5G networks and rolling it out to their customers on a trial basis.
  • In countries like the US, some companies have taken the lead when it comes to rolling out commercial 5G for their users.
  • A South Korean company, which had started researching on 5G technology way back in 2011, has, on the other hand, take the lead when it comes to building the hardware for 5G networks for several companies.


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Railway Reforms

First train under Bharat Gaurav Scheme inaugurated


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Bharat Gaurav Scheme

Mains level: Pilgrim tourism

The ‘Bharat Gaurav’ train service from Coimbatore to Shirdi, a first of its kind in the country, was inaugurated at the Coimbatore North Railway Station.

What are Bharat Gaurav trains?

  • Bharat Gaurav express trains are operated by private players, who have the right to use the rail infrastructure provided by the Indian Railways.

About Bharat Gaurav Scheme

  • Under this Scheme, theme-based tourist circuit trains, on the lines of the Ramayana Express, can be run either by private or State-owned operators.
  • Till now, the Railways had passenger segments and goods segments.
  • Now, it will have a third segment for tourism under the Bharat Gaurav.
  • The scheme has been developed after extensive stakeholder discussions and a lot of State Governments, including Odisha, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, have shown interest.

Key features

  • Service providers, who can be an individual, company, society, trust, joint venture or consortium will be free to decide themes/circuits.
  • They will offer an all-inclusive package to tourists including rail travel, hotel accommodation and sightseeing arrangement, visit to historical/heritage sites, tour guides etc.
  • They have full flexibility to decide the package cost.
  • The service providers will also be able to design/furnish the interior of the coaches based on the theme and put branding or advertising inside and outside of the train.


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Indian Missile Program Updates

Prithvi-II Missile successfully test-fired


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Prithvi-II Missile

Mains level: Not Much

Successfully test-fire of indigenously developed, nuclear-capable Prithvi-II Missile was recently held.

Prithvi-II Missile

  • The Prithvi-II surface-to-surface missile has a strike range of 350 km.
  • It is capable of carrying 500-1,000 kilogram of warheads and is powered by liquid propulsion twin engines.
  • It was inducted into the armory of Indian defence forces in 2003.
  • It is a nine-metre-tall, single-stage liquid-fuelled missile.
  • The state-of-the-art missile uses advanced inertial guidance system with manoeuvering trajectory to hit its target.
  • It is the first missile to have been developed by the DRDO under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP).

Other variants of Prithvi

  • The Prithvi missile project encompassed developing three variants for use by the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy.
  • The initial project framework of the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program outlines the variants in the following manner:
  1. Prithvi I (SS-150) – Army version, 150 km range with a payload of 1,000 kg
  2. Prithvi II (SS-250) – Air Force version, 350 km range with a payload of 500 kg
  3. Prithvi III (SS-350) – Naval version, 350 km range with a payload of 1,000 kg

Significance of the test-fire

  • Developed as a battlefield missile, it can carry a nuclear warhead in its role as a tactical nuclear weapon.
  • This is the second such test fire of nuclear capable highly manoeuvrable missile in weeks.


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Women empowerment issues – Jobs,Reservation and education

Child Marriage in India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 2- Child marriage issue


There has been an ongoing debate on whether increasing the age of marriages can solve the problem of child marriage in India.


  • It is defined as a marriage of a girl or boy before the age of 18 and refers to both formal marriages and informal unions in which children under the age of 18 live with a partner as if married.
  • The Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021, fixes 21 years as the marriageable age for women.

Prevalence of child marriage in India

  •  NFHS-5 data show that about 25% of women aged 18-29 years married before the legal marriageable age of 18.
  • Marginal decline: The proportion has declined only marginally from NFHS-4 (28%).
  • Higher in rural India: Expectedly, the prevalence is higher in rural than urban India (28% and 17%, respectively).
  • West Bengal has the highest prevalence (42%), followed by Bihar and Tripura (40% each).
  • Oddly, the decline in child marriage has been paltry at best in these high-prevalence States.
  • At the other end of the spectrum are Goa, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala (6% to 7%).
  • 39% of child marriages in India take place among Adivasis and Dalits.
  • The share of advantaged social groups is 17% and the remaining share is of Other Backward Classes.

Role of structural issues in adverse health and educational outcomes

  • Impact: Studies associate early marriage of women with early pregnancy, lower likelihood of accessing ante-natal care, higher risks of maternal morbidity and mortality, poor nutritional status of women and poor nutritional and educational outcomes of children.
  • These studies seem to provide a rather compelling case for increasing the age of marriage of women from 18 to 21 years, as a delayed marriage might offer significant public health dividends.
  • Structural factors at play: But a closer reading of the evidence shows that the association between child marriage and adverse health outcomes does not emerge in a vacuum. 
  • Rather, it is abetted by structural factors, including social norms, poverty, and women’s education.
  • Role of social norms: It is because of social norms in many regions and cultures that parents begin preparations for a girl’s marriage once she has reached menarche.
  • Role of poverty: A large proportion of child marriages take place primarily because of poverty and the burden of the huge costs of dowry associated with delayed marriages.
  • Role of education:  The NHFS-5 data confirm that a significant proportion of child marriages takes place among women with less than 12 years of schooling and households that are socially and economically disadvantaged.
  • The average age at marriage increases from 17 years among women who are illiterate and have had up to five years of schooling to 22 years among women who have had more than 12 years of schooling.
  • This indicates that an increase in years of schooling goes hand in hand with an increase in age at marriage.
  • While an increase in education is most likely to delay marriage, the increase in age at marriage may or may not increase women’s education.

