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28th February
An Advance Letter to the Batch of 2017
Dear Batch of 2017, Before I begin, let me convey my heartfelt wishes to each one of you. Heartiest congratulations… Continue reading An Advance Letter to the Batch of 2017
27th February
Different levels of Diplomacy | Track 1, Track 2, Track 3
Diplomacy has got more nuances than you understand (including a track 1.5)!
Economic Survey: 6 Important suggestions which Sarkar must take
Prelude to our original full blown series!
Horrifying economic terms!
What are real growth and nominal growth? Can someone please explain me in layman terms? Thanks a ton to the… Continue reading Horrifying economic terms!
Analysis | Previous year’s IAS Mains questions from IR
Moral of the story? IR constitutes a very important part of GS paper 2, paper 3 & Prelims
How to read the Economic Survey
Learn how to best read a document which is full of Gyan yet very interesting and engrossing.
26th February
Railway Budget 2016-17: Reorganize, Restructure & Rejuvenate
Highlights of Railway Budget 2016-17
Part 6 | I am the most backward! | Landmark Judgements that Transformed India
Discussing Indian reservations - Part 1
Starting a comprehensive series on IR for Pre & Mains
Hey guys, Hopefully you have read the primer post on IR above – https://www.civilsdaily.com/an-ias-aspirants-guide-to-cracking-international-relations/ What we intend to do in… Continue reading Starting a comprehensive series on IR for Pre & Mains
An IAS Aspirant’s guide to cracking International Relations
A Primer on tackling IR comprehensively for Pre & Mains. Scroll down to bottom for a comprehensive topic list.
What does the gdp value in percentage mean??
ESurvey mentioned GDP to be 7.5%. It is 7.5% of what?? Of last year? Base Year?
iOS App
please make an iOS application for such a great site. “request” _/\_
a kind request to a boon for readers
please it is a humble request, make this website very precise; the only reason is that the website “civilsdaily” is… Continue reading a kind request to a boon for readers
25th February
What is economic integration and what are the different types of trade agreements?
Everything that you need to know about trade agreements!
How to go ahead with agriculture optional for IAS Mains prep?
Quick tips for botany and agriculture optional students.
The First Firangis series (Modern India) compiled here
Compiling the series here (6 parts) for everyone’s benefit: part 1 – https://www.civilsdaily.com/the-first-firangis-warren-hastings-and-his-time-as-gov-general-of-india/ part 2 – https://www.civilsdaily.com/the-first-firangis-hey-pitt-whats-your-act/ part 3 –… Continue reading The First Firangis series (Modern India) compiled here
23rd February
Thought for food: Coco(a) Bonds and Dosa Economics!
It’s not the dosa, stupid. It’s the tawa!
Request to Civils Daily Fertinity
Can you explains all the Missiles of India, they capacity, technology and abduction by which forces of India?
22nd February
What is Struggle?
and what does it mean to an IAS aspirant, especially YOU.
Understanding the refugee crisis and lessons for India
Know about some basic terminologies used in this context Refugee: A refugee is someone who has been forced to leave their… Continue reading Understanding the refugee crisis and lessons for India
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