Foreign Policy Watch: India-China

The outlook for 2024, for the world and India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: na

Mains level: importance of fortified Center-State relations for efficacious governance

Central idea 

The editorial examines the heightened global risks in 2024, navigating a precarious era marked by challenges to the existing international order. It anticipates potential flashpoints, including the war in Ukraine and Middle East tensions, while also scrutinizing India’s prospects and internal dynamics. Emphasizing the importance of robust Center-State relations, the editorial envisions a turbulent period demanding strategic foresight and diplomatic acuity.

Key Highlights:

  • The editorial explores the expected global risks and uncertainties in 2024, highlighting a period of significant danger.
  • Challenges to the existing international order are emphasized, coming not only from its supporters but also from those declaring it outdated.
  • Potential flashpoints, such as the ongoing war in Ukraine and escalating tensions in the Middle East, are identified.
  • Changing geopolitical dynamics in West Asia, where emerging alliances challenge Western dominance, are carefully examined.
  • India’s prospects in 2024, including the upcoming general election and potential economic challenges, are concisely discussed.
  • Sino-Indian relations are predicted to remain strained, with a focus on possible provocative actions by China.
  • The editorial acknowledges challenges to India’s influence in its neighborhood and the evolving landscape of West Asia.
  • Internal dynamics in India, encompassing a politically charged atmosphere and turmoil in Parliament, are thoughtfully explored.
  • The editorial underscores the importance of strong Center-State relations for effective governance.

Key Challenges:

  • The global landscape is filled with risks and uncertainties, presenting formidable challenges to stability.
  • The existing international order faces challenges not only from its critics but also from supporters questioning its relevance.
  • Potential flashpoints, including the enduring war in Ukraine and escalating tensions in the Middle East, increase geopolitical vulnerabilities.
  • Changing geopolitical dynamics introduce challenges to established Western leadership paradigms.
  • India faces potential challenges in the upcoming general election and contends with economic uncertainties.
  • Strained Sino-Indian relations and potential provocations by China introduce security challenges.
  • Internal challenges in India include heightened political tensions and parliamentary disarray.

Key Terms and Phrases:

  • Global risks and uncertainties
  • Rules-based international order
  • Geostrategic contradictions
  • Flashpoints
  • Shifting geopolitical dynamics
  • Unforeseen challenges (“black swans”)
  • Adventurist actions
  • Center-State relations

Key Quotes:

  • “Navigating an epoch of substantial peril.”
  • “Challenged by architects of the ‘rules-based international order’ and those deeming it antiquated.”
  • “An era fraught with substantial peril.”
  • “Potential ‘adventurist actions’ by China.”
  • “An impending period of turbulence.”
  • “Politically charged atmosphere.”
  • “Expulsion of the Trinamool Congress Member of Parliament, Mahua Moitra.”


  • Exploration of the enduring war in Ukraine and its potential ramifications on the U.S. presidential election.
  • Insight into the Israel-Hamas conflict as a catalyst for heightened tensions in the Middle East.
  • Brief anecdote concerning the ruling dispensation’s assurance in India’s forthcoming general election.

Key Statements:

  • “The world stands on the brink of a period marked by significant peril.”
  • “The existing international order grapples with multifaceted challenges.”
  • “Geostrategic contradictions are poised to escalate.”
  • “The internal landscape demands vigilant observation.”
  • “The nation approaches a potential turning point.”

Key Examples and References:

  • The enduring war in Ukraine and its potential influence on the U.S. presidential election.
  • Israel-Hamas conflict as a driver of heightened tensions in the Middle East.
  • Shifting geopolitics in West Asia and emerging alliances challenging Western leadership.

Critical Analysis:

  • The editorial furnishes a nuanced analysis of potential challenges and uncertainties on a global scale and within India.
  • Emphasis on the importance of fortified Center-State relations for efficacious governance.
  • Recognition of potential “black swans” and unforeseen challenges.

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