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23rd August
pls share 2nd ARC summary of all reports
Anyone pls share 2nd ARC summary of all reports.
Straight from the heart: A Doctor turned IAS Aspirant
I’m an mbbs graduate from Medical College, Kolkata (2008-13 batch) and was quite ‘happy’ with my life. Earning quite good,… Continue reading Straight from the heart: A Doctor turned IAS Aspirant
shivam datt shukla
Village Latham pur thana and pos office khiri tehsil koraon district allahabad up 212106
Difference in service for first attempt selected candidates and the third/fourth
To what extent does it make a difference between a candidate who has cleared the civil services exam in first… Continue reading Difference in service for first attempt selected candidates and the third/fourth
[Day 6] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
GS I (Analytical) Women can not be kept down to level of tourism or women and child development in central… Continue reading [Day 6] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
22nd August
Have you checked in your new profiles yet?
Hello, Hope you all saw and experienced the changes on the Civilsdaily website! To get you upto speed: 1.… Continue reading Have you checked in your new profiles yet?
How promotions at IAS, IPS etc are decided – about their ACRs
Read this interesting piece of study – http://accountabilityindia.in/how-commonplace-%E2%80%98outstanding%E2%80%99
Seeking guidance
Hi, I enrolled in M.Phil this year and am confused about scheduling my answer writing preparation with the the studies.… Continue reading Seeking guidance
I have query.
To respected sir. In laxmikant, abolition or creation of Legislative councils in states-BY SIMPLE MAJORITY OF PARLIAMENT…but As per ur… Continue reading I have query.
how to filter a particular subject, say economy, month wise in stories on web po
@root – Please guide on how to filter a particular subject, say economy, month wise in stories on web portal… Continue reading how to filter a particular subject, say economy, month wise in stories on web po
[Day5] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
All questions on this series are available fore revision at – Target Mains The DNA (Demand and Approach) Framework for each… Continue reading [Day5] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
Hello everyone. I am preparing for CSE 2017 and it’s been roughly four months since I began my preparation. I… Continue reading SO MUCH TO ACHIEVE, SO LITTLE TIME.
21st August
Inspiration to tryst with destiny!
I joined Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in 2006. With an attire of khaadi kurta and pony-tail I soon got… Continue reading Inspiration to tryst with destiny!
Regarding mains writing
Sir, Myself appeared in pre 2016 .want to attend your mains initiative.but my problem is though I opted for English… Continue reading Regarding mains writing
priya singh
hello, i am from hindi medium and i cant understand the hindu very well.plz tell me any the Hindu is… Continue reading priya singh
Ganga River Interlinking
As we know River Ganga is so polluted and it’s flowing above the danger level mark, what are some solutions… Continue reading Ganga River Interlinking
[Day4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
Questions of the Day GS Paper I (Indian Culture – Static) Bring out the differences between Dyabhaga and Mitakhasa schools.Which part… Continue reading [Day4] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
20th August
To civils daily
Dear sir, I humbly request u, the mains questions ur providing under the new program (daily 4 GS questions) .… Continue reading To civils daily
[Updated] Putting Previous Years’ IAS Pre Ques on the Test Platform. Your thoughts?
[Update] Prelims Paper 1 for 2013, 2014 and 2015 have been put up on the Prelims portal. for now, they… Continue reading [Updated] Putting Previous Years’ IAS Pre Ques on the Test Platform. Your thoughts?
[Day3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
Questions of the Day GS Paper I (Indian Culture – Social Inclusion – Static + Dynamic) Q#1. Indian society did not… Continue reading [Day3] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016
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