Why the age of marriage of women matters

  • Age of marriage has bearing on maternal mortality rates, fertility levels, nutrition of mother and child, sex ratios, and, on a different register, education and employment opportunities for women.
  • It is also argued that other factors — such as poverty and health services — were far more effective as levers for improving women’s and children’s health and nutritional status.
  • Child marriage curtail a girl’s opportunities to continue her education.
  • And in turn, the lack of educational opportunities plays an important role in facilitating child marriage.

Way forward

  • The fact that about one-fourth of women (18-29 years) in India have married before 18 years despite the law tells us that legally increasing the age of marriage may not fully prevent child marriages. 
  • 1] Ensure education for at least up to 12 years: Much of the benefits can be reaped by ensuring that women complete education at least up to 12 years.
  • Bangladesh shows that improving women’s education and imparting modern skills to them that increase their employability reduces child marriage and improves health and nutrition.
  • 2] Educational attainment criteria in schemes: Schemes which ease the financial burden of marriage but the eligibility criteria of which should essentially link to educational attainment in addition to age demand attention.
  • The lessons from Janani Suraksha Yojana and the zeal demonstrated in ending open defecation might provide valid insights here.


A legalistic approach to increasing the age at marriage will produce positive results only if it leads to an improvement in women’s education and skill acquisition for employability. In the absence of an enhancement in women’s schooling or skills, a legalistic approach to ending child marriage might become counterproductive.

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Trade Sector Updates – Falling Exports, TIES, MEIS, Foreign Trade Policy, etc.

International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC)

Mains level: Read the attached story

Iran started the first transfer of Russian goods to India via a new trade corridor which transits the West Asian nation, people on the Iranian side familiar with the developments told news outlets.

The cargo will travel through the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).

What is the news?

  • The cargo ship departed St. Petersburg for the Caspian Sea port city of Astrakhan.
  • It will reach the northern Iranian port of Anzali and then will be transferred by road to the southern port of Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf.
  • From Bandar Abbas it will reach via ship to India at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT).

International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC)

  • The INSTC is a 7,200 km-long multimodal transportation network encompassing sea, road, and rail routes to offer the shortest route of connectivity.
  • It was established on 12th September 2000 in St. Petersburg, by Iran, Russia and India for the purpose of promoting transportation cooperation among the Member States.
  • It links the Indian Ocean to the Caspian Sea via the Persian Gulf onwards into Russia and Northern Europe.
  • It will move freight between India, Iran, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe.

Significance of INSTC

  • Trade facilitation: INSTC is aimed at reducing the carriage cost between India and Russia by about 30 per cent and bringing down the transit time by more than half.
  • New corridor in making: It has the potential to transform the economies of countries along the corridor into specialized manufacturing, logistics, and transit hubs by facilitating access to newer markets.
  • Multimodal transit: The recent Suez Canal blockade, which cost the global economy hefty damage amounting to US$9 billion, has amplified the optimistic outlook towards the INSTC as a cheaper and faster alternative multimodal transit corridor.

Benefits offered to India

  • Export promotion: The INSTC connects India with Central Asia, and Russia, and has the potential to expand up to the Baltic, Nordic, and Arctic regions, increasing the scope of trade multifold.
  • Ease of trade: For India, it provides a shorter trade route with Iran, Russia, and beyond to Europe, creating scope for increased economic engagement.
  • Alternative Route to Central Asia: It opens up a permanent alternative route for India to trade with Afghanistan and Central Asia, given the hurdles in the direct route through Pakistan.



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Historical and Archaeological Findings in News

ASI Act to be made more flexible


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), AMSAR Act

Mains level: Not Much

Union Culture Minister said the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) was working on an amendment to make the law that provides for the preservation of monuments and archaeological sites “more flexible and people-friendly”.

What is the news?

  • The ASI is working to amend Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (AMASR) Act 1958.
  • It particularly seeks to change the current 100-metre prohibited area around protected monuments to site-specific limits.

What is the AMASR Act?

  • The AMASR Act provides for the preservation of ancient and historical monuments and archaeological sites and remains of national importance.
  • It also provides for the regulation of archaeological excavations and for the protection of sculptures, carvings and other like objects.
  • The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) functions under the provisions of this act.
  • The rules stipulate that area in the vicinity of the monument, within 100 metres is prohibited area.
  • The area within 200 meters of the monument is regulated category. Any repair or modifications of buildings in this area requires prior permission.

About Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)

  • The ASI is an attached office of the Ministry of Culture.
  • It was founded in 1861 by Alexander Cunningham who also became its first Director-General.
  • Under the provisions of the AMASR Act of 1958, the ASI administers more than 3650 ancient monuments, archaeological sites and remains of national importance.
  • These can include everything from temples, mosques, churches, tombs, and cemeteries to palaces, forts, step-wells, and rock-cut caves.
  • The Survey also maintains ancient mounds and other similar sites which represent the remains of ancient habitation.
  • The ASI is headed by a Director-General who is assisted by an Additional Director General, two Joint Directors General, and 17 Directors.


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Indian Army Updates

What is Agnipath Scheme?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Agnipath Scheme

Mains level: Not Much

Defence Minister announced the ‘Agnipath’ scheme for the recruitment of youth in the armed forces for four years.

