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15th February
Important judgements of Supreme Courts in 2015 | Part 1
SC in action in 2015 - NJAC and Yakub Menon.
14th February
Current affairs from May-15 to Dec-15
Hi CD, Do we have any link to download current affairs from July-15 to Dec-15 in our forum? If no,… Continue reading Current affairs from May-15 to Dec-15
Maldives-India India begins largest ever medical camp in Maldives
The medical camp, held from Sunday till Tuesday at the state run Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in capital Male… Continue reading Maldives-India India begins largest ever medical camp in Maldives
Monthly compilation of Science and tech
Sir,please provide compilation for Science and Tech.I am hnable to cope with the current affairs of science,please provide some remedie.
13th February
[Video] Rajan’s solution for NPAs: Deep surgery not Band aid
Everything that you want to know about NPAs, Banks and provisioning capital.
Part 5 | Supreme court of Hinduism? | Landmark Judgements that Transformed India
(Yet) another post in the series on landmark judgements!
Discussion and Debate
Are Universities Becoming the breeding ground for Anti-national elements or its merely Saffornization of the institutions. Comments
RSTV | The Big Picture | Net Neutrality: Debate Rages On
Context: In a historic decision Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) barred differential pricing for data over internet a few… Continue reading RSTV | The Big Picture | Net Neutrality: Debate Rages On
12th February
gravitational waves detected? PM lauds india role. UPSC will surely lap it up!
RSTV | India’s World | Importance of TPP
Context: Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP ) was signed in NZ last week. Q. Give us a broad overview of TPP.… Continue reading RSTV | India’s World | Importance of TPP
any other substitute of civil daily in hindi ???
any other substitute of civil daily in hindi ???
Is anybody following the JNU issue??
What on earth is happening there guys! Please pitch in with most relevant clips and articles. I can’t understand this… Continue reading Is anybody following the JNU issue??
Story of S R Sankaran: People’s IAS Officer
An IAS officer who took the road less travelled.
11th February
[Video] New Methodology of GDP calculation: What’s all the fuss about?
Explained with a video, whatay!
I have a query
What are the money stock measures published by RBI
Beggar thy neighbour
Exchange rate policy of one country can devastate its trading partners but is it risk free?
Dimilitarization of Siachen: For and Against
RSTV | The Big Picture | Crisis in Banking Sector
Context : A report in Indian Express that banks have written off many zeros ( lesser than 2G scam though)… Continue reading RSTV | The Big Picture | Crisis in Banking Sector
10th February
Material for Economics options
Can you please suggest the best coaching material for economics mains.
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