Cyber Security – CERTs, Policy, etc

We want a Digital India. Just not the one we are living in


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Dark web

Mains level: cybersecurity

Dark Web Investigations: Risk Academy Certification to check - Indiaforensic

Central idea 

The increasing frequency of data breaches in India, exemplified by the recent dark web sale of sensitive personal information of 815 million citizens, underscores a pressing cybersecurity challenge. India’s inadequate incident response strategies, lack of transparency, and failure to prioritize cybersecurity pose risks to individuals and national security. A comprehensive approach, focusing on prevention, detection, and transparency, is imperative for building a resilient and secure digital infrastructure in India.

Key Highlights:

  • Resecurity, a US company, revealed the sale of sensitive personal data of around 815 million Indians on the dark web.
  • The data included Aadhaar numbers, passport information, and addresses, posing a significant threat to individuals.
  • Previous instances of data leaks in India, such as the CoWin website breach and AIIMS ransomware attack, highlight a recurring issue.

Key Challenges:

  • India faces a rising trend of data breaches, with the potential for severe consequences like identity theft and financial scams.
  • Lack of effective incident response strategies in India compared to countries like the US, where cybersecurity standards are being strengthened.

Key Terms:

  • Dark web, Aadhaar, Passport number, Ransomware, Cybersecurity, Data breach, Incident response.

Key Phrases:

  • “Leaking of sensitive information poses a severe threat to individuals’ financial well-being.”
  • “India’s mobile phone usage, enhanced banking access, and growing market size make it an attractive target for bad actors.”

Key Quotes:

  • “The constant flow of news about data breaches is normalizing massive losses of personal data.”
  • “India’s response to data breaches is criticized for its lack of transparency, accountability, and effective incident response.”

Key Statements:

  • “Data breaches are at an all-time high globally, and India is particularly vulnerable due to its economic growth and large population.”
  • “Incident response strategies in India are characterized by denials and lack of transparent communication with affected citizens.”

Key Examples and References:

  • Resecurity’s revelation of the sale of Indians’ personal data on the dark web.
  • Previous data breaches in India, including the CoWin website leak and the AIIMS ransomware attack.

Key Facts:

  • The data set on the dark web contained personally identifiable information of approximately 815 million Indian citizens.
  • India lacks a long-term cybersecurity strategy, leading to inadequate handling of data breaches.

Key Data:

  • The sensitive personal data of 815 million Indians was available on the dark web for a price of $80,000.

Critical Analysis:

  • India’s response to data breaches is criticized for its lack of transparency, accountability, and effective incident response.
  • The Data Protection Act in India is deemed insufficient, especially in addressing sensitive health information.

Way Forward:

  • Prioritize the prevention, detection, assessment, and remediation of cyber incidents in India.
  • Establish a cybersecurity board with government and private sector participation for concrete recommendations.
  • Adopt a zero-trust architecture and mandate a standardized playbook for responding to cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
  • Inform and empower citizens immediately, taking responsibility for their protection and remediation in the aftermath of cyber incidents.

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