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What is Sonoluminescence? 


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Prelims level: Sonoluminescence

Why in the News?

Recent studies have provided deeper insights into the mechanics of Sonoluminescence, particularly the conditions under which light is emitted from collapsing bubbles in liquids.

What is Sonoluminescence?

  • Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon in which small gas bubbles in a liquid emit short bursts of light when exposed to intense sound waves.
  • The light is produced when the bubble undergoes rapid compression and expansion.
  • This is due to the alternating high- and low-pressure phases of the sound waves, causing the gas inside to heat up and emit light.
  • This phenomenon was discovered in 1934 by two German engineers while they were studying sonar technology, which uses sound waves to detect objects underwater.
  • They noticed that when a tiny bubble in a liquid was hit by strong sound waves, it emitted a brief flash of light.

Mystery behind Sonoluminescence

  • Although the general mechanism is understood, the exact details of how the light is produced remain a mystery. 
  • Scientists are still exploring the precise processes that cause the gases inside the bubble to ionize and emit light at such high temperatures.

Examples of Sonoluminescence

  • Controlled Experiments: In laboratory settings, scientists create sonoluminescence by trapping a bubble in a liquid and subjecting it to high-frequency sound waves.
  • Pistol Shrimp: When the shrimp (marine creature with a specialized claw) snaps its claw shut, it shoots out a jet of water that moves so fast it creates a low-pressure bubble. The bubble then collapses, producing a loud sound, intense heat, and sometimes a brief flash of light.

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