Agnipath Scheme

  • This will be the only form of recruitment of soldiers into the three defence services from now.
  • The scheme aims at strengthening national security and for providing an opportunity to the youth to serve in the armed forces.
  • Recruits under the scheme will be known as ‘Agniveers’.
  • After completing the four-year service, they can apply for regular employment in the armed forces.
  • They may be given priority over others for various jobs in other government departments.
  • The move is expected to decrease the average age profile of armed forces personnel from the current 32 to 24-26 years over a period of time.

Working of the scheme

  • The process of recruitment will commence in 90 days with a planned intake of 46,000 young men and women this year.
  • Enrolment to all three services will be through a centralized online system, with special rallies and campus interviews at recognized technical institutes.
  • Recruitment will be carried out on an “All India All Class” basis with the eligibility age ranging from 17.5 to 21, with medical and physical fitness standards in accordance with existing norms.

Payouts of the Agniveers

  • The ‘Agniveers’ will receive an annual package of ₹4.76 lakh in the first year to ₹6.92 lakh in the fourth year, apart from risk and hardship and other allowances as applicable.
  • Under the ‘Seva Nidhi’ package, they will receive about ₹11.71 lakh, including contribution and interest, on completion of service.
  • The recruits will have to contribute 30% of their monthly emoluments to Seva Nidhi, with a matching contribution made by the government.
  • There will be no entitlement to gratuity and pension benefits under the scheme.
  • However, the ‘Agniveers’ will be provided a non-contributory life insurance cover of ₹48 lakh during their service.


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Foreign Policy Watch: The BCIM Corridor

[pib] BIMSTEC Technology Transfer Facility (TTF)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: BIMSTEC TTF

Mains level: BIMSTEC

The Union Cabinet chaired by the PM has approved a Memorandum of Association (MoA) by India for the establishment of the BIMSTEC Technology Transfer Facility (TTF).

What is BIMSTEC?

  • The BIMSTEC formed in 1997 is an international organisation of seven South Asian and Southeast Asian nations, housing 1.73 billion people and having a combined gross domestic product of $3.8 trillion (2021).
  • The BIMSTEC member states – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand – are among the countries dependent on the Bay of Bengal.
  • Leadership is rotated in alphabetical order of country names. The permanent secretariat is in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • A BIMSTEC free trade agreement is under negotiation (c. 2018), also referred to as the mini SAARC.


  • The agreement was signed by the BIMSTEC member countries at the 5th BIMSTEC Summit held at Colombo, Sri Lanka on 30th March, 2022.
  • The main objectives of the BIMSTEC TTF are to coordinate, facilitate and strengthen cooperation in technology transfer among the BIMSTEC Member States.
  • It aims to promote the transfer of technologies, sharing of experiences and capacity building.
  • The TTF shall have a Governing Board and the overall control of activities of the TTF shall be vested in the Governing Board.
  • The Governing Board shall consist of one nominee from each Member State.

Expected outcomes

The expected outcomes of the BIMSTEC TTF are:

  • Databank of technologies available in BIMSTEC Countries,
  • Repository of information on good practices in the areas of technology transfer management, standards, accreditation, metrology, testing and calibration facilities,
  • Capacity building, sharing of experiences and good practices in development, and
  • Transfer and use of technologies among BIMSTEC countries.


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Women empowerment issues – Jobs,Reservation and education

Nanhi Pari Programme


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Nanhi Pari Programme

Mains level: Not Much

The ‘Nanhi Pari’ programme was recently launched by the Northwest Delhi district administration.

Nanhi Pari Programme

  • Nanhi Pari programme aims to provide a one-stop solution to parents, eliminating their need to visit various offices to obtain documents.
  • Under the programme, essential services such as the provision of a birth certificate, Aadhaar card registration and opening a bank account for girls are completed and delivered in government hospitals in the district before the mother and baby are discharged.
  • The programme will help in getting registration of baby girls and mothers under various schemes such as the Sukanya Samriddhi Account scheme, the Ladli scheme and Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana at the hospital itself.

Significance of the Programme

  • The programme makes the processes for schemes as simple as possible for all children and mothers.
  • Parents would not have to go from here to there, trying to avail themselves of the essential schemes.
  • Apart from ensuring that schemes reach target beneficiaries and protecting the interests of girl children, the programme also aims to promote institutional deliveries.


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BRICS Summits

China wants a larger BRICS to challenge the existing international order


A virtual meeting of BRICS+ foreign ministers was held on May 20 in which the ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) were joined by representatives from Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, and Thailand.


  • BRICS is an acronym for the grouping of the world’s leading emerging economies, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
  • The BRICS Leaders’ Summit is convened annually.
  • It does not exist in form of organization, but it is an annual summit between the supreme leaders of five nations.
  • The grouping was formalized during the first meeting of BRIC Foreign Ministers on the margins of the UNGA in New York in September 2006.
  • The first BRIC Summit took place in 2009 in the Russian Federation and focused on issues such as reform of the global financial architecture.
  • South Africa was invited to join BRIC in December 2010, after which the group adopted the acronym BRICS.
  • South Africa subsequently attended the Third BRICS Summit in Sanya, China, in March 2011.
  • The Chairmanship of the forum is rotated annually among the members, in accordance with the acronym B-R-I-C-S.

What are the factors leading to the expansion of BRICS?

