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18th June
Sign up for the *All New* Prelims Mocks
We are aiming to increase outcomes
17th June
Please help
How do i get the stories of Individual Subjects like #polity, #Environment, #Economics etc without getting the links of subtopics.… Continue reading Please help
Funding Mechanism for Climate Control Worldwide & in India
We are continuing our discussion from the previous post on UNFCC to Paris Via Kyoto In the meantime many a funds… Continue reading Funding Mechanism for Climate Control Worldwide & in India
16th June
UNFCC to Paris Via Kyoto
Adaptation and Mitigation, Kyoto Protocol, Annexes to Kyoto, Carbon Trading, Joint Implementation, Clean Development Maximum, National Action Plan On climate Change, Climate Funds
Government Schemes for the development of North East India
2 schemes, one aided by 10% union minister's share and other aided by World Bank
[Solved] IAS Prelims 2016 Mocks #4
Update: The solutions for this mock are now available in a downloadable pdf. We have tried to make them as… Continue reading [Solved] IAS Prelims 2016 Mocks #4
15th June
15 Questions from Prelims tit-bits
Read the questions and options carefully. Read the options even if you don’t know much about the question. Solve the… Continue reading 15 Questions from Prelims tit-bits
IAS Prelims tit-bits – Geogrpahy part 2
1. Soils of India As per ICAR, 8 types of soils 1. Alluvial Soil – Flood plains, Very fertile, 2… Continue reading IAS Prelims tit-bits – Geogrpahy part 2
Issues while accessing the website.
Dear team CD, there’s an issue that keeps coming since a few days while assessing the website from my phone.… Continue reading Issues while accessing the website.
14th June
Search option
Respected sir I request you to bring search option in civils daily Android app.so that if anyone wanted to read… Continue reading Search option
IAS Prelims tit-bits- Geography part 1
Open Your Atlas and Put your thinking cap on before reading these points. 1. Rotation and Revolution of Eath Earth… Continue reading IAS Prelims tit-bits- Geography part 1
Please explain planned and non planned expenditure.also capital and revenue expenditures can be planned or unplanned or both ?
13th June
[Solved] IAS Prelims 2016 Mocks #3
Update: The solutions for this mock are now available in a downloadable pdf. We have tried to make them as… Continue reading [Solved] IAS Prelims 2016 Mocks #3
12th June
sir, my request to Dr. V to please post geography tit bits too as your work
Work is awesome. Pleaee do it Dr. V.
Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases
Read primer on environmental issues first if you have not read that Global Warming Sun is the source of… Continue reading Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases
7 Common Myths About Working With the Indian Government
We recently published a blog inspired by working with the Government and many officals at various levels. The article has… Continue reading 7 Common Myths About Working With the Indian Government
11th June
Primer To Environmental Issues
Since the advent of Industrial revolution humankind has been exploiting the nature like never before. Forests and trees are… Continue reading Primer To Environmental Issues
10th June
IAS Prelims tit-bits- Economy part 1 and 5 Questions
1. GDP and GNP Gross Domestic product (GDP) is money value of final goods and services inside the Domestic economy… Continue reading IAS Prelims tit-bits- Economy part 1 and 5 Questions
9th June
IAS Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 8
1. President and Vice President President is a part of parliament, VP is not VP is chairperson Of RS but… Continue reading IAS Prelims tit-bits- Polity part 8
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