Women empowerment issues – Jobs,Reservation and education

[pib] Nandini Sahakar Yojana


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Nandini Sahakar Yojana

Why in the News?

  • The Minister of Cooperation has provided some information about the Nandini Sahakar Yojana.
    • NCDC has cumulatively disbursed financial assistance amounting to Rs. 6426.36 crore for the development of cooperative societies exclusively promoted by women across the country.

About Nandini Sahakar Yojana

  • The Nandini Sahakar Scheme was initiated by the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) in 2010.
  • It is a women-focused framework providing financial assistance, project formulation, hand-holding, and capacity development.
  • The scheme aims to assist women cooperatives in undertaking business model-based activities under the purview of NCDC.

Features of the Scheme

  • Any cooperative society with at least 50% women as primary members and a minimum of three months in operation is eligible to apply.
  • Assistance is provided in the form of credit linkage for infrastructure term loans and working capital, along with subsidies or interest subvention from other government schemes.
  • There is no minimum or maximum limit on financial assistance for projects by women cooperatives.
  • NCDC offers a 2% interest subvention on its rate of interest on term loans for new and innovative activities.
  • A 1% interest subvention is provided on term loans for all other activities, resulting in lower borrowing costs for women cooperatives.

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