  • Ukraine war and hardened Western positions: The disruption in the international order, heightened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the hardening of Western positions, are leading to the making of competitive plurilateral fora.
  • Russia and China have decided that this is an opportune time to expand BRICS and challenge the domain of the G7 by including members from the G20. 
  • China is challenging Western influence over countries and wants to use BRICS to that end.
  • China is taking the lead and setting the agenda for BRICS expansion.
  • The New Development Bank associated with BRICS, expanded membership in 2021, admitting Bangladesh, the UAE, Uruguay and Egypt
  •  This shows the Chinese determination for an expansion process on its watch.

Criteria and the process of inducting new members into BRICS and challenges

  • Prioritise G20 members: The first likely criteria will be to prioritise G20 members.
  • Among the recent guests of the BRICS+ virtual meeting, Argentina, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia would qualify for this category.
  • From among Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia (MIKTA), only Indonesia was invited.
  • Thus, China, backed by Russia, is creating cleavages to choose its friends from among the G20 and beyond
  • Emerging economy: Another criteria which could come up would be an emerging economy status and adherence to BRICS objectives.
  • The push for setting criteria is actually a battle to choose partners who are more amenable to the individual members of the current BRICs.
  • Russia and China would prefer to have Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Argentina excluding Egypt since it is a close ally of the US.
  • Brazil would have a say on including Argentina – the two countries have a longstanding rivalry in Latin America.
  • If Argentina is excluded, it may unravel the G20 membership criteria for inclusion in the BRICS.
  • South Africa has views on Nigeria and, particularly, Egypt. Being a member of G20 gives it leadership in Africa.
  • Being in the BRICS gave it heft as the African representative.
  • If Nigeria and Egypt are admitted, South Africa would no more be the African representative in the BRICS.
  • New Development Bank membership: The UAE and Egypt could utilise their membership of NDB as a qualifier.
  • There could be an easier consensus on Indonesia because India is unlikely to oppose it as its relationship has been improving politically, even if not economically.
  • On Kazakhstan, the decision would be that of Russia and China and how they deal with the other Central Asian countries.
  • China may also back Iran and Malaysia but then Indonesia may feel a loss of uniqueness.
  • A consensus with Brazil and South Africa for members from their regions will be critical.

Way forward for India

  • Membership of the UAE and Saudi Arabia: The UAE and Saudi Arabia are two countries with whom India has rapidly enhanced its engagement and are good contributors to development.
  • Having them in the BRICS could be of advantage to India.
  • Both countries have a longstanding relationship with the US, but seek to diversify and would not be averse to joining BRICS.
  • Avoid BRICS expansion on Chinese terms: China, backed by Russia, is hastening the process of expansion of BRICS as part of its strategic challenge to the international order and to collect middle powers around them.
  • India needs to ensure that expansion is not on Chinese terms and that the countries admitted are equally receptive to India.
  • Bilateral engagement with them should see this perception built up.
  • Consultations on criteria and members must be strong.
  • Leverage ISBA: IBSA may act as a phalanx within BRICS to prevent China from running away with the expansion agenda over the views of other members.


Since Russia is simply with Chinese priorities, it’s time for the IBSA trilateral of democracies within BRICS to assert itself.

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Back2Basics: What is the fundamental difference between ISBA, BRICS and BASIC?

  • IBSA is between three democracies – India, Brazil and South Africa wanting to engage in deeper economic aspects and discuss security related issues.
  •  BASIC includes Brazil, South Africa, India and China.
  • These three expressions of multilateralism steer clear from articulating the softer aspects of foreign policy like refugee rights or human rights invoking the ‘sovereignty’ clause with domestic political sanctity paramount.
  • BRICS comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
  • Russia is a democracy with its political spectrum anchoring around an individual.
  • China is a socialist country, successful by implementing economic reforms that do not agree with the basic tenets of socialism/communism.

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Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Global Implications

Lessons from the Ukraine crisis price shock


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 2- Lessons from Ukraine crisis


The Russia-Ukraine conflict, now more than three months old, will cause major, long-term shifts in the global energy and commodity trade.

Factors responsible for high prices

  • Ukraine war: Western sanctions on Russia and efforts of European nations to diversify their energy supplies are already causing market distortions and high prices.
  • Crude oil prices are at their highest level since 2014; the price of LNG is at its highest ever, fertiliser and food are up and markets for several other commodities such as nickel have been disrupted.
  • Expensive commodities are already causing distress in India’s neighbourhood, for example, in Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
  • Insufficient investment: Insufficient investment in oil and gas production in preceding years resulted in high prices, and shortages were being felt.
  • A number of European investors, such as Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, announced they would no longer invest in traditional fuels — oil, gas, coal.
  • Natural gas is used as a feedstock for fertiliser.
  • An energy shock is then inevitably followed by a food price shock.

Future trends

1] Strained EU-Russia relations will distort prices

  • In the immediate term, the EU is trying to source its raw materials — most critically oil and natural gas, but also fertiliser, agricultural goods and metals — from non-Russian sources.
  • This will cause distortions and price spikes for those commodities in the global market, as can already be seen in the natural gas market, up 300 per cent in the last year.

2] Sanctions are unlikely to achieve the desired political outcome

  • The US and its allies are quick to impose sanctions — and these are rarely withdrawn, if ever.
  • Iran has been under US sanctions since 1979, and the same with Venezuela for over a decade.
  • In both cases, sanctions have failed to achieve the desired political outcome.
  • As Russia is much better placed than either of those two countries to weather sanctions, the restrictions are likely to remain for a long while.

