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5th April
हिंदी संपादकीय और विचार: नया स्तम्भ
साथियों, हिंदी की गाड़ी गति पकड़ रही है. आप यूं ही हौंसला बढ़ाते रहिये! कुछ बातें आप पोस्ट कीजिये कुछ… Continue reading हिंदी संपादकीय और विचार: नया स्तम्भ
हेल्प, नीरांचल और पूंजीगत वस्तु नीति: विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला(भाग-2)
मित्रों, एक्स्प्लेनर्स के अगले भाग में आज आप पढ़ेंगे- एचईएलपी, नीरांचल राष्ट्रीय जल संभर परियोजना और नई पूंजीगत वस्तु नीति… Continue reading हेल्प, नीरांचल और पूंजीगत वस्तु नीति: विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला(भाग-2)
4th April
Geography classes in Delhi?
Need help with geography portions of GS – Can you please suggest coaching/ teachers from their experiences? Pros and cons…… Continue reading Geography classes in Delhi?
सेंट्रल लाइब्रेरी भोपाल में आज आयोजित 'सिविल सर्विसेज वर्कशॉप
सिविल सर्विसेज की तैयारी करने से पहले इस एग्जाम की फिलोसफी को समझना बहुत जरुरी है डॉ. विजय अग्रवाल के… Continue reading सेंट्रल लाइब्रेरी भोपाल में आज आयोजित 'सिविल सर्विसेज वर्कशॉप
Tag stories according to mains GS syllabus, paper wise
Hi! Please consider categorising stories according to the mains GS papers syllabus, and where they occur in that paper. Because… Continue reading Tag stories according to mains GS syllabus, paper wise
3rd April
Agriculture supply chain
सामान्यतः हम हमेशा कहते हैं की ‘सप्लाई चैन’ में तमाम बिचौलियों की वजह से खाद्य वस्तुओं के दाम आसमान छुते… Continue reading Agriculture supply chain
2nd April
Roundup of the week (March 27 – April 2) – Polity & Governance
#5. Defence Procurement Procedure 2016 India is world’s largest arms importer and even after 68 years of independence, India imports more… Continue reading Roundup of the week (March 27 – April 2) – Polity & Governance
Roundup of the week (March 27 – April 2) – IR
#2. Nuclear Security Summit 2016 (last summit) Imp facts for prelims – The first Nuclear Security Summit was held… Continue reading Roundup of the week (March 27 – April 2) – IR
Roundup of the week (March 27 – April 2) – Economics
Part 1 discusses FDI in e-commerce #1. FDI in e-commerce Before coming to the actual policy announcement and nitty gritty… Continue reading Roundup of the week (March 27 – April 2) – Economics
लीगो, आईपीसी, अवतरण: विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला(भाग-1)
साथियों, अंग्रेजी ख़बरों के बाद हम आपके लिए अंग्रेजी एक्स्प्लेनर्स का हिंदी अनुवाद लाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं. हमारे… Continue reading लीगो, आईपीसी, अवतरण: विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला(भाग-1)
1st April
Bharat Darshan: IAS Winter Study tour’s experience
What follows beneath is an account of travel experience of an IAS officer @ IAS Winter Study Tour (25th Dec 2015- 18th Feb 2016).
In-depth understanding of the Directive Principles of State Policy
Directive Principles of State Policy: The Constitution of India aims to establish not only political democracy but also socio-economic justice… Continue reading In-depth understanding of the Directive Principles of State Policy
31st March
Keep Going
The only thing that matters is that you keep going.
Did you check out the calendar widget on the NEWS tab?
Hello, Now news is easy to access and revise! We have introduced a calendar widget on the NEWS tab so… Continue reading Did you check out the calendar widget on the NEWS tab?
30th March
iOS app
Your website has been really helpful… But please develop an iOS application for this great site.. Thank u
syria vs ISIS
the Syria army just took back the historic city of pylmira from the ISIS.Should it be considered important topic of… Continue reading syria vs ISIS
29th March
Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme
Empowering textiles sector through technlogy upgradation
Civils Digest in HINDI – First edition released | Pay what you want
प्रिय साथियों, ‘सिविल्स डाइजेस्ट’ का प्रथम हिंदी अंक आपके हाथों में है। इसके प्रकाशन के पीछे कोई व्यावसायिक कारण न… Continue reading Civils Digest in HINDI – First edition released | Pay what you want
28th March
Economic Survey For IAS | Chapter 09 | Reforming The Fertiliser Sector
Nutrient Based Subsidy and Jamming the fertilizer subsidy
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