Nuclear Energy

Is India finally entering stage II of its nuclear programme?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: 3-stage Nuclear Power Program, Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR)

Mains level: Read the attached story

In the news

PM Modi marked a historic moment in India’s nuclear power journey by overseeing the commencement of core-loading at the indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) situated in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu. This event signifies a significant stride forward in India’s ambitious nuclear power program, heralding the onset of stage II.


  • As of 2024, nuclear power contributes to around 3.11% of India’s total power generation.
  • Nuclear power remains the fifth-largest source of electricity in India, following coal, gas, hydroelectricity, and wind power.

History of India’s Nuclear Power Program

India’s journey in nuclear technology dates back to its independence in 1947. Here is a brief history of India’s Nuclear Power Program:

  1. 1948: India established the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), marking its entry into the nuclear age.
  2. 1950s: Homi Bhabha, the founding director of India’s nuclear program, formulated the three-stage nuclear power program to establish a self-sufficient nuclear power industry.
  3. 1969: The first Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR), the 40 MW Tarapur Atomic Power Station, was commissioned, marking the operationalization of Stage 1 of the nuclear power program.
  4. 1974: India conducted its first nuclear test, Pokhran-I, demonstrating its nuclear capabilities.
  5. Late 1970s – Early 1980s: India embarked on developing fast breeder reactors (FBRs) as part of Stage 2 of its nuclear program to enhance fuel efficiency and self-sufficiency.
  6. 1990s – 2000s: India focused on building a nuclear arsenal and delivery systems capable of military deployment after conducting further nuclear tests in 1998.
  7. Present: India possesses both nuclear weapons and an extensive nuclear fuel cycle capability, with ongoing developments in thorium-based reactors as part of Stage 3 of its nuclear power program.

About India’s 3-stage Nuclear Power Program

Description Timeline
Stage 1 Relies on pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) using natural uranium as fuel. Initiated in the 1950s;

Operational since the 1960s

Stage 2 Focuses on developing fast breeder reactors (FBRs) using plutonium-239 produced in Stage 1. Initiated in the 1970s;

Development phase

Stage 3 Involves the development of thorium-based reactors utilizing India’s significant thorium reserves. Initiated in the late 1980s/early 1990s;

Research & Development phase


Do you know?

  • The two principal natural isotopes are uranium-235 (which comprises 0.7% of natural uranium), which is fissile, and uranium-238 (99.3% of natural uranium), which is fissionable by fast neutrons and is fertile, meaning that it becomes fissile after absorbing one neutron.
  • All uranium isotopes are radioactive. U-239 is much more so than the far more common U-238 though, its half-life is about 23 minutes compared to four billion years! U-239 soon undergoes beta decay to Np-239.
  • Plutonium is created from uranium in nuclear reactors. Plutonium-239 is used to make nuclear weapons. Pu-239 and Pu-240 are byproducts of nuclear reactor operations and nuclear bomb explosions.

What is Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR)?

  • The PFBR is a machine that produces more nuclear fuel than it consumes. Its core-loading event is being hailed as a “milestone” because the operationalization of the PFBR will mark the start of stage II of India’s three-stage nuclear power program.
    • Previously, India used Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) and Natural Uranium-238 (U-238), which contain minuscule amounts of U-235, as the fissile material.
  • It’s working:
    • Basically, in the process of Nuclear Fission, the nucleus of an atom absorbs a neutron, destabilizes, and breaks into two while releasing some energy. If the destabilized nucleus releases more neutrons, the reactor’s facilities will attempt to use them to instigate more fission reactions.
    • However, the heavy water in PHWR, the water molecules containing the deuterium isotope of hydrogen – slows neutrons released by one fission reaction enough to be captured by other U-238 and U-235 nuclei and cause new fission.
      • This heavy water is then pressurized to keep it from boiling to produce plutonium-239 (Pu-239) and energy.
  • Significance of using PFBR:
    • Only U-235, not U-238, can sustain a chain reaction but it is consumed fully in stage I. In stage II, India will use Pu-239 together with U-238 in the PFBR to produce energy, U-233, and more Pu-239.
    • Liquid sodium serves as the primary coolant, facilitating heat transfer and electricity generation through secondary circuits.

Why was the PFBR delayed?

  • Prolonged delays: The PFBR project encountered prolonged delays and cost overruns, attributed to technical complexities and logistical hurdles. Sanctions imposed against India following the ‘Smiling Buddha’ nuclear test in 1974 disrupted the project, necessitating alterations in fuel type and operational parameters.
  • Lack of Resources:
    • The retirement of experienced personnel involved in the project, coupled with delays in decision-making processes, contributed to project setbacks.
    • Escalating costs, reaching ₹6,800 crore by 2019, underscored the financial strain and administrative shortcomings plaguing the project.
  • Procurement Issues: Audit reports revealed procurement inefficiencies, with delays averaging 158 days per order, exacerbating project timelines and costs.
  • Regulatory Imperatives: Addressing concerns over safety and regulatory oversight remains imperative to ensure public confidence and operational integrity.

Way Forward and Future Prospects:

  • Usage of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs): SMR designs have a maximum capacity of 300 MW, require less land, and accommodate more safety features. Several countries are developing SMRs to complement conventional [facilities] since SMRs can be installed at reduced cost and time by repurposing.
  • Stage II Expansion: The PFBR’s 500 MWe capacity sets the stage for future FBR projects, aligning with India’s energy diversification goals and decarbonization initiatives. Today nuclear power has a new lease of life thanks to the pressure on India to decarbonise, reduce its import of fossil fuels, and give its renewables sector some breathing space.
    • In 2019, the DAE proposed building 4 more fast breeder reactors (FBRs) of 600 MWe capacity each – 2 in Kalpakkam in 2021 and two in 2025, with sites to be selected.


  • As India navigates the complexities of nuclear power development, the PFBR stands as a testament to technological prowess and strategic foresight.
  • While challenges persist, the trajectory of stage II underscores India’s commitment to leveraging nuclear energy for sustainable development and energy security.
  • With continued innovation and regulatory reform, India is poised to realize its vision of a robust and self-reliant nuclear energy ecosystem.

Try this Question from CSE Mains 2018:

Q. With growing energy needs should India keep on expanding its nuclear energy programme? Discuss the facts and fears associated with nuclear energy. (250 Words, 15 Marks)

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