3] Emerging world unwilling to align with West on sanctions

  • The high price of energy and the resulting inflation shows why much of the emerging world is unwilling and unable to align with the West on the current sanctions.
  • Russia is 11 per cent of the global landmass and among the world’s top five producers and exporters of oil, gas, fertiliser and other critical commodities like nickel.
  • It is too big to be replaced as a supplier.
  • In emerging economies, it can fan public anger and political unrest, as was seen in Tunisia and other Arab countries from 2010 on.

4] Larger emerging economies will disregard sanction

  • Larger emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil will disregard sanctions on their key economic interests, particularly food, fertilisers and energy.
  • Specifically for India, its dependence on these essentials is unlikely to reduce meaningfully over the next 15-20 years.

Way forward for India

  • Collaborate with other economies: In the immediate future, the India should collaborate with other similar economies to ensure that Russia doesn’t get locked out of global commodity markets.
  • Work on insulating the supply chains: For the long term, it must work on insulating its supply chains from global political crises.


India needs to brace for the price shock emanating from the distortion caused by the shift in the energy policies of Europe. At the same time, India needs to collaborate with other similar economies to ensure that Russia doesn’t get locked out of global commodity markets.

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Upholding the right to repair


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Consumer Protection Act 2019

Mains level: Paper 2- Right to repair


The U.S. state of New York recently passed the Fair Repair Act, which requires manufacturers to supply repair information, tools, and parts to independent repair shops and not just their own stores or partners.

What is the right to repair?

  • It refers to proposed government legislation that would allow consumers the ability to repair and modify their own consumer products (e.g. electronic, automotive devices).
  • The idea behind “right to repair” is in the name: If you own something, you should be able to repair it yourself or take it to a technician of your choice.
  • People are pretty used to this concept when it comes to older cars and appliances, but right-to-repair advocates argue that modern tech, especially anything with a computer chip inside, is rarely repairable.

Why is such right significant?

  • Lifespan enhancement: The goal of the movement is to increase the lifespan of products and to keep them from ending up in landfills.
  • Against planned obsolescence: The electronic manufacturers are encouraging such culture so that devices are designed specifically to last a limited amount of time and to be replaced.
  • Scarcity of natural resources: Obsolescence leads to immense pressure on the environment and wasted natural resources.
  • Mitigating climate change: Manufacturing an electronic device is a highly polluting process. It makes use of polluting sources of energy, such as fossil fuel.
  • Boost to repair economy: Right to repair advocates also argue that this will help boost business for small repair shops, which are an important part of local economies.

Why we need the right to repair?

  • Exorbitant repair price: Often, manufacturers reduce the durability of the product, compelling consumers to either repurchase the product or get it repaired at exorbitant prices affixed by the manufacturers.
  • Violation of rights: This tramples upon the right to obtain information about the quality of the product, the right to procure products at reasonable prices, and the right to seek redress against unscrupulous practices.
  • Implicit in Consumer Protection Act: The ‘right to repair’ can be said to be implicit in Section 2(9) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
  • Right to repair provides consumers with the right to repair and refurbish their purchased goods.
  • Providing livelihood to repair technicians: An entire repair class is, in effect, denied its right to conduct business as it does not have the tools, parts, guidelines and technical know-how to repair these high-tech products.
  • In addition to protecting their right to livelihood, it may also prove beneficial as tech companies are required to share their repair manuals with certified technicians.

What are the concerns of the manufacturers?

  • IP rights, security and quality concers: While right to repair is a victory for consumer rights, privacy, security and quality concerns along with blatant intellectual property (IP) rights violations of the manufacturers cannot be sidelined.
  • Impact on quality and functioning: Manufacturers claim that the quality and functioning of the product might be adversely affected if they allow repairs by consumers and third parties.
  • The fear of manufacturers is so potent that they incorporate warranty clauses which lapse when the product is repaired by a third party.

Way forward

  • Avoiding blanket waiver: While necessary clauses to maintain the quality of the product can be included, a blanket waiver should be avoided.
  • For instance, the quality assurance clause can be incorporated for use of company-recommended spare parts and certified repair shops.
  • Making available the repair manual: Making repair manuals available to certified business owners could go a long way in balancing the rights of consumers and manufacturers.
  • Sign non-disclosure agreement to protect IP rights: Manufacturers can sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect the IP with the certified repairers/businesses.
  • Alloting certification/license: Further, the lack of certification/licensing of repair workers is seen as a reflection of their lack of skills.
  • But a repair certification/licence can be allotted to those who pass certain criteria and skill tests.
  • Insert right to repair in Consumer protection Act: The ‘right to repair’ can be said to be implicit in Section 2(9) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
  • Its apparent disregard merits an explicit insertion of a ‘right to repair’ clause in the said provision.
  • This would make consumers more aware, provide tooth to an already implicit right, and aid in advancing repair-related liability on various stakeholders.
  • Reparability parameter: The product liability clause under Section 84 can be amended and expanded to impose product liability concerning various reparability parameters of the product.
  • France requires manufacturers to display a repairability index on their products which consists of five parameters.
  • Duration of product liability: The duration of imposing product liability may vary depending on the product and its longevity.
  • Here, we can rely on the EU’s guidelines on Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information Regulations, 2021, which mandate manufacturers to provide spare parts for up to 10 years to avoid premature obsolescence.


