Foreign Policy Watch: India-United States

What does USCIRF report say about India?


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Why in the News?

On October 2, the Washington DC-based United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released a country update on India, highlighting what it described as “collapsing conditions for religious freedom.”

Mandate of the USCIRF

  • Monitoring Religious Freedom: The USCIRF is tasked with monitoring the universal right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) in countries outside the U.S. This includes assessing violations based on international human rights standards, particularly Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Annual Reports: The commission produces annual reports that evaluate religious freedom conditions and recommend countries for designation as “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPC) or for inclusion on the “Special Watch List” (SWL).
  • Policy Recommendations: USCIRF provides policy recommendations to the President, Secretary of State, and Congress regarding actions to address violations of religious freedom.

How does the UNSCIRF designate a country as a ‘Country of Particular concern’? 

  • Criteria for CPC Designation: A country is designated as a CPC if it engages in or tolerates “systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations” of religious freedom. This includes severe actions such as torture, prolonged detention without charges, and other flagrant denials of basic rights.
  • Recommendation Process: The USCIRF assesses countries based on its findings and recommends those that meet the CPC criteria. The U.S. Secretary of State ultimately decides whether to accept these recommendations and designate countries accordingly.

How has the Indian government reacted to the report?

  • Rejection of Findings: The Indian government has strongly rejected the USCIRF’s report, labeling it as biased and politically motivated. Officials argue that the commission misrepresents facts regarding religious freedom in India.
  • Defense of Policies: The Ministry of External Affairs stated that India is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of all its citizens, regardless of their faith, and urged USCIRF to refrain from agenda-driven narratives.

Way forward: 

  • Engage in Diplomatic Dialogue: India should proactively engage with international bodies like USCIRF to address concerns, clarify its stance, and present factual data on religious freedom, fostering mutual understanding.
  • Strengthen Domestic Protections: India should reinforce legal and institutional frameworks to safeguard minority rights and religious freedoms, ensuring transparent mechanisms to address grievances and counter negative perceptions globally.

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