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22nd May
Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 3
1. Amendment of the Constitution Amendment bill can be introduced in either house of parliament but not in state legislature… Continue reading Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 3
21st May
[E&B Bodies #8] National Ganga River Basin Authority
Need The need for revamping the river conservation programme was widely recognised in view of the shortcomings in the approach… Continue reading [E&B Bodies #8] National Ganga River Basin Authority
[E&B bodies #7] Tiger and Other Endangered Species Crime Control Bureau
source About Tiger and Other Endangered Species Crime Control Bureau is a statutory multi-disciplinary body Established by the Government of… Continue reading [E&B bodies #7] Tiger and Other Endangered Species Crime Control Bureau
Life of an IFS officer: An anonymous in-service officer talks it out
This is as candid as it can get. Watch out for his comment when he is asked if he would still pick IFS over IAS/ IPS?
Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 2
1. Emergency provisions Taken from Wiemar constitution A national emergency(art 352) can be proclaimed due to war, external aggression or… Continue reading Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 2
20th May
All that you need to know about the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana
Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) is a conditional maternity benefit scheme. It is being implemented using the platform of… Continue reading All that you need to know about the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana
5 dedicated schemes on Protection of Women
With special emphasis on the universalisation of women helpline number.
One Stop Centre Scheme and the Nirbhaya Fund. What’s the connect?
Heard of Sakhi centres? They are the one stop centre under the Nirbhaya fund for women safety.
Tit-bits for prelims (what do you think)
Hello everyone As prelims is not more than 80 days away, we thought of different ways of helping you in… Continue reading Tit-bits for prelims (what do you think)
19th May
Economic Survey For IAS | Chapter 11 | Powering One India
Importance of reliable power for economic growth, open access policy, from power deficit to power surplus, various schemes for power sector, installed electricty capacity
Tina Dabi on her strategy for Political Science
IAS Rank #1 on her strategy for success @Pol Science
Artika Shukla: Tale of a Varanasi girl who got 4th rank in IAS 2015 exam
26 year old Varanasi girl, Artika Shukla has secured 4th rank Civil Services Examination 2015. She believed that “If one has a… Continue reading Artika Shukla: Tale of a Varanasi girl who got 4th rank in IAS 2015 exam
17th May
Don’t miss your IAS Prelims by that 1 question!
Hello Everyone, Though I am really occupied with some stuff till this month end but then something happened which set… Continue reading Don’t miss your IAS Prelims by that 1 question!
Request for 3 new explains with infographs.
Please make explains on 1. DTAA- Mauritius, the new agreement, its implications and all that. 2. Patents n its related… Continue reading Request for 3 new explains with infographs.
16th May
Civil Services Prelims 2015 Official Answer Keys
Here is the official answer key. http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/answerkeys/2015/CSP_2015/CSP_15_GS_I_AKy.pdf http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/answerkeys/2015/CSP_2015/CSP_15_GS_II_AKey.pdf No need for further mahabharat on controversial questions. Just accept the answer… Continue reading Civil Services Prelims 2015 Official Answer Keys
15th May
print issue of cd magazine
Hi , when are you going to release print magazines of cd , if you are not please ,tell me… Continue reading print issue of cd magazine
14th May
A story of perseverance: Jasmeet Sandhu, Rank 3
My success mantra is 'hardwork is the key to success'
12th May
The countdown to the Prelims 2016
Hello everyone, source As I had mentioned earlier, I shall not be available now till the end of this month,… Continue reading The countdown to the Prelims 2016
11th May
[E&B Bodies #6] Centre for Science and Environment
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi… Continue reading [E&B Bodies #6] Centre for Science and Environment
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