Innovation Ecosystem in India

The IITs are overcommitted, in crisis


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Key data from article

Mains level: Technological education and research


Central idea 

The article focuses on challenges facing IITs, such as quality concerns, faculty shortages, and questionable overseas expansions. The central idea emphasizes prioritizing quality, addressing faculty shortages, evaluating international ventures carefully, and promoting collaboration with industries for sustained excellence in Indian higher education.

Key Highlights:

  • IITs as Crown Jewels: IITs are globally renowned, known as India’s premier higher education institutions, producing leaders in high-tech fields.
  • Global Ventures: IIT-Madras opens a branch in Zanzibar, raising questions about international expansion and its purpose.
  • Domestic Expansion: IIT system expanded post-2015, facing challenges in maintaining high standards and faculty shortages.


  • Quality Concerns: New IITs struggle to match the standards of traditional institutes, with varying levels of prestige.
  • Faculty Shortage: Severe shortage of academics in the IIT system, hindering quality education.
  • Overseas Campus Questions: Questions arise about the motivation and preparedness for IITs’ international expansion, such as the Zanzibar venture.
  • Standard Disparity: Unequal standards among IITs, with new institutions struggling to meet the excellence of traditional ones.


  • Quality Building Challenge: Ensuring quality in new IITs becomes a significant challenge, affecting the prestige of the entire system.
  • Faculty Shortage Impact: Severe academic shortages affect the overall functioning and reputation of the IIT system.
  • Domestic Expansion Questioned: The wisdom of expanding the IIT system domestically is questioned, considering the challenges faced.

Key Data:

  • IIT Enrollment: Enrolment in all 23 IITs exceeds 1,20,000, indicating increased access and opportunity.
  • Vacant Seats: In 2021-22, 361 undergraduate, 3,083 postgraduate, and 1,852 PhD seats remained empty in new IITs.
  • Faculty Vacancies: Out of 10,881 sanctioned posts in 2021, 4,370 were vacant, signaling a severe shortage


  • Established in 1950, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) emerged as premier higher education institutions. Initially rooted in partnerships with foreign technological universities, they aimed to contribute to national development by producing leaders in high-tech fields.
  • The early IITs, such as Kharagpur, built a reputation for excellence through collaborations with institutions in the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and Germany.


  • Excellence in Technology: The primary objective was to excel in technological education and research, aligning with global standards.
  • National Development: IITs aimed to contribute significantly to India’s development by producing skilled professionals in engineering and technology.
  • Global Recognition: Striving for global recognition, IITs sought to establish themselves as hubs of cutting-edge research and innovation.
  • Industry Interface: Bridging the gap between academia and industry, fostering collaborations to address real-world challenges.

The vision behind IITs

  • Nurture Talent: Fosters and nurtures exceptional talent in the field of science, engineering, and technology.
  • Drive Innovation: Serves as a catalyst for innovation, pushing the boundaries of research and technological advancements.
  • Contribute Globally: Produces graduates and research outputs that make substantial contributions at both the national and global levels.
  • Maintain Quality: Upholds a commitment to maintaining high academic standards and a reputation for excellence.

Way Forward:

  • Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize quality in new IITs over rapid expansion.
  • Address Faculty Shortage: Attract and retain top talent through competitive salaries.
  • Evaluate Overseas Ventures: Assess the purpose and viability of overseas campuses, ensuring high standards.
  • Standardization Efforts: Implement measures to standardize the quality and prestige across all IITs.
  • Industry Collaboration: Foster collaboration with industries to bridge the gap between academia and emerging sectors.

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