Economic Indicators and Various Reports On It- GDP, FD, EODB, WIR etc

The GDP surprise: India on the up and up


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: PLI Scheme

Mains level: sustained economic recovery

US Economic Forecast Q3 2023 | Deloitte Insights

Central idea

The Indian growth story remains a beacon of hope. The economy is unlikely to slow down in line with other major economies of the world as the government continues to undertake reforms.

Key Highlights:

  • Economic Growth: The Indian economy expands by 7.6% in Q2, challenging doubts on post-pandemic macroeconomic resilience.
  • Manufacturing Surge: The manufacturing sector grows robustly at 13.9%, indicating positive outcomes from policy initiatives and credit stabilization.
  • Corporate Health: Corporate books show impressive bottom-line growth, reflecting broad-based economic recovery.
  • Capex Intentions: Historic capex intentions with new investment announcements reaching Rs 37 lakh crore in 2022-23, signifying increased private sector participation.
  • Agricultural Transformation: Agriculture grows by 1.2%, with a shift towards allied activities reducing dependence on traditional farm income.
  • Banking Support: Banks increasingly finance the entire agri value chain, with agri loans growing by 15.4% in 2022-23.
  • Services Sector Moderation: Services sector growth moderates to 5.8%, influenced by low growth in trade, hotels, transport, and communication.
  • Consumption Patterns: Private consumption decelerates to 3.1%, possibly impacted by higher inflation, expected to pick up in the third quarter.
  • Government Investments: Government consumption and investments register healthy growth, with gross fixed capital formation increasing by 11%.

Key Challenges:

  • Global Growth Risk: Risk of softer global growth, especially in the US and Euro region, may impact India’s exports and economic momentum.
  • Consumer Sentiment Woes: Consumer sentiments in major economies worsen amid growing uncertainty, potentially affecting global trade.

Key Terms and Phrases:

  • Macro-economic Resilience: India’s ability to withstand and recover from economic shocks.
  • PLI Scheme: Production-Linked Incentive scheme aimed at boosting manufacturing in specific sectors.
  • Corporate Balance Sheets: Financial health and performance of businesses.
  • Capex Intentions: Plans and commitments for capital expenditures.
  • Allied Activities in Agriculture: Diversification into areas like dairy and fisheries within the agriculture sector.
  • Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Investment in fixed assets contributing to economic growth.
  • Consumer Sentiments: Public attitudes and feelings regarding economic conditions and spending.
  • Global Trade Headwinds: Challenges and obstacles affecting international trade.

Key Quotes:

  • “The Indian growth story remains a beacon of hope.”
  • “The economy is unlikely to slow down in line with other major economies of the world.”

Key Statements:

  • Manufacturing sector growth indicates an uptick triggered by government expenditure, policy initiatives, and credit stabilization.
  • Agriculture’s increased focus on allied activities reduces dependence on traditional farm income.
  • Historic capex intentions and private sector participation signal a strong economic recovery.

Key Examples and References:

  • New investment announcements hitting a high of Rs 37 lakh crore in 2022-23, showcasing increased private sector participation.
  • Agriculture loans by banks increase by 15.4% in 2022-23, indicating growing support for the agri value chain.

Key Facts and Data:

  • Indian economy grows by 7.6% in Q2, marking two consecutive quarters of 7% plus growth.
  • Manufacturing sector grows at a robust 13.9%, reaching a nine-quarter high.
  • New investment announcements hit Rs 37 lakh crore in 2022-23, compared to Rs 20 lakh crore in 2021-22.
  • Agriculture grows by 1.2% in Q2, with allied activities contributing significantly.

Critical Analysis:

  • The robust economic growth raises questions about the accuracy of forecasts doubting India’s resilience.
  • The manufacturing sector’s strong performance indicates positive outcomes from government initiatives and policies.
  • Private sector participation in capex reflects confidence in the economic recovery.
  • Increased focus on allied activities in agriculture showcases a shift in the sector’s dynamics.
  • The potential risk of softer global growth highlights external factors influencing India’s economic trajectory.

Way Forward:

  • Continued government reforms and support for economic growth.
  • Monitoring and addressing potential risks from softer global growth.
  • Sustaining the positive momentum in manufacturing and capex through policy measures.
  • Emphasizing the role of allied activities in agriculture for a diversified income base.
  • Nurturing consumer sentiments and encouraging private consumption for sustained economic recovery.

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