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22nd April
UPSC notification delayed?
Anyone knows the reason why?
Economics MCQs from an Intl. ECO Newspaper
I am posting these ones from some good newspapers sources. Donno how you will all appreciate but … 1. Gold… Continue reading Economics MCQs from an Intl. ECO Newspaper
20th April
What do you want to read next?
Your chance to propose a topic to Team CD
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
Launched on 22 January 2015 Small savings instrument for the girl child Account can be opened in a post… Continue reading Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
Empowering the girl child
19th April
Nuclear Security Summit (2010 – 2016) – What Next?
With 4 NSS underway, are we any close to getting a consensus - regional or global?
Easwar Committee to simplify Income Tax laws
Committee proposes deferring contentious ICDS provisions; some recommendations may be a part of budget 2016.
Bibek Debroy Committee on Restructuring of Indian Railways
Towards an efficient Indian Railways
Ajay Shankar Committee on Replacing Multiple Prior Permissions
Telangana, the newest state, has become the first state in the country to make faster clearances a statutory right.
Maritime India Summit 2016 April, Proposed Plan’s gist.
Maritime India Summit 2016 April general outline of proposed development plan. A) Digital India ●Online booking for passenger facilities ●Maritime… Continue reading Maritime India Summit 2016 April, Proposed Plan’s gist.
18th April
हिंदी संपादकीय और विचार, 18 अप्रैल
आज के लिंक- 1. देश की सेहत की जांच-पड़ताल लिंक- http://hindi.business-standard.com/storypage.php?autono=117823 (बीते एक दशक में स्वास्थ्य संकेतकों के मामले में… Continue reading हिंदी संपादकीय और विचार, 18 अप्रैल
Tapan Ray Panel to Review Companies Law
Reviewing Companies Law to make smoother transition from earlier law
17th April
Gold is a part of FOREX. Does Gold obtained via Gold Monetisation Scheme qualifies as FOREX?
Are all securities fixed income instruments? If NO, pl give some examples. Do securities in anyway depend on currency exchange… Continue reading Bonds
Fiscal Defict Calculation
How the fiscal deficit number in Table 2.6 page no. 44 (public finance) of the economic survey has been calculated?… Continue reading Fiscal Defict Calculation
Fiscal deficit
How the fiscal deficit number in Table 2.6 page no. 44 (public finance) of the economic survey has been calculated?… Continue reading Fiscal deficit
16th April
Net Neutrality Debate in India
Revisiting the debate which caught the nation's attention for all the right reasons.
संपादकीय और विचार, 16 अप्रैल: बाबासाहेब अम्बेडकर, लोक अदालत और पल्माइरा की कहानी
आज के लिंक- 1. लोक अदालत : विवादों के निपटारे की एक वैकल्पिक व्यवस्था लिंक- http://www.deshbandhu.co.in/newsdetail/13080/9/200#.VxHdQdR97IU (लोक अदालत भारत में… Continue reading संपादकीय और विचार, 16 अप्रैल: बाबासाहेब अम्बेडकर, लोक अदालत और पल्माइरा की कहानी
15th April
please provide news in TELUGU if possible along with hindi.
हिंदी संपादकीय और विचार: 15 अप्रैल
आज के लिंक- 1. ‘सागरमाला’ राष्ट्रीय परिप्रेक्ष्य योजना प्रस्तुत की गई लिंक- http://pib.nic.in/newsite/hindirelease.aspx?relid=47245 (सागरमाला सरकार का एक प्रमुख कार्यक्रम है… Continue reading हिंदी संपादकीय और विचार: 15 अप्रैल
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