The New York legislation is a reminder that it is time to not only acknowledge the right to repair of consumers but also respond to the corresponding rights of the manufacturers.

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Coal and Mining Sector

Coal Shortages in India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: CERC

Mains level: Paper 3- Power crisis


The recent power crisis due to the coal shortage in India underscores the need for measures to avoid a repeat of episodes in the future.

Factors contributing to power crisis

  • Spike in power demand: With the sudden early onset of summer in 2022, power demand spiked, riding on the back of the post-Covid economic recovery.
  • Increase in price due to Ukraine crisis: The matter was further exacerbated by the Ukraine conflict, which led to a sharp increase in the price of imported coal.
  • Consequently, power stations designed on imported coal stopped importing because it was no longer economical for them to generate, given their contract price with the distribution companies.
  • Availability of railway rakes: It’s not that domestic coal was not available since enough stock had been built in the mines.
  • The issue was of availability of railway rakes for transportation.

What were the measures taken by the government ?

  • 1] Import of coal to 10 per cent: First, all generators have been asked to import coal to the extent of 10 per cent (as against 4 per cent earlier) and that half of this should be physically available by the end of June.
  • CIL as aggregator: Coal India will function as the aggregator on behalf of the generators.
  • CIL functioning as the aggregator is a better idea and it may be able to import at a cheaper cost by accumulating demand as well as standardising the coal grade to be procured.
  • Moreover, it would be easier for regulators to calculate the revised energy charge since the price at which coal was imported would be well-documented.
  • 2] Section 11 of the Electricity Act 2003 (Act) invoked: Under this section, the government directed imported coal-based plants to run at full capacity with the assurance that their enhanced cost of operation would be compensated.
  • 3] Tolling: The government invoked the concept of tolling, which allowed states to transfer their allotted coal to private generators located near the mines instead of transporting it to far away state generators.
  • This move would ease the burden on the availability of railway rakes.
  • 4] Seeking the consent of beneficiaries for hike: the government issued policy directions to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) overriding CERC’s regulations that made it mandatory to seek the consent of beneficiaries if the tariff went up by more than 30 per cent, if some alternate fuel is used.
  • 5]  Committee to rework the energy charge: A committee of officials was set up to rework the energy charge for imported coal-based generators.
  • 6] Additional working capital: The government is cognisant of the fact that there is a need for additional working capital and has advised REC/PFC as well as commercial banks to arrange for this.

Issues with the measures

  • Use of Section 11: The government invoked Section 11 to give  direction to private generators to import coal at a higher cost.
  • Section 11(1) allows the government to give direction to a generation company to operate and maintain a generating station in extraordinary circumstances.
  • Section 11(2) of the Act mentions that the adverse financial impact on generating compacy due to directions referred to in sub-section (1) would be offset by the regulator.
  • Going by Section 11(2), the government should have left the job of working out the energy charge to the regulator instead of setting up a committee of officials to do so though, of course, the CERC was represented in the committee.
  • 2] No transparency: The committee has already worked out the revised energy costs for six of the plants but there is no transparency regarding the coal cost assumed, its calorific value, transportation cost, etc.
  • 3] Additional rakes: We have to bear in mind that the coal problem arose because of the non-availability of rakes.
  • With 38 MT of coal to be imported by October this year, and half of that by end of June, the need for rakes will not only go up but would be front-loaded.
  • We need the requisite number of rakes otherwise, we are back to where we began.


While the government is taking steps to increase coal imports and addressing the other issues, it must ensure that domestic production does not dip during monsoon season.

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Nuclear Diplomacy and Disarmament

India is expanding its nuclear arsenal: SIPRI


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Read the attached story

Mains level: India’s Nuclear Doctrine, Nuclear Proliferation

India had 160 nuclear warheads as on January 2022 and it appears to be expanding its nuclear arsenal, said the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), a defense think tank.

What is the news?

  • India’s nuclear stockpile increased from 156 in January 2021 to 160 in January 2022.

Nukes in thy neighbour

  • Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile has remained at 165, SIPRI claimed.
  • China is in the middle of a substantial expansion of its nuclear weapon arsenal, which satellite images indicate includes the construction of over 300 new missile silos.
  • China had 350 nuclear warheads in January 2021 and 2022.

Why do countries proliferate nuclear weapons?

  • Proliferation models centered on security concerns or dilemmas dominate nuclear literature.
  • Nuclear weapons provide an overwhelmingly destructive force that increases a state’s relative power in comparison to its neighbors.
  • It provides a powerful tool in an anarchic system where superpowers dominate other nation-states sovereignty.
  • Hence weaponizing helps establish a deterrence to prevent war.

What is the Deterrence Theory?

  • Deterrence is widely defined as any use of threats (implicit or explicit) or limited force intended to dissuade an actor from taking an action (i.e. maintain the status quo).
  • The topic gained increased prominence as a military strategy during the Cold War with regard to the use of nuclear weapons.
  • It is related to but distinct from the concept of mutual assured destruction, which models the preventative nature of full-scale nuclear attack that would devastate both parties in a nuclear war.
  • The central problem of deterrence revolves around how to credibly threaten military action or nuclear punishment on the adversary despite its costs to the deterrer.

Issues in Nuclear Disarmament

  • Notion of Nuclear ‘Haves’ and ‘Have-Nots’: The proponents of disarmaments are themselves nuclear armed countries thus creating a nuclear monopoly.
  • Concept of Peaceful Nuclear Explosion (PNE): conducted for non-military purposes such as mining.

