Sugar Industry – FRP, SAP, Rangarajan Committee, EBP, MIEQ, etc.

Pressmud for Green Energy and CBG Production


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Pressmud

Mains level: NA


Central Idea

  • Leading Sugar Producer: Since 2021-22, India has surpassed Brazil to become the world’s leading sugar producer.
  • Second-Largest Exporter: India also holds the position of the second-largest sugar exporter globally.
  • Ethanol Biofuel Sector Growth: The expansion of this sector has bolstered the sugar industry and improved the financial health of sugar mills.

Pressmud: A Valuable Byproduct

  • Pressmud, also known as filter cake or press cake, is an agricultural waste product from sugar production.
  • It is obtained during the repeated filtration of cane juice before sugar extraction.
  • Approximately 3-4 percent of press mud is produced per tonne of crushed cane.
  • Traditionally, pressmud is recycled as manure through composting and supplied to local farmers.
  • Recognized as a resource for green energy, pressmud can be used to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion, leading to compressed biogas (CBG) creation.
  • It is beneficial for crops and horticulture due to its richness in micronutrients.

Challenges with Pressmud

  • Storage Issues: Pressmud undergoes gradual decomposition, complicating long-term storage and increasing production costs.
  • Price Increase: The recognition of its potential has led to a substantial rise in pressmud prices.

Pressmud as CBG Feedstock: Advantages and Challenges

  • Supply Chain Simplification: Using pressmud eliminates complexities associated with agricultural residue supply chains.
  • Quality and Pre-treatment: Unlike municipal solid waste, pressmud’s quality is consistent, and it lacks lignin, reducing pre-treatment costs.
  • Conversion Efficiency: Pressmud is more efficient and economical as a feedstock for CBG production compared to cattle dung and agricultural residue.
  • Economic and Competitive Factors: The increasing price of pressmud and competition for its use in fertilizers and bio-composting pose challenges.

Regional Production and Sugar Mills in India

  • Primary Sugarcane States: Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra contribute significantly to India’s sugarcane cultivation.
  • Operational Sugar Mills: As of 2022-23, India had 531 operational sugar mills.
  • Sugar and Pressmud Production: The total sugar production was 32.74 million tonnes, with approximately 11.4 million tonnes of pressmud.

Potential and Future Steps

  • CBG Potential: The available pressmud can generate significant quantities of CBG, valued at substantial economic returns.
  • Required Interventions: To maximize this potential, states need to implement bioenergy policies, control pressmud prices, and establish long-term agreements with sugar mills.
  • Research and Training: Developing storage technologies for pressmud and conducting training for CBG plant operators are essential.

 Back2Basics: Sugarcane By-products

Description Uses
Bagasse Fibrous residue left after sugarcane crushing. – Biofuel for energy production

– Raw material for paper, board, building materials

Molasses Thick, dark syrup produced during sugar refining. – Alcohol production (e.g., rum)

– Sweetener in animal feed

– Base for fermentation products

– Ingredient in food products

Vinasse (Distillery Waste) Liquid waste from ethanol production using molasses. – Liquid fertilizer

– Biogas production

Carbon Dioxide Gas produced during fermentation in sugar manufacturing. – Carbonation in beverages

– Enhancing plant growth in greenhouses

Fly Ash Ash produced from burning bagasse. – Material in cement and concrete

– Soil amendment in agriculture

Heat Energy Thermal energy generated from manufacturing processes. – Cogeneration for electricity and heating


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