Digital India Initiatives

[pib] Geospatial Energy Map of India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: GIS Energy Map

Mains level: Not Much

The NITI Aayog has launched the Geospatial Energy Map of India.

What is the GIS Energy Map?

  • NITI Aayog in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has developed a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) Energy Map of India.
  • The GIS map provides a holistic picture of all energy resources of the country.
  • It enables visualization of energy installations such as conventional power plants, oil and gas wells, petroleum refineries, coal fields and coal blocks.
  • It also provides district-wise data on renewable energy power plants and renewable energy resource potential, etc through 27 thematic layers.

Significance of the map

  • The map attempts to identify and locate all primary and secondary sources of energy and their transportation/transmission networks.
  • It is a unique effort aimed at integrating energy data scattered across multiple organizations and presenting it in a consolidated, visually appealing graphical manner.
  • It leverages the latest advancements in web-GIS technology and open-source software to make it interactive and user-friendly.

Benefits offered

  • The map would provide a comprehensive view of energy production and distribution in a country.
  • It will be useful in planning and making investment decisions.
  • It will also aid in disaster management using available energy assets.
  • This may also help in resource and environmental conservation measures, inter-state coordination on infrastructure planning including different corridors of energy and road transport highways.


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