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4th May
[E&B Bodies #3] Central Zoo Authority
Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the world outside- Jack Hanna
[E&B Bodies #2] Animal Welfare Board of India
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress are judged by the way its animals are treated- Mahatma Gandhi
3rd May
MCQ Maze 13
Q1. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana has been launched to (a) to provide basic insurance cover to the women (b) to… Continue reading MCQ Maze 13
2nd May
Review Needed: MCQ Maze Series
Hello, At the behest of the organiser of the 12 part MCQ Maze series, we have some questions to ask.… Continue reading Review Needed: MCQ Maze Series
Review Needed: MCQ Maze Series
Hello, At the behest of the organiser of the 12 part MCQ Maze series, we have some questions to ask.… Continue reading Review Needed: MCQ Maze Series
MCQ Maze 12
Q1. Consider the following statements: 1. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES) is an intergovernmental body that… Continue reading MCQ Maze 12
Solutions for Maze 9 and 10
Please find the pdf below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsZHgzNVlNNHpGbWM/view
1st May
Solutions Maze 8
Get Maze 8 solutions here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsUGFyV1hKZzBiazQ/view
Solutions for Maze 7
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsaVZEa29obUFHRnc/view Please let me know if you could view the pdf properly.
CD is limiting its email subscribers base to 5,000 only
Civilsdaily is revising its email programme. Make sure you are in.
स्वर्ण मौद्रिकरण, मिशन इंद्रधनुष और सौर पैनल विवाद: विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला(भाग-5)
साथियों, विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला के इस भाग में आप स्वर्ण संबंधी तीन योजनाओं, भारत-अमेरिका के बीच सौर पैनल विवाद और… Continue reading स्वर्ण मौद्रिकरण, मिशन इंद्रधनुष और सौर पैनल विवाद: विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला(भाग-5)
30th April
MCQ Maze 11
Q1. Pollinators play an important role in maintaining farming systems in the world. Species of which of the following act… Continue reading MCQ Maze 11
The Metaphorical Faux Pas of the Central Banker
A one-eyed king in the land of the blind. Uh-oh!
To all aspiring babus, you really thing its worth it?
Read this case of an IPS officer struggling to get posting coz he questioned amit shah – donno about the… Continue reading To all aspiring babus, you really thing its worth it?
29th April
MCQ Maze 10
Q1. If a country decides to devalue its currency, which of the following shall generally follow? 1. The exports from… Continue reading MCQ Maze 10
Test Series for Prelims-2016
Dear Team, Can you pl suggest any Test Series for Prelims 2016 preparations? Or like Maze Questions, does CD will… Continue reading Test Series for Prelims-2016
जंगल, भूमंडलीकरण और सहकार
साथियों, कुछ दिनों पहले हमने ‘संपादकीय और विचार’ नाम से श्रृंखला शुरू की थी लेकिन हमने देखा कि हिंदी अख़बारों… Continue reading जंगल, भूमंडलीकरण और सहकार
What do we mean by a drought and what are the relief measures taken?
Various parts of the country are reeling under a severe drought. Various ministries of the Government of India have initiated… Continue reading What do we mean by a drought and what are the relief measures taken?
28th April
IoS Application
Its my very Humble request to entire CD Team to kindly think of introducing the IoS app ASAP. Its very… Continue reading IoS Application
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