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25th April
MCQ solutions for the last 4 maze sessions
Download the pdf from this link – https://www.civilsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Solutions-1.pdf
Interesting case study to read – micro finance + zero defecation
http://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/flush-with-finance-53593 Over 73 per cent of rural Tamil Nadu defecates in the open. The construction cost is a major deterrent… Continue reading Interesting case study to read – micro finance + zero defecation
Would you take 3 minutes to drop us a feedback?
Small kindness goes a long way in sustaining a venture!
9 Indian Arts in the UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
A quick brush up with our glorious past!
NITI Aayog panel on Innovation
Boosting Innovations in India
Recommendatins of Deepak Mohanty Committee on Financial Inclusion
Medium term action plan on financial inclusion
Arvind Subramanian Panel on GST Tax Rates
Panel backs scrapping proposal of a 1% additional levy by states on the cross-border transport of goods
The state of our nation
Chief Justice of India crying, farmers committing suicide, half of India reeling under severe drought, unprecedented rural-urban migration, job growth… Continue reading The state of our nation
24th April
MCQ Maze 4
Q1. Consider the following statements: 1. A Money bill can be introduced in either house of the Parliament. 2. The… Continue reading MCQ Maze 4
[Fresh Release] Civilsdaily Android App: Now in Hindi
Update your android app today and enjoy daily news in hindi every evening.
5 Important International NGOs which often recur in news
#1. Amnesty International Focus: Human Rights Founded: 1961 in London, United Kingdom Role: A worldwide organization for the protection of… Continue reading 5 Important International NGOs which often recur in news
MCQ Maze 3
Q1. Consider the two statements given below followed by two conclusions: Statements: 1. All men are biased. 2. Some teachers… Continue reading MCQ Maze 3
MCQ Maze 2
Q1. Who were ‘uparikas’ under the Gupta administration? (a) Military Commanders (b) Provincial Governors (c) Revenue Collectors (d) Chief spies… Continue reading MCQ Maze 2
MCQ Maze 1
Q1. Ecuador and Chile have been hit by high magnitude earthquakes in recent times. What could be the possible explanation… Continue reading MCQ Maze 1
Two committees to ensure consistency in tax policies
Streamlining the taxation policy and administration
[E&B special] 6 Animal Welfare Organisations of Importance in India
Look out for PETA which has been in news very recently for the ban on animal testing!
23rd April
Khongjom day
The Anglo-Manipur War was an armed conflict between the British Empire and the Kingdom of Manipur Khongjom Day is observed… Continue reading Khongjom day
Anti-Defection law
Are anti-defection laws exercised by Judiciary also? Like Disqualification of Lalu Yadav on grounds of Fodder Scam!!
22nd April
Suggestion for mains answer writing
Hi, From last few weeks I am trying to start my answer writing practice for mains but not able to… Continue reading Suggestion for mains answer writing
UPSC notification delayed?
Anyone knows the reason why?
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