Digital India Initiatives

[pib] Krishi Megh: A Cloud-based Data Recovery Centre


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Cloud Storage, Krishi Megh

Mains level: NA

Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has launched the Krishi Megh Data Recovery Centre.

Do not get confused with the name ‘Krishi Megh’. One might mistakenly relate it to some weather forecasting tool of the Indian Meteorological Department.

Krishi Megh

  • The Krishi Megh has been set up at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad.
  • It has been set up under the National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), funded by both the government and World Bank.
  • It has been built to mitigate the risk, enhance the quality, availability and accessibility of e-governance, research, extension and education in the field of agriculture in India.
  • Currently, the main data centre of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is at the Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI) in New Delhi.

Back2Basics: Cloud Storage

  • It is a cloud computing model that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider who manages and operates data storage as a service.
  • It is delivered on demand with just-in-time capacity and costs, and eliminates buying and managing your own data storage infrastructure.
  • It gives agility, global scale and durability, with “anytime, anywhere” data access.

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