We found 32067 results for your search.

My Fears

Fear is perhaps one of the easiest state to assume in the face of adversity. But how to overcome it, consistently? An IAS officer recounts his life from early childhood to present day on this theme for life.

Tourism Sector

Ministry of Tourism identified Tourism Industry's potential as a Sunrise Industry. What is Tourism's importance to our country and what does this Industry need, for it to actualize its potential?

Day1: IAS Mains 2015 Essay Paper

What should an average aspirant do with these 8 topics that formed the part of IAS Mains 2015 essay paper? Look back on the events from late 2014 to mid 2015 and see how heavily these topics formed a part of daily news.

Indian Polity | Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Not much has been said about the office of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. After reading this note, one would come to know how critical his role is in the smooth functioning of the LS and Parliament in General.


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