India’s commitment for de-nuclearization

India has always batted for a universal commitment and an agreed global and non-discriminatory multilateral framework.

  • It has outlined a working paper on Nuclear Disarmament submitted to the UN General Assembly in 2006.
  • India participated in the Nuclear Security Summit process and has regularly participated in the International Conferences on Nuclear Security organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
  • India is also a member of the Nuclear Security Contact Group (but has signed off the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)).
  • India has expressed its readiness to support the commencement of negotiations on a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT).
  • India couldn’t join the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) due to several concerns raised by India.
  • India has piloted an annual UNGA Resolution on “Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction” since 2002, which is adopted by consensus.

Back2Basics: India’s Nuclear Doctrine

  • This was first articulated by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on May 27, 1998, days after India had undertaken a series of nuclear tests in Pokhran.
  • It outlined various principles:
  1. Building and maintaining a Credible Minimum Deterrence
  2. Posture of ‘No First Use’– nuclear weapons will only be used in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian Territory or on Indian forces anywhere
  3. Massive Nuclear retaliation to a first strike will be designed to inflict unacceptable damage
  4. Non-use against non-nuclear states
  5. In response to biological or chemical weapons, India will retain the option of retaliating with nuclear weapons

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Police Reforms – SC directives, NPC, other committees reports

New norms for Sentence Remission


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Various types of Pardons

Mains level: Read the attached story

The Union Home Ministry issued a set of guidelines to the States and the Union Territories on the grant of special remission to prisoners to commemorate the 75th year of Independence.

What is the news?

  • The decision comes as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations.
  • The special remission would be granted to a certain category of prisoners, and they would be released in three phases.

What is Remission?

  • The suspension is the stay or postponement of the execution of the sentence.
  • In remission, the duration of the sentence is reduced, without changing the nature of the sentence.
  • In remission, the nature of the sentence is remained untouched, while the duration is reduced i.e. the rest of the sentence need not be undergone.
  • The effect of the remission is that the prisoner is given a certain date on which he shall be released and the eyes of the law he would be a free man.
  • However, in case of breach of any of the condition of remission, it will be cancelled and the offender has to serve the entire term for which he was originally sentenced.

Constitutional provisions for Remission

  • ‘Prisons’ is a State subject under the State List of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.
  • Indian laws provide pardoning power sourcing from statuary and constitutional authorities.
  • By virtue of Article 72 and 161 of the Constitution of India, the President and Governor can grant pardon, to suspend, remit or commute a sentences passed by the courts.

What are the new norms?

The prisoners who would qualify for premature release under the scheme are:

  • Women and transgender convicts of ages 50 and above
  • Male convicts of 60 and above who have completed 50% of their total sentence period without counting the period of general remission earned
  • Physically challenged or disabled convicts with 70% disability and more who have completed 50% of their total sentence period
  • Terminally ill convicts
  • Convicted prisoners who have completed two-thirds (66%) of their total sentence
  • Poor or indigent prisoners who have completed their sentence but are still in jail due to non-payment of fine imposed on them by waiving off the fine
  • Persons who committed an offence at a young age (18-21) and with no other criminal involvement or case against them and who have completed 50% of their sentence period would also be eligible for the remission

Exceptions to these norms

Following persons would not be eligible for the grant of special remission:

  • Persons convicted with death sentence or where death sentence has been commuted to life imprisonment or persons convicted for an offence for which punishment of death has been specified as one of the punishments
  • Persons convicted with sentence of life imprisonment
  • Convicts involved in terrorist activities or persons convicted under the Terrorist and Disruptive (Prevention) Act, 1985, Prevention of Terrorist Act, 2002, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, Explosives Act, 1908, National Security Act, 1982, Official Secrets Act, 1923, and Anti-Hijacking Act, 2016

Back2Basics: Pardoning powers in India

  • Under the Constitution of India (Article 72), the President of India can grant a pardon or reduce the sentence of a convicted person, particularly in cases involving capital punishment.
  • A similar and parallel power vests in the governors of each state under Article 161.
  1. President
  1. Article 72 says that the president shall have the power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offence.
  2. The pardoning powers of the Indian President are elucidated in Art 72 of the Indian Constitution. There are five different types of pardoning which are mandated by law.
  • Pardon: means completely absolving the person of the crime and letting him go free. The pardoned criminal will be like a normal citizen.
  • Commutation: means changing the type of punishment given to the guilty into a less harsh one, for example, a death penalty commuted to a life sentence.
  • Reprieve: means a delay allowed in the execution of a sentence, usually a death sentence, for a guilty person to allow him some time to apply for Presidential Pardon or some other legal remedy to prove his innocence or successful rehabilitation.
  • Respite: means reducing the quantum or degree of the punishment to a criminal in view of some special circumstances, like pregnancy, mental condition etc.
  • Remission: means changing the quantum of the punishment without changing its nature, for example reducing twenty-year rigorous imprisonment to ten years.

Cases as specified by art. 72

  • in all cases where the punishment or sentence is by a court-martial;
  • in all cases where the punishment or sentence is for an offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the Union extends;
  • in all cases where the sentence is a sentence of death.
  1. Governor
  • Similarly, as per article 161: Governor of a State has the power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offence against any law.
  • It must be relating to a matter to which the executive power of the state extends.
  • Please note that President can grant pardon to a person awarded death sentence. But a governor of a state does not enjoy this power.

