ISRO Missions and Discoveries



From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: TRISHNA Mission

Why in the News?

Philippe Baptiste, head of the French Space Agency, talked about the joint India-France “TRISHNA Mission.”

TRISHNA Mission:

Overview A joint Indo-French Earth observation satellite project developed by ISRO and CNES (French Space Agency).

Acronym for “Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment” (TRISHNA Mission)

Launch Year Targeted for 2026.
Mission Lifespan Designed for a 5-year operational life.
Primary Objectives • Monitor water and energy budgets of the continental biosphere.

• Assess evapotranspiration for efficient water management.

• Improve agricultural water productivity and assist in irrigation water management.

• Provide high-resolution observations of water quality in coastal and inland waters. 

• Assess urban heat islands and detect heat anomalies.

Payloads Thermal Infrared (TIR) Payload: Provided by CNES, this sensor maps surface temperature and emissivity in high resolution.

Visible-Near Infrared-Short Wave Infrared (VNIR-SWIR) Payload: Developed by ISRO, this sensor uses seven spectral bands for detailed mapping of surface reflectance.

Orbit and Spatial Resolution • TRISHNA will operate in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 761 km.

• Spatial resolution: 57 meters for land and coastal areas, 1 km for ocean and polar regions.

Application and Significance   • Supports water resource management, agriculture, and urban planning through precise data on water stress, crop productivity, and urban heat islands.
• Enhances climate resilience by tracking droughts, evapotranspiration, and permafrost changes.
• Contributes to global environmental initiatives like GEOGLAM and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing key agricultural and climate variables.



[2016] Discuss India’s achievements in the field of Space Science and Technology. How the application of this technology helped India in its socio-economic development?

[2010] In the context of space technology, what is “Bhuvan”, recently in the news?

(a) A mini satellite launched by ISRO for promoting the distance education in India

(b) The name given to the next Moon Impact Probe, for Chandrayaan-II

(c) A geoportal of ISRO with 3D imaging capabilities of India

(d) A space telescope developed by India

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