Innovations in Biotechnology and Medical Sciences

Simple Medical Tools of an OPD Visit


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Medical devices mentioned and their working

Why in the News?

  • These medical tools—thermometers, stethoscopes, weighing scales, and sphygmomanometers—are essential for diagnosing and monitoring basic health parameters.
    • Each tool has its own function and specific way of operation, which helps healthcare professionals make informed decisions about patient care.

Here is the list of tools used in a Doctor’s Diagnosis:

Function Description and Working Principle
Thermometer Measures body temperature.
  • Mercury Thermometer: Features a mercury-filled bulb and a glass capillary with numerical markings. Temperature changes cause the mercury to expand or contract, moving through the capillary to indicate temperature.
  • Digital Thermometer: Utilizes sensors like infrared or thermistors to detect temperature changes, which are then converted into digital readings.
Stethoscope Listens to internal body sounds.
  • Acoustic Stethoscope: Comprises a diaphragm for high-frequency sounds and a bell for low-frequency sounds, connected by a tube to earpieces.
  • Electronic Stethoscope (Stethophone): Amplifies body sounds electronically and may include recording capabilities and additional diagnostics such as electrocardiograms. These devices transmit sound data to smartphones or other devices.
Weighing Scale Measures body weight.
  • Spring Scale: Uses a spring under a plate; weight is measured by the degree of spring compression or extension. Requires calibration to account for local gravity variations.
  • Electronic Scale: Converts the mechanical force of weight into electrical signals using load cells or strain gauges, displayed as weight readings on a digital screen.
Sphygmomanometer Measures blood pressure.
  • Manual Sphygmomanometer: Includes an inflatable cuff, linked to a mercury or aneroid manometer. Uses a stethoscope to detect blood flow sounds (Korotkov sounds) for determining systolic and diastolic pressures.
  • Electronic Sphygmomanometer: Uses oscillometric technology to sense pressure oscillations caused by arterial blood flow, automating blood pressure measurement. Easier for home use but may have accuracy issues in patients with certain cardiovascular conditions.



[2019] In the context of wearable technology, which of the following tasks is/are accomplished by wearable devices?

  1. Location identification of a person
  2. Sleep monitoring of a person
  3. Assisting the hearing-impaired person

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

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