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7th September
Hi. I need questions of geography optional for practice. Can anyone provide me with the questions
[Day 20 | GS4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS IV (Ethical Dilemma) (Simplex) (Analytical) You are doctor and also government health at very good position. A woman who… Continue reading [Day 20 | GS4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 20 | GS3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS III (Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country) (Duplex) Diversification is actually the key in handling… Continue reading [Day 20 | GS3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 20 | GS2] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS II (Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation)… Continue reading [Day 20 | GS2] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 20 | GS1] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS I (Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century) (Static+Analytical = Duplex) Discuss the social conditions in… Continue reading [Day 20 | GS1] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
6th September
Daily Facts 06-Sep-2016 : Indian Government Schemes 2016
Daily Facts – IAS Exam – 06-Sep-2016 https://www.scribd.com/document/323150957/Daily-Facts-IAS-06-Sep-2016 1. Startup India, Standup India 2. Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission 3.… Continue reading Daily Facts 06-Sep-2016 : Indian Government Schemes 2016
My optional subject is sociology. Can u suggest me reference books and how to approach the paper. I’m a beginner
[Update #2] What are you doing for your Optionals’ Preparation?
Update #2 500+ users have filled up their queries in the google form and here are the results – click… Continue reading [Update #2] What are you doing for your Optionals’ Preparation?
[Day 19 | GS4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS IV (Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct) (Simplex) (Analytical) Journalism ethics and standards comprise principles of ethics and of… Continue reading [Day 19 | GS4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 19 | GS3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS III (Basics of cyber security, linkages of organized crime with terrorism) (Hattrick) Social media in the present times has emerged… Continue reading [Day 19 | GS3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 19 | GS2] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS II (Functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies) (Duplex) (Anlytical) Do you think that CAG has been used by successive… Continue reading [Day 19 | GS2] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 19 | GS1] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS I (Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone) (Simplex) (Static) Why are volcanoes called active even when… Continue reading [Day 19 | GS1] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
Improving on her previous mistakes, Vishakhapatnam girl qualifies CSE with AIR 14 in UPSC 2015
Read about her IAS Mains Answer writing strategy
Fouzia Tarannum: AIR 31, managed to clear the exam while working as an IRS
Do not lose focus and never lose faith. Stay consistent in your efforts. Believe in yourself!
5th September
[Day 18 | GS2] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS II (Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora) (Hattrick) India… Continue reading [Day 18 | GS2] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 18 | GS3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS III (Economic Development) (Simplex) Growing debts and stressed loans turning into NPAs have been frequently noticed in the last few years.… Continue reading [Day 18 | GS3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 18 | GS4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS IV (Analytical) As a famous celebrity, you are offered very hefty amount for a brand endorsement to promote a… Continue reading [Day 18 | GS4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
[Day 18 | GS1] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS I (Indian Freedom struggle) (Duplex) (Static + Analytical) The role of Netaji S.C. Bose and Indian National Army was… Continue reading [Day 18 | GS1] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
Indian Geographical Indication Tags : Daily Facts 03-Sep-2016
Daily Facts 03-Sep-2016: A Geographical Indication (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and… Continue reading Indian Geographical Indication Tags : Daily Facts 03-Sep-2016
First Phase of Suarashtra Narmadha Avataran (SAUNI) for Irrigation by Vetrii IAS
First Phase of Suarashtra Narmadha Avataran (SAUNI) for Irrigation by Vetrii IAS Academy, Chennai. Daily Facts – IAS 01-Sep-2016. https://www.scribd.com/document/322826825/Daily-Facts-IAS-01-Sep-2016
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