Government Budgets

Union Govt. eases Procurement Rules for Scientific Research Goods


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: General Finance Rules (GFR)

Why in the News?

  • The Finance Ministry has announced new rules under the General Finance Rules (GFR) to give scientific Ministries more flexibility in importing and buying research equipment.
    • These changes address scientists’ concerns about strict rules have slowed down research.

Changes introduced in GFR

  • The limit for buying goods without needing a tender has been raised from ₹25,000 to ₹1,00,000.
  • For goods priced between ₹25,000 and ₹250,000, a committee of three members must check the market for the best value and quality.
  • This limit has been raised from ₹1,00,000 to ₹10,00,000.

Note: These changes only apply if the goods are NOT available on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM).

What are General Finance Rules (GFR)?

  • The General Finance Rules (GFR) are a set of rules issued by the Government of India to regulate financial matters in public administration.
  • They provide a framework for financial management, ensuring accountability, transparency, and efficiency in the use of public funds.
  • The GFR were first issued in 1947, post-independence.
  • The rules have been revised multiple times, with significant updates in 1963, 2005, and the latest in 2017.
  • The GFR applies to all central government departments, ministries, and organizations funded by the government.

Key Provisions:

  • General System of Financial Management: Guidelines on budgeting, accounting, and auditing.
  • Procurement of Goods and Services: Rules for procurement, emphasizing transparency and competition.
  • Contract Management: Procedures for awarding, managing, and terminating contracts.
  • Inventory Management: Guidelines for managing government inventories and assets.
  • Grants-in-Aid: Procedures for providing grants to institutions and individuals.

Major Highlights:

  • Emphasis on e-procurement to enhance transparency and efficiency.
  • Use of the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) for procurement of common use goods and services.
  • Requirement for performance security in government contracts to ensure compliance and reduce risk.
  • Strengthening of internal controls and audit mechanisms to ensure compliance with rules and regulations.

Back2Basics: Government e-Marketplace (GeM)  

  • The GeM is a one-stop National Public Procurement Portal to facilitate online procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments / Organizations / PSUs.
  • It was launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • It was developed by the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals (under MCI) with technical support from the National E-Governance Division (MEITy).

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