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10th February
Why does rupee weakens when FII take back their invested money??
Why does rupee weakens when FII take back their invested money??
India and Myanmar relations: Change in dynamics by democratic triumph
Finally democracy triumphed in Myanmar. Can India leverage its democratic institutions to further cement its relationship with 'the land of golden pagodas'?
RSTV | Desh-Deshantar | Siachen: What’s the issue
Video discussion is in Hindi. Because the issue is very important, it has been translated and discussed here in English.… Continue reading RSTV | Desh-Deshantar | Siachen: What’s the issue
9th February
Model of monthly syllabus completion
Hello sir , This 2016 prelims will be my second attempt .. And I have learnt my syllabus .. so… Continue reading Model of monthly syllabus completion
The Indian Express
Lately, there’s an absence of news cards from the Indian Express. There are some very good articles in it. Let’s… Continue reading The Indian Express
i have a query
when will the 2nd issue gonna come because first one is totally amazing and instead of buying online i buy… Continue reading i have a query
The Miracle Man- Armstrong Pame
Story of a man who built a road without any help from the government. Not even funds!
Subtopics related to GS papers
Hi Can you provide me the link where all the papers of GS has been divided sub-topically? Help would be… Continue reading Subtopics related to GS papers
8th February
RSTV | The Big Picture | A decade of NREGA: Hits and Misses
Context: MGNREGA scheme just turned 10 years old. Q. What are some of the salient features of this scheme which… Continue reading RSTV | The Big Picture | A decade of NREGA: Hits and Misses
I have a query.
Why the news card from editorials from hindu and indian express have stopped coming?? They were really good and their… Continue reading I have a query.
Video | How to best use Civilsdaily for your IAS Prep
Explainer on the abc of civilsdaily.com
Video Explainer | How to best use Civilsdaily for your IAS preparation
Hello hello, Since the beginning of time or so, everyone wanted a sitemap to civilsdaily, right? We finally let go… Continue reading Video Explainer | How to best use Civilsdaily for your IAS preparation
What all affects the FOREX reserves and how?
So I read somewhere that increase in FDI increased the FOREX reserves and also that a strengthening rupee increases the… Continue reading What all affects the FOREX reserves and how?
7th February
RSTV | The Big Picture | Smart City Project: Expectations and Concerns
Context: Government just released the list of 1st batch of 20 cities selected for the smart city project. Q. What… Continue reading RSTV | The Big Picture | Smart City Project: Expectations and Concerns
The First Firangis | Chapter 6 | The Anglo Mysore wars
4 wars - 4 legions - 3 treaties and the great mysore rockets
geography quiery.
hello sir. Is there any link that I would get a complete information on ozone depletion ? If I could… Continue reading geography quiery.
How do some students get mind blowing marks in interview of upsc exam?
Words of wisdom from a senior IRS officer.
Trivia – difference b/w Central, state and all india service officer
Was reading it up at quora… found this…. abhi tak to mujhe pata bhi nahi tha… There are broadly three… Continue reading Trivia – difference b/w Central, state and all india service officer
Siachen tragedy could trigger demilitarisation
In June 1989, both sides announced that “there was agreement by both sides to work towards a comprehensive settlement, based… Continue reading Siachen tragedy could trigger demilitarisation
6th February
Among other things, this IAS officer wants to open a sattoo restaurant
Life is small and each one of us must do our part. We must give back to the society.
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