Economic Indicators and Various Reports On It- GDP, FD, EODB, WIR etc

Spotlighting the work of the Economics Nobel winners


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Mains level: Inclusive Economy; Inclusive institutions; Nobel Prize;

Why in the News?

  • This year’s Nobel Prize in Economics, officially known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences, was awarded to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson (AJR).  
  • AJR have highlighted the importance of institutions in development, but critics argue that this approach tends to favour Western liberal models over other institutional frameworks.

Why Do Some Nations Succeed While Others Fail?

  • Role of Institutions: The economic success or failure of nations can often be traced back to the nature of their institutions. 
    • Inclusive institutions encourage economic activity by providing secure property rights, legal frameworks, and political systems that incentivize growth. 
    • In contrast, extractive institutions concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few, leading to economic stagnation and social inequality.
  • Historical Path Dependence: Countries that experienced inclusive economic institutions early in their development tend to be more prosperous, while those with a history of extractive institutions face significant barriers to growth. Historical events shape the trajectory of institutional development and influence current outcomes.

What Is the Impact of Historical Institutions on Current Economic Outcomes?

  • Colonial Legacy: Institutions established during colonialism, especially extractive ones, have long-lasting impacts. Areas with landlord-based land tenure systems or direct colonial rule have struggled with lower agricultural productivity, fewer social services, and weaker infrastructure.
  • Natural Experiment Evidence: AJR’s research used historical data, such as differences in settler mortality, to show that regions colonized by Europeans with high mortality rates ended up with extractive institutions that still negatively affect growth today.
  • Long-Term Development Patterns: The effects of historical institutions persist, shaping economic development, social structures, and governance even after countries gain independence or transition to new political systems.

Why do critics argue that this approach tends to favour Western liberal models over other institutional frameworks?

  • Historical Bias: Critics argue that AJR’s approach overlooks the diverse paths of development, favoring Western institutions while underestimating non-Western experiences and historical complexities.
  • Western Norms as Universal: The framework tends to present Western liberal institutions as ideal models, disregarding how other systems might effectively function in different cultural and socio-political contexts.

Why Are Inclusive Institutions Not More Widely Adopted?

  • Conflict of Interests: Powerful groups with control over resources have incentives to maintain extractive institutions to protect their wealth and power, resisting changes that would lead to a fairer distribution of economic benefits.
  • Collective Action Challenges: Reforming extractive institutions requires solving collective action problems where diverse groups must agree on new rules that may threaten the established elite’s interests.
  • Path Dependency: Historical conditions can create institutional inertia, making it challenging to shift from extractive to inclusive frameworks due to deep-rooted social, political, and economic norms.

Way forward: 

  • Strengthen Inclusive Institutions: Focus on legal and policy reforms that secure property rights, ensure fair governance, and promote transparent decision-making, encouraging broad-based economic participation and growth.
  • Empower Marginalized Groups: Implement policies that reduce power concentration by supporting grassroots movements, enhancing education access, and providing economic opportunities to disadvantaged communities to overcome historical inequalities.

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