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25th June
query – back to basics
I m not able to see posts of BACK TO BASICS beyond march 15th. the page is not going further.… Continue reading query – back to basics
24th June
[Update] Ask a Question, Answer a Question – Round 1
Major Update: Hats off to the community for an amazing participation. We never do this thing (flashing numbers and claiming… Continue reading [Update] Ask a Question, Answer a Question – Round 1
Environmental Laws of India
To understand international treaties related to environment and climate change, funding etc including national action plan on climate change read… Continue reading Environmental Laws of India
What’s your excuse to shy from greatness?
“Success doesn’t give inspiration; the struggle behind success gives you the inspiration. But success is important because only then people… Continue reading What’s your excuse to shy from greatness?
UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis part 4
Pre 2011 What is the difference between “vote-on-account” and “interim budget”? The provision of a “vote-on-account” is used by a… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis part 4
please start prelims tit-bits for science and environment also
Hii, as prelims is coming here my request to dr.v and civil digest team to include science and environment in… Continue reading please start prelims tit-bits for science and environment also
23rd June
The Habits That Will Help You Build a Strong Mindset for IAS Prelims
Every day, it seems there are a thousand things pulling at our attention and energy – chapters left to revise,… Continue reading The Habits That Will Help You Build a Strong Mindset for IAS Prelims
Notifications for comments and replies
Is there a way to receive notifications for replies to doubts asked on various pages? Checking the pages time and… Continue reading Notifications for comments and replies
UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis: Part 3
Prelims 2013 With reference to Indian History, the Members of the Constituent Assembly from the Provinces were directly elected by… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis: Part 3
16 Polity questions from the most imp topics
In the blogs, I have analysed Polity section of last 7 years. Questions with solutions and right approach has been… Continue reading 16 Polity questions from the most imp topics
[Solved] Open discussion for Prelims Mocks #6
Update: The solutions for this mock are now available in a downloadable pdf. We have tried to make them as… Continue reading [Solved] Open discussion for Prelims Mocks #6
22nd June
Censor Board
Does Censor Board in India also certify ad films, serials and theatre plays? Thanks in advance.
IAS Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 9
1. Most imp. Articles of Constitution Art 2 – admission or establishment of new states <earlier not states, Sikkim for… Continue reading IAS Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 9
Approaching CD mocks in a different way
UW has been conducting prelims mini mocks for a while now. Users have been posting their answers (some their thought… Continue reading Approaching CD mocks in a different way
UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis: Part 2
IAS Prelims 2014 Q1. Consider the following statements: The President shall make rules for the more convenient transaction of the… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis: Part 2
21st June
Feedback on prelims titbits
We started prelims titbit with the objective of providing you most important pointers related to prelims. We also discussed confusing… Continue reading Feedback on prelims titbits
20th June
UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis: Part 1
In an earlier blog post (How to approach prelims 2016) I discussed the importance of solving test papers, making educated… Continue reading UPSC Prelims Polity Trend Analysis: Part 1
[Solved] Open discussion for Prelims Mocks #5
Update: The solutions for this mock are now available in a downloadable pdf. We have tried to make them as… Continue reading [Solved] Open discussion for Prelims Mocks #5
19th June
Make the best out of your Prelim mock attempts: Here are the solutions
Explanations for Mock 1 to 4 are now available for you to download.
18th June
Reagrding new Prelims Site
Hey, I signed up for the new site but I’m not getting my activation mail. I tried with 2 ids… Continue reading Reagrding new Prelims Site
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