Nature of the Pardoning Power

  • The question is whether this power to grant pardon is absolute or this power of pardon shall be exercised by the President on the advice of Council of Ministers.
  • The pardoning power of the president is not absolute. It is governed by the advice of the Council of Ministers.
  • This has not been discussed by the constitution but is the practical truth.
  • Further, the constitution does not provide for any mechanism to question the legality of decisions of President or governors exercising mercy jurisdiction.
  • But the SC in Epuru Sudhakar case has given a small window for judicial review of the pardon powers of President and governors for the purpose of ruling out any arbitrariness.
  • The court has earlier held that court has retained the power of judicial review even on a matter which has been vested by the Constitution solely in the Executive.


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Judicial Reforms

Back in news: Article 142 of the Constitution


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Article 142

Mains level: Read the attached story

The Supreme Court has crafted a victory for a disabled student by using its special powers under Article 142 to declare the successful completion of her Master of Designs course from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).

What is Article 142?

Article 142 titled ‘Enforcement of decrees and orders of the Supreme Court and orders as to discovery, etc.’ has two clauses:

[1] Article 142(1)

  • The Supreme Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction may pass such decree or make such order as is necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it.
  • Any decree so passed or order so made shall be enforceable throughout the territory of India.
  • It may be in such manner as may be prescribed by or under any law made by Parliament and, until provision in that behalf is so made, in such manner as the President may by order prescribe.

[2] Article 142(2)

  • The Supreme Court shall have all and every power to make any order for the purpose of securing the attendance of any person, the discovery or production of any documents, or the investigation or punishment of any contempt of itself.

Important instances when Article 142 was invoked

  • Bhopal Gas tragedy case: The SC awarded a compensation of $470 million to the victims and held that “prohibitions or limitations or provisions contained in ordinary laws cannot, ipso facto, act as prohibitions or limitations on the constitutional powers under Article 142.”
  • Babri Masjid demolition case: The Supreme Court ordered framing of a scheme by the Centre for formation of trust to construct Ram Mandir at the Masjid demolition site in Ayodhya.
  • Liquor sale ban case: The Supreme Court banned liquor shops within a distance of 500 metres from National as well as State highways in order to prevent drunken driving.
  • Ex-PM Assassin case: In the case of Perarivalan, the Supreme Court invoked Article 142(1) under which it was empowered to pass any order necessary to do complete justice in any matter pending before it.

Try this PYQ from CSP 2019:

Q.With reference to the Constitution of India, prohibitions or limitations or provisions contained in ordinary laws cannot act as prohibitions or limitations on the constitutional powers under Article 142. It could mean which one of the following?


(a) The decisions taken by the Election Commission of India while discharging its duties cannot be challenged in any court of law.

(b) The Supreme Court of India is not constrained in the exercise of its powers by laws made by the Parliament.

(c) In the event of grave financial crisis in the country, the President of India can declare Financial Emergency without the counsel from the Cabinet.

(d) State Legislatures cannot make laws on certain matters without the concurrence of Union Legislature.


Post your answers here.


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Health Sector – UHC, National Health Policy, Family Planning, Health Insurance, etc.

Managing Type 1 Diabetes


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Diabetes , its types

Mains level: Not Much

Last week, the Indian Council of Medical Research (IMCR) released guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and management for type-1 diabetes.

Why such move?

  • India is considered the diabetes capital of the world, and the pandemic disproportionately affected those living with the disease.
  • Type 1 or childhood diabetes, however, is less talked about, although it can turn fatal without proper insulin therapy.
  • Type 1 diabetes is rarer than type 2. Only 2% of all hospital cases of diabetes in the country are type 1.

What is Diabetes?

  • Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy.
  • Most of the food you eat is broken down into sugar (also called glucose) and released into your bloodstream.
  • When your blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to release insulin.

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

  • Type 1 diabetes is a condition where the pancreas completely stops producing insulin.
  • Insulin is the hormone responsible for controlling the level of glucose in blood by increasing or decreasing absorption to the liver, fat, and other cells of the body.
  • This is unlike type 2 diabetes — which accounts for over 90% of all diabetes cases in the country — where the body’s insulin production either goes down or the cells become resistant to the insulin.

How lethal diabetes is?

  • Type 1 diabetes is predominantly diagnosed in children and adolescents.
  • Although the prevalence is less, it is much more severe than type 2.
  • Unlike type 2 diabetes where the body produces some insulin and which can be managed using various pills, if a person with type 1 diabetes stops taking their insulin, they die within weeks.

How rare is it?

  • There are over 10 lakh children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes in the world, with India accounting for the highest number.
  • Of the 2.5 lakh people living with type 1 diabetes in India, 90,000 to 1 lakh are under the age of 14 years.
  • For context, the total number of people in India living with diabetes was 7.7 crore in 2019.
  • Among individuals who develop diabetes under the age of 25 years, 25.3% have type 2.

Who is at risk of type 1 diabetes?

  • The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, but it is thought to be an auto-immune condition where the body’s immune system destroys the islets cells on the pancreas that produce insulin.
  • Genetic factors play a role in determining whether a person will get type-1 diabetes.
  • The risk of the disease in a child is 3% when the mother has it, 5% when the father has it, and 8% when a sibling has it.
  • The presence of certain genes is also strongly associated with the disease.


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