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What is the Yen Carry Trade? Why is it unwinding right now?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: What is Yen carry trade?

Mains level: Why is it unwinding right now?

Why in the news?

The global stock and bond markets, especially Japan’s, are experiencing turmoil due to the unwinding of the immensely popular yen carry trade.

What is Yen carry trade?

  • The yen carry trade is a popular currency trading strategy that involves borrowing Japanese yen at low interest rates and using the funds to invest in higher-yielding assets denominated in other currencies, with the goal of profiting from the interest rate differential.

Why is it unwinding right now?

  • Strengthening Yen: The Japanese yen has appreciated significantly, rising over 3% against the dollar after the Bank of Japan (BoJ) raised interest rates to 0.25% and announced a reduction in bond purchases. This strengthening of the yen diminishes the profitability of the carry trade, which relies on a weaker yen to remain viable.
  • Interest Rate Changes: Expectations of imminent interest rate cuts by the U.S. Federal Reserve have contributed to the dollar’s weakness, further impacting the carry trade. As the interest rate differential narrows, the incentive to maintain yen carry positions decreases.

How does it work?

  • Mechanism: The yen carry trade involves borrowing yen at low interest rates and converting it into higher-yielding currencies. Investors use the borrowed yen to purchase assets in currencies that offer better returns, such as U.S. dollars or Australian dollars.
  • Investors typically aim for annualized returns of around 5% to 6% on dollar-yen carry trades, which is the difference between U.S. and Japanese interest rates. The strategy can be lucrative as long as the yen does not appreciate significantly against the currencies in which the investments are made.

How did it begin?

  • The yen carry trade can be traced back to 1999 when Japan lowered its policy rates to zero following an asset price bubble burst. This led Japanese investors to seek better returns in international markets, effectively turning Japan into the world’s largest creditor nation.
  • The contemporary form of the carry trade gained prominence in 2013 under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s quantitative easing policies, coinciding with rising U.S. rates and a depreciating yen. This trend intensified in 2022 and 2023 as the Federal Reserve raised rates rapidly while the Bank of Japan maintained negative short-term rates.

How large Is It?

  • The estimated size is about $350 billion in short-term external loans by Japanese banks attributed to yen-funded carry trades. However, this figure may not fully capture the extent of the trades, as it could include commercial transactions or loans to foreign businesses.
  • The actual size of yen carry trades could be larger due to the leverage used by hedge funds and computer-driven funds.

Is it coming to an end?

  • The Bank of Japan has recently started raising rates, which has led to a stronger yen. As a result, the yield gap between Japanese and other currencies has narrowed, diminishing the profitability of carry trades.
  • The appreciation of the yen (by about 13% in a month) has prompted leveraged investors to unwind their positions, leading to a sell-off in global stock and bond markets. This unwinding is driven by the need to repay yen loans as the currency strengthens, causing further declines in asset prices internationally.

Conclusion: The yen carry trade is unwinding due to the strengthening yen and narrowing interest rate differentials. As the yen appreciates, profitability decreases, prompting investors to exit positions, leading to global market sell-offs. This trend signifies a shift in monetary policies and changing economic conditions affecting currency trading strategies.

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