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21st July
UPSC Prelims Geography Trend Analysis: Part 1
In the geography portion, you just have to stick to basics. Basics meaning class 11 and class 12 geography esp.… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Geography Trend Analysis: Part 1
CAPF 2016 Geography Solutions and Analysis
Four quick points before solutions and analysis This is the solution and analysis of geography questions from CAPF 2016 conducted… Continue reading CAPF 2016 Geography Solutions and Analysis
20th July
Ask a Question, Answer a Question – Round 4
We have had 3 rounds of AQAQ before. Let’s have a dinner table conversation again. This would be the final one before… Continue reading Ask a Question, Answer a Question – Round 4
This is the mark of a serious aspirant
source Hi, I just need to say this to boost my motivation level (can help others too). As the prelims… Continue reading This is the mark of a serious aspirant
19th July
Learn from your mistakes BUT don’t slack off while you attempt
Every year, we try to read the UPSC examiner’s mind to position our preparation on the right track and more… Continue reading Learn from your mistakes BUT don’t slack off while you attempt
Polity conundrum !!
How do I deal with constitutional and non constitutional bodies? I just lack everything after panchayati raj,should I have to… Continue reading Polity conundrum !!
The Making of the Indian Constitution
Pretty amazing stuff by Google Cultural Institute. Have a look. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/exhibit/gQ516SIa
18th July
UPSC Prelims Modern History Trend Analysis: Part 5
Pre 2009 1. One of the following began with the Dandi March? Home Rule Movement Non – Cooperation Movement… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Modern History Trend Analysis: Part 5
Is it necessary to read 2nd ARC recommendations as well?
Open Discussion for Full Length Mock #3
What’s this? Discussion blog page for those who just attempted FL#3. Discussion is open for any question which you had a… Continue reading Open Discussion for Full Length Mock #3
If govt loses confidence, will the ministers from Rajya Sabha or from Leg. Council lose their membership or only ministry..
World geography
Give some info about world straits,countries around different seas,mountains of the world
17th July
What is the difference between militancy, insurgency and terrorism?
This could be a question for MAINS, I believe?
What's happening in J&K and how has it spiralled so big
I was reading Shah Faisal’s FB post + general google alerts on media clampdown of J&K newspapers… Has the issue… Continue reading What's happening in J&K and how has it spiralled so big
Concept of SNOWLINE
Can somebody clear the concept of Snowline to me? Snowline for eastern Himalayas is higher or the western Himalayas? And… Continue reading Concept of SNOWLINE
16th July
UPSC Prelims Modern History Trend Analysis: Part 4
IAS pre 2010 1. By a regulation in 1793, the District Collector was deprived of his judicial powers and made… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Modern History Trend Analysis: Part 4
list of countries India has signed civil nuclear Deal.
Can anyone name all the countries India had signed Civil Nuclear Agreement ? I know a few – US, Canada,… Continue reading list of countries India has signed civil nuclear Deal.
Is Paris agreement legally binding or not?
15th July
UPSC Prelims Modern History Trend Analysis: Part 3
Pre 2012 Consider the following statements : The most effective contribution made by DadabhaiNaoroji to the cause of Indian National… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Modern History Trend Analysis: Part 3
I have query.
Before I understand Brexit, can you please differentiate UK,Britain,Great Britain,England.
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