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11th May
Ask me anything Geography – GS Pre / mains/ optional.
Want some help with geography? The thread is for you.
Athar Aamir-ul-Shafi Khan: The J&K kid who cracked UPSC twice
What do we do when we fall? We rise again to fight. 23-year-old Khan made it to the coveted… Continue reading Athar Aamir-ul-Shafi Khan: The J&K kid who cracked UPSC twice
Tina Dabi: Catch up on the strategies of UPSC 2015 topper
Cracking Civil Services in the very first attempt is no mean task!
Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing
Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
10th May
UPSC 2015 results are out – Guess who at CD made into the list?
The results are out! Here are the Top 30
Solutions to Maze 17
find the pdf below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsWUhNWHUzUkNWNTQ/view
UPSC results 2016 out!
http://zeenews.india.com/news/india/upsc-declares-final-result-of-civil-services-examination-2015-tina-dabi-secures-1st-rank_1883793.html Kiss kiss ka hua hai/ jaan pechaan/ or if there is someone in the platform over here – please… Continue reading UPSC results 2016 out!
Economic Survey For IAS | Chapter 10 | Structural Changes in India’s labour markets
Explained- Formal V/s informal sector, Organized v/s unorganized sector, Complexity of labour laws, Contractualization of labour, Competitive federalism in reforming labour laws, female labour force participation, EPF controversy, NPS
9th May
MCQ Maze 17
Q1. In many regions, tracts of forest are set aside, and all the trees and wildlife within are venerated and… Continue reading MCQ Maze 17
Solutions to Maze 16
Here is the pdf: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsbURrRmJPUEtuUFk/view
8th May
IAS Prelims 2016 – The bare essentials to be followed
If I were a legislator, I would call this a bare act!
MCQ Maze 16
Q1. Consider the following statements: 1. Azolla is a water fern that fixes atmospheric nitrogen in association with Blue Green… Continue reading MCQ Maze 16
7th May
[E&B Bodies #5] Central Water Commission
Central Water Commission is a premier Technical Organization of India in the field of Water Resources It is presently functioning… Continue reading [E&B Bodies #5] Central Water Commission
[E&B Bodies #4] Forest Survey of India
If you go to a desert, you will hear this mysterious voice: Be wise, protect your forests!
Solutions for Maze 15
Find the pdf below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsOXZnMzl4dzBDUDQ/view
IAS Prelims 2016 Alert: 5 (Do’s) + 2 (Don’ts) = 7 Tips for 7th August
You shall soon enter the last lap of the Prelims preparation. It is time to take a stock, plan, execute and win!
6th May
MCQ Maze 15
Q1. Consider the following statements about the River Information System (RIS) launched by the Union government: 1. RIS shall be… Continue reading MCQ Maze 15
5th May
Can’t read news on sunday? any problem?
Solutions to Maze 11 to 14
Find the solution pdf below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsMzBkbE4xQzVHNUE/view Maze 15 tomorrow.
4th May
MCQ Maze 14
Q1. Consider the following statements about ‘Bank Mitras’: 1. They are Self Help groups which act as agents of banks… Continue reading MCQ Maze 14
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