Nikaalo Prelims Spotlight || Constitutional and Statutory bodies, Regulatory, Quasijudicial Bodies, RTI etc.

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14th Apr 2023

Constitutional bodies

  Appointment Tenure Removal Process of removal Eligibility for reappointment w/i govt
Attorney general (Advocate general) President (governor) Pleasure of President (governor) President (governor) No reason needs to be mentioned Yes
Election Commission (SEC) President (governor) 6 years/ 65 President CEC and SEC by a special majority

Other ECs on the recommendation of CEC

Finance commission (SFC) President (governor) Specified by president NA NA Yes
UPSC (SPSC) President (governor) 6 years/ 65 President After enquiry by supreme court Members can become Chair, state members can become chair or member or chair of UPSC
CAG President 6 years/ 65 President Special majority No

Statutory bodies

  Appointment Committee members Other members Tenure Removal
NHRC (SHRC) President (Governor) 6 (PM + LOP Lok Sabha) Speaker, Deputy CP RS, LOP RS, home minister 3 years*/ 70 President after Supreme Court inquiry
CIC (SIC) President (Governor) 3 ((PM + LOP Lok Sabha) Cabinet Minister nominated by PM As prescribed by the Central Govt*./ 65 President (governor for SIC) after supreme court inquiry
CVC President (governor) 3 ((PM + LOP lok sabha) Home minister 4 years/ 65 President after Supreme court inquiry
Lokpal President 5 (PM + LOP lok sabha Speaker, CJI, eminent jurist 5 years/ 70 Like a Supreme Court judge

Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory bodies in India Sector Functions
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India – TRAI Telecommunication and Tariffs To make regulations to ease competition and enhance the  efficiency in the operation of telecommunication services
Competition Commission of India (CCI) Company affairs To protect the interest of consumers,  prevent some practices having harmful effect on competition
Securities and  Exchange Board of India Securities (Stock) and Capital Market To safeguard the interests of investors and to regulate the securities market.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

Food industry To ensure the food quality, to watch and regulate the processing, manufacture, distribution, sale and import of food.
Medical Council of India Medical education To regulate and set up high and uniform standards of medical education
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Banking and Monetary regulations It executes multiple functions as a custodian to regulate all the banking and the monetary function in country
Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India – IRDAI

Insurance To regulate and enhance insurance business and reinsurance business in India.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

Financing Rural Development Functions as a supreme body for catering  the credit needs of all types of rural development

and agricultural

Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC)

Certification and Censorship To regulate and monitor the public exhibition of movies.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

Pension and welfare To regulate promote and develop the pension sector in the country.

Quasi-judicial Bodies

A quasi-judicial body can be an individual or body with powers resembling a court of law.

  • They can adjudicate and decide penalties on the guilty.
  • They are different from judicial bodies in that their field is limited compared to a court.
  • They can be formed on a matter pending in court, by court order if the court considers it necessary; the court reserves the right to appoint members of such a body.
  • They can be tribunals for a specific domain, or like an arbitrator.
  • Quasi-judicial bodies have adjudicating powers in such matters as:
    • Breach of discipline
    • Trust in money matters or otherwise
    • Conduct rules
  • Their authority is limited to specific areas like:
    • Financial markets
    • Land use and zoning
    • Public standards
    • Employment law
    • Specific set of regulations of an agency
  • Decisions of a quasi-judicial body are often legally enforceable under the laws of a jurisdiction.

List of Quasi-Judicial Bodies in India are:

  1. National Green Tribunal
  2. Central Information Commission
  3. National Human Rights Commission
  4. Tribunal
  5. SEBI

Difference between Judicial and Quasi-judicial Bodies

  • Judicial decisions are bound by precedent in common law, whereas quasi-judicial decisions are generally not.
  • Judicial decisions may create new laws, but quasi-judicial decisions are based on existing law.
  • Quasi-judicial needn’t adhere to strict judicial rules (of procedure and evidence).
  • Quasi-judicial bodies can hold formal hearings only if they are mandated to do so as per their